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45.45% Marvel: Horus, God of Evolution / Chapter 8: Boss Fight

Chapter 8: Boss Fight

As I am performing more and more of Kratos's moves, the surrounding people training in my vicinity are beginning to take notice of one, the heat, and two, the flashing lights.

Imagine training and all you hear are grunts, explosions, flashing lights, and more grunts. If they weren't outside, they'd think that an aggressive man was decimating a woman in bed. And her being thoroughly bred.

However, that wasn't far from the truth as I am thoroughly beating the sh*t out of the training dummies and the concrete floor.

Wooden heads, arms, legs, and anything else belonging to the dummies were strewn about.

Consequently, what drove people to stop and look at the spectacle before them was that a wooden hand suddenly hit a girl in the face.

Still training, I use <Divine Sense> and hear a feminine voice filled with anger shout at me from a hundred feet away.

"Hey! What the hell was that?!"

I turn around to face the person the voice came from.

The girl's face changed from a sweet and concentrated expression to one of anger.

Wanting to see who dared to throw a wooden hand at a Dora Milaje in training, they all turn to the source of the hand; that source is me.

Throwing her training sword to the ground, she stomps toward my direction but stops midway as she is baffled at seeing me completely demolishing my immediate surroundings.

Now, I can visibly see her hesitate and not sure on how to proceed.

However, she is saved by a simp who was waiting for an opportunity to be the hero.

Stepping forward in front of the girl with a group of four more boys, a tall teenage boy points to me and says, "Why are you causing such a ruckus? Can't you see everyone is trying to practice? None of us can concentrate with all of the noise you're making."

His face filled with righteousness. Everyone seeing his face immediately sides with him.

A chorus of shouts and curses rang throughout the courtyard. All those present voiced their dissatisfaction.

One guy I heard even says, "I don't know what's going on, but are you all going to kill him?"

The girl faces the boy and says, "Thank you, Dhaka. You have helped me this time. He did hurt me. Aren't you going to do something?"

With my divine sense in full operation, nothing escapes my eyes and ears. When I heard that girl say that, I start laughing inside.

'Oh yeah. This guy is being used. She doesn't even want him. Poor guy.'

Taking her statement as his cue, Daka starts walking towards me with his gang in tow.

"Hey, kid! Aren't you listening? Did you hear what I said?"

I stop swinging my blades when he gets 20 feet away. He is sweating profusely as he is much closer to the source of heat than he was 80 feet away.

Not trying to appear weak, he smirks in such a way I would have thought he was a damn African young master.

"I heard you but did not find it worth my time to answer someone as weak as you are. Now, leave me be. I am training," I say to Daka as turns away.

'Is he going to fall for it?' And sure enough, he takes the bait.

I intentionally provoked him so that I can establish my strength with these people. None of them know that I am the "Avatar of Bast". Therefore, I think this is a really good chance to show them their downfalls.


After thoroughly beating up Daka in the short seconds that followed him trying to sucker punch me, I start throwing dummy scrap wood at random people in the crowd.

"C'mon. I know you all are mad, but you want to complain and not do anything about it?" I say to the crowd, trying to provoke them.

Remember when I said about my younger self being reckless thirty minutes ago? Yeah, this was one of those times.

What I was planning on doing was raising my battle experience and IQ the hard way; through widespread beating.

I guess I had gone too far when I hit a kid upside the head with a foot. This sparked a fire in the crowd. Soon, about thirty people picked up the closest thing they could throw at me and started launching them at me.

'Good. With thirty people throwing things at me from all sides, I can train my reflexes and increase my agility," I say to myself happily.

The first person to get started was the girl I accidentally hit. People seeing her start, also got into action.

For about fifteen minutes, I was subjected to an extreme version of dodgeball. I had gotten hit multiple times during this event and I couldn't be all the merrier.

Why? Because my body started adapting to the randomness of things being thrown at me. At first, I was thinking too much.

However, now, I am beginning to know what Whis meant about thinking of your next attack.

I was able to move much quicker when I just reacted instead of overthinking my actions.

Eventually, I can say that I can dodge 70% of the wooden scraps thrown at me. Which in summary is pretty good if you think about it.

Still, this isn't enough, I feel the heavy adaptation in my body and brain beginning to wear off.

'I need more people.'

So, I taunt more and more people into throwing things at me. With the influx of people now gathered around me, the difficulty was upped to another level. They too started their volleys of scraps.

As time passes on, I began to feel my muscles tighten and strengthen. My reaction increased as well.

My 80% success of dodging their anger-infused throws resulted in someone getting really pissed off and running ahead of me at full speed. When he gets five feet away, he jumps and cocks his fist back.

'Is this guy the originator of the 'Superman punch'?'

I laugh at this thought. The funny thing is that this guy is about three inches taller than me! How dare he!

Reacting with ease, I dodge his punch with a half-pivot with my left foot, I punch him in the stomach. He doubles over immediately.

I don't know if Mike is playing some type of trick or what, but five more people are now rushing me.

I quickly dispatch them and now the people coming at me have doubled. Ten f*cks have now surrounded me.

'Mike!!!! You son of a—'

I couldn't finish that statement as someone has launched a kick that I somehow did not even see. Inches from my face, I dodge the kick.

Then, a fist comes from behind. I attack that head-on with my elbow. A punch to my left is dodged with a move of my head backward.

Getting used to their attack patterns, I start countering with a couple of punches and kicks of my own. Two minutes later, they too are on the ground.

A five-second reprieve is given to me as now 20 people to take their place.

'This feels like a trail in those games where every time you kill an enemy, they respawn double the last amount. This is going to be hard. There are at least 500 people here. To top it off, I may have to fight Bashenga. Damn it!!!'

Not trying to dawdle in my thoughts any longer, I engage this wave of enemies. This took ten minutes to complete.

To confirm if my thoughts were true, I count the third wave. Nope. There are more. Sixty to be exact.

F*ck my life. Who would've thought my provocations would result in a perpetual game-like scenario of trials?

Not me.


Eventually, the enemies got so overwhelming to the point where I had to jump away to breathe a bit. I activated <Absolute Secrecy>.

It's like these guys are zombies with brains. They're like a bunch of enemy players who are trying to infect you in the Call of Duty game mode, Infection.

Now that I have my perk fully activated, they're all brain-dead. Wtf!!

After about five hours of dodging, running, beating, and kicking, Bashenga shows up.

If this isn't a boss fight, then I don't know what is.

This Black Panther has almost peak-human level if not already reached it. Fighting him will be tough for sure.

"Ah, Bashenga. I don't think fighting a kid is a thing you do to impress the woman you love now is it?" I say to Bashenga, trying to gauge his mental state.

I want to know who's strong enough to overpower Bashenga's natural psychic resistance.

"Haha. Amunet, this is not me trying to impress my soon-to-be wife but is me following my goddess's orders. Now, let us begin."

Taking a battle stance similar to Vegeta's, processing speed at max and thinking of the possible routes Bashenga would take, I prepare myself.

Well, at least I thought I did when all of a sudden, Bashenga launches himself at me from a distance of twenty feet. Damn!! I forgot he's a super soldier and is deadly.

Already on me, punching downward, Bashenga causes the air to disrupt with how much power he put behind that punch.

'He isn't going easy on me at all!' I think to myself as I put up an arm to block his quick power punch.

When the fist connects, a cracking sound is heard. A mind-blinding pain assaults my arm as it's broken.

Trying to maintain my focus, I kick him with all my power but he just grunts and tanks it. Countering with a kick of his own, I am flung 15 feet away. I cough up a bit of blood.

'This is a little ironic seeing as that wuxia books always had someone vomiting blood. Even if their arm was broken… vomit blood too. Oh, you're really angry? Vomit—'

What the hell am I even thinking about? This guy is trying to beat me. I can feel my arm and chest being healed at a fast pace.

In about ten minutes, the EVO virus will engage in evolution. When that happens, Bashenga will have a much harder time even trying to injure me.

However, plans don't always work. I get up breathing heavily through my mouth, and say to Bashenga, "Come on. Is that all you got?"

This in turn got Bashenga riled up. Baring his "teeth", he launches another series of attacks on me. Some, I dodge, but his others were proven to be too much.

Closing my eyes, I dig deep within myself in search of my evolution divinity. Feeling it surface, I will my divinity to evolve my brain past its current youthful capacity.

My thoughts begin to clear, sounds become more distinct, smells become more prominent, the hairs on my body become sensitive, and time appears to slow down.

'Yes, yes, yes. This is it!!' I say, thinking to myself in glee.

With this amount of power being granted, I can say for sure I can fight Bashenga for a while until my evolution kicks in.

Opening my eyes, I find Bashenga's fist a centimeter from my left eye. I can feel a hair follicle touching the ones on his fist.

'What an amazing sensory upgrade. With this, my brain can better asses the amount of information around me.'

Slowly but surely, his fist is a millimeter away from touching my eyeball, I finally turn my head to my right to let his fist pass unhindered.

Bashenga stops mid-swing as he's shocked and bewildered at how I could now dodge his attack.

Going for another punch, Bashenga jabs three times in one second. Contrary to his thoughts, I was completely unscathed.


I make a quick jab of my own. Surprised at my speed, Bashenga barely deflects my jab.

"Hehe, ready for round two?" I say to him, smirking.

"This is an unexpected situation. Looks like battling enemies is the fastest way for you to recover your strength. Let us begin."

This time, however, Bashenga and I were nearly even in strength. Despite him being a powerhouse among mortals, with my godly essence and EVO virus, he's going to be left in the dust.

After fighting for 8 hours straight, both of us were drained and tired.

Our bodies will go into shutdown mode at any moment now due to there being no energy to supply their functions.

Unlike Sophia Dennison, my body isn't bio-nuclear powered. I can't produce that at all until I acquire an energy source.

Until then, I'm stuck with my natural body. Despite it being an OP virus, it is limited in the sense the body not having much energy to sustain itself.

Take Sophia for instance, she did not get stronger after she was sentenced to death via injection.

Rather, the EVO virus took and broke down the deadly injection materials and was able to make her body immune.

Thus, her becoming immune to every poison in the world.

The only times Sophia gets a direct boost in level is when her body is externally injured with force such as falling, gunshot wounds, snipers, etc.

And that is what happened when the police riddled her body with bullet holes.

Shortly afterward, the virus was able to break down the metal and strengthen her body to the degree her skin will never be able to be breached by the same material.

Her body weight increased without changing her appearance too much; her height also increased.

Later on, after breaking out of prison, a tower guard uses a .50 caliber sniper and shot her. At that point, she was able to still run at 60 mph even after being sniped. She received an increase again.

This time, she is now sniper-proof. She also gained immortality once the virus activated after injection.

So, unless I receive a major physical injury, I will stay the same.

And just my luck, with <Divine Sense> still active, I was able to see Daka walking slowly, but steadily toward me with a dagger in hand. His face was swollen with bumps and dried blood running down his right eyebrow.

'This asshole is still around? Just my luck.'

Bashenga, seeing him tried to say something but could not, and watched in horror as Daka plunges the blade into my heart.

I could have long since used <Absolute Secrecy> but I guess a small part of me wanted this to happen.

Even if I won't admit it, I could become resistant to any metal on the planet if I stab myself with it.

As a tear rolls down my face from how much pain I was in, I soon lose consciousness. I know one thing that stands now though, and that is…

I am a god you foul mortal!

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