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Kazuya's date with Mami was very eventful.

Although he was unnerved by what he ended up doing, Kazuya knew that he would get over it. He also knew that if there was ever a time that he would have to do something like that again, he would do it without a heartbeat of hesitation. He would do anything to protect those that he loves.

Kazuya also decided to get a security detail. Hayasaka helped out with that. She helped him find a very good company for that.

He hired people to tail him, Chizuru, and Mami at all times. He went a step beyond and ended up hiring them for the company's core management too.

He put it all on the company tab. It wasn't like they were short on money. The amount of money they were making was only increasing exponentially.

The company was very professional and made sure that their presence wasn't even felt most of the time.

Kazuya doubted that Kaguya and Hayasaka needed the extra security, but he still arranged it. Not only for them but also for Kei and Ishigami.

At this point, Kazuya was dealing with a politician who didn't mind playing dirty. He had to take the necessary precautions.

He also decided to take up shooting. For now, he was going to learn to shoot. After that, he planned to smuggle some guns and keep them in his inventory for a rainy day.

Since guns were very regulated and civilians weren't allowed to own guns, Kazuya had to get creative.

He was planning to travel to a country with more liberal laws for guns and buy some there. With his inventory, it was going to be an easy task for him to bring back the guns.

He wasn't going to be caught unguarded after this incident with Mami.

Half a month passed by in a flash and the movie was finished with its production at the end of July.

It was time for the premiere screening. Before they release the movie at the theatres.

For that, Kazuya rented out a small-scale theatre that could accommodate about 25 people in comfortable recliners.

There weren't many people who were going to come for the screening anyway so he didn't bother getting a larger place. He decided to prioritize comfort.

Kazuya was at the hospital with Chizuru. They were here to pick up grandma Sayuri for the screening.

"So grandma, did you like the wedding?" Kazuya asked her as Chizuru was pushing the wheelchair to the elevator.

"Ohh… It was amazing, Kazuya-chan. You looked so dashing in that suit. And seeing little Chizuru wearing my old wedding dress… She looked so cute. You know… she'd called me before the wedding and-"

"That's enough grandma… You're weak right now. You shouldn't talk too much." Chizuru interrupted her grandma.

"It's fine, Chizuru. I can at least talk about how my granddaughter-"

"All right, grandma. Let's get you to the car." She pushed her grandma ahead so that she doesn't speak.

Kazuya was amused as he followed behind them.

They helped grandma Sayuri get into the car while folding the wheelchair and putting it in the trunk.

Kazuya was mostly quiet for the ride while Chizuru and her grandma talked and bantered.

"We're here." He pulled into the parking lot of the theatre.

He brought out the wheelchair from the trunk and helped grandma Sayuri sit in it.

Then they went into the theatre, quite a few people were already there. Most of the people who were deeply involved in the making were already there and they were the last ones to arrive.

Kazuya and Chizuru took the most prominent central seats. Beside Chizuru sat grandma Sayuri. Mini was supposed to sit on Kazuya's other side but Ruka wrestled her spot from her and took that spot.

After settling them in, Kazuya went up to the stage below the screen to give a little speech about the making of the movie.

After that, he took his seat and the movie finally started after he gave the signal.

Grandma Sayuri was hogging Chizuru so Kazuya was free.

Ruka saw the opportunity and took it. She wrapped her hands around Kazuya's arm and got really close to him.

"What are you doing?" Kazuya looked at Ruka whose face was centimeters away from his with an impassive expression on his face.

"I'm seducing you of course." She said as if it was a matter of fact.

"When my girlfriend is literally sitting on the other side?"

"That's what makes it fun." She moved her hands and buried Kazuya's arm in her heavenly soft breasts.

"It's also something that would make Chizuru sad. Remember your promise?"

"Boo… You're no fun…" Ruka stopped being so blatant with her actions and sat quietly at the side while the movie started. Though she did grab Kazuya's hand.

Kazuya inwardly sighed and indulged her by holding her hand. In the end, he was enjoying the feeling of being pursued by a girl. Although he'd dumped her on Chizuru to deal with, he was interested in her. That was why he gave her hope in the first place.

Ruka smiled when she felt him reciprocate her actions.

As they watched the movie, Kazuya noticed Chizuru tightly holding on to her grandma. They were both having their own moment while they watched the movie.

Ruka was satisfied with Kazuya indulging her in the movie and didn't try to escalate things beyond holding his hand. She also knew that his real girlfriend was sitting beside them.

By the time the wedding scene came, both Chizuru and her grandma realized that Kazuya had completely forced the shooting of the wedding scene with such grand fanfare.

It was literally a scene of fifteen seconds that was in the movie. It could've easily been made in a random shrine. Or even a green screen.

He'd only used the wedding scene as an excuse to let grandma Sayuri witness her granddaughter's marriage. Even if it was a fake one.

What was important was that the bride and groom were there and their vows were from their hearts.

Chizuru couldn't help but rest her face on his shoulder while whispering repeatedly.

"Thank you~ Thank you~ Thank you, so much~"

She seemed to be on the verge of crying as she couldn't help but repeatedly thank him as the credits of the movie rolled.

"Shush… Enjoy your time with your grandma… She'd love to talk to you about the movie. I'm sure of it." He consoled her for a bit.

"Mhm…" She decided to cherish the time that she has left with her grandma and spend it with her.

"Why would you do so much for her?" Kazuya heard from the side. It was Ruka.

He just smiled, "Cause I love her."

"That's all?"

"That's all…"

"That doesn't make any sense…"

"It doesn't have to. Love doesn't make sense. You can't logic your way into or out of it… It's a totally nonsensical concept but… that's what makes it so amazing." Kazuya was saying his true feelings. As many reasons as he's given to Chizuru about the wedding, he just did it because he loves her and wanted to make a grand gesture for her. That's all.

Ruka was deep in thought and didn't say anything after that.

After the movie, Kazuya and Chizuru escorted Chizuru's grandma to the hospital.

At no point did they leave her alone. Grandma Sayuri had always been attended by either Kazuya or Chizuru.

They got her admitted back into the hospital and Kazuya waited outside while Chizuru talked with her grandma.

The door to her cabin opened and Chizuru walked out with no expression on her face.

"Hey, babe…" Kazuya smiled gently at Chizuru.

"Hey…" There was an undertone of sadness in her voice.

"Everything okay?" He walked up to her and held her hands.

"She's bad, Kazuya… Real bad…" He felt her hands shivering as she said that.

"…" He didn't know how to comfort her so he did the only thing that he could. He hugged her tightly, enveloping her in the warmth of her arms.

She weakly held his back and buried her head in his shoulder.

"She's acting fine… but I can tell. She doesn't have much time…" She was trembling.

Kazuya lightly rubbed her back.

"I don't show it in front of her… I try my best to act as normal as I can so that she doesn't worry… But... But… I don't want to lose my grandma…" Kazuya felt his shoulder getting wet and knew that she was crying.

He felt utterly powerless in that situation. Completely unable to help the love of his life. Unable to make her feel better. Unable to give her hope.

He could only quietly hold her as she vented her pain and sadness.

'If only I'd made the AI earlier… I could've used it to at least try to find a cure…' Kazuya himself knew that this was impossible.

It had only been a year and four months since Kazuya took over the original's body. Even making the AI in this time frame was impossible, let alone having it calculate the cure for a chronic disease like the one Grandma Sayuri has.

He lightly rubbed her back while tightly holding her in his arms.

"I'm here, babe… I'm always gonna be here for you…"

"I don't believe you… You'll disappear one day… Just like everyone else…" Chizuru's words stabbed into Kazuya's heart.

"I won't babe… You have my word… Even if the world flips around… I'll always be there with you. You and me, babe. Forever."


Gimme those power stones!

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.


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