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Clean Up

'Should I call in a favor from her… Might as well…'

Kazuya put both of the fainted guys in the back of the pickup truck and closed it up.

Then he put Mami in the passenger seat and made a call while standing beside her. He wanted to be by her side the moment she woke up.


He dialed the call.



-Kazuya-san? What's up?-

-I need a favor from you…-

Hayasaka went silent for a few seconds. Kazuya thought that she was probably asking Kaguya.

-What do you need, Kazuya-kun?- Kazuya noticed how she changed his honorific to a slightly more intimate one.

-I need your help to take care of something…-

-Can you send me your location?-

-Yeah. I'll share my current location. By the way, I'm in the parking lot of Disneyland.-

-I'll be there in 5 minutes.-

-All right.-

With that Kazuya hung up the call.

'5 minutes? Was she already nearby?' Kazuya thought as he shared his location with her.

Kazuya got into the truck and discretely brought it to the parking lot.

The thugs had been prepared for everything. They'd chosen a discrete location with no cameras to bring Mami to which was also difficult to access and they'd also prepared an escape route that went through the parking lot.

He parked the truck beside his own car and shifted Mami to his car's passenger seat before standing beside her while he waited for Hayasaka.

Soon, there was the sound of the revving of a motorbike that was getting closer to Kazuya.

He saw a black leather-clad individual with a black helmet drive up to him.

He would've tensed up at the unfamiliar person but he saw the small amount of exposed golden blonde hair and knew that it was Hayasaka.

She was wearing a full black leather outfit. Black leather pants, a black leather jacket. She was even wearing black leather gloves. Her black heels clicked on the ground as she got off the bike while taking off her helmet, revealing her beautiful face.

'God, she looks so sexy…' Kazuya admired her perfectly toned figure that was emphasized very much by her current outfit.

"Now that's a new Hayasaka than I usually see…"

"Now, now… I also have quite a few hobbies, Kazuya-kun. One of them is biking. I love riding a bike alone."

"Well, I'm sorry for intruding on your alone time."

"It's fine… Now, what's the issue?" She smiled at Kazuya.

"That pickup truck has two people stuffed in the trunk. One of them might be dead while the other probably wishes that he was dead. Can you get rid of them for me?"

"Are you sure that you want to get rid of them?"

"Yeah. I don't want any future troubles…"

"Consider it done. But…"

"I know… I owe you guys one. Both you and Kaguya…"

"Kaguya-sama doesn't have anything to do with this…"

"Whatever you say, Ai. But really… I appreciate the help. Anything you need that I can provide… I will."

Hayasaka nodded with a serious expression on her face. She didn't ask any questions and agreed to do what Kazuya asked of her.

Kazuya got into his car and drove off, leaving Hayasaka to clean up Mami's mess.

'God… she's such a bro. She agreed without asking any questions…' Kazuya admired Hayasaka very much.

As he drove out of the parking lot, he looked to the side and looked at Mami.

'Honestly dude… She's your own fucking daughter, why can't you just let her be…' Kazuya knew that it was Mami's dad who sent those thugs after her. That was the only reason that she was completely unharmed. Anyone else wouldn't have cared about her. Especially after the heavy and painful scratches that she'd inflicted on those guys.

'Let's hope I don't regret giving Hayasaka that blank favor later on…' Kazuya knew that someday he'd have to deal with the baggage that Kaguya came with. He knew the day he hired her that he'd end up embroiled in some sort of conflict that would follow her.

He still hired her at that time because he didn't mind dealing with these things.

With how much use Kaguya has been for him, the stuff that he will get embroiled in would be completely worth it.

Kazuya was deep in thought as he drove back to his penthouse.

About 15 minutes later, Mami stirred awake on her own.

"No! Let me go!" She screamed out and was about to struggle.

"Don't worry…" Kazuya held her hand and stopped her from doing something drastic.

"K-Kazu-kun?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"It's me. Everything's fine. It was all a bad dream… Don't worry…" He soothed her by running his fingers through her hair.

"N-No… there was… there was… Waaaa~" She couldn't take it anymore and started crying into Kazuya's shoulder.

He realized that it was a little important to comfort her for now and stopped the car at the side. He held her waist and brought her to straddle him as she cried into the crook of his neck while tightly hugging him.

He hugged her vulnerable frame and rubbed her back lightly.

"Shush… It's all fine. You're perfectly fine. I'm with you…"

He whispered light soothing words in her ears as she cried her eyes out.

"I-I was so… Sniff… scared… Sniff… I thought that they… Sniff… that they would… Sniff… Waaa~"

She tried to speak to him between her sniffing but only ended up bawling even harder.

"It's fine… No one did anything to you…"

He spent quite a bit of time hugging her like that as she cried. In any other situation, Kazuya would be getting an erection with Mami grinding her hips every once in a while, but with her desperately sobbing like that, Kazuya was completely sober.

When she finally calmed down, she got a little embarrassed at their position and tried to get back to the passenger seat but Kazuya's arms were still around her.

"I'm fine… Kazu-kun… You saved me…" She smiled sweetly and put her hand over his cheek.

"I know… I just want to hug you like this for a while longer…"

"Mhm…" She hummed and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying his face in her chest.

Kazuya felt the softness of her breasts envelop him and decided to retract her bra for now.

"Ahh~" Mami felt Kazuya's face buried in her breasts and was turned on by his actions.

"Honestly, Mami… I should've never left you there…" He said while his face was still buried in the softness of her tits.

"It's not your fault, Kazu-kun… We could've never known that those guys would try something like that in such a public place."

"No… it goes deeper. They knew that we were here. I didn't tell anyone about my plan before today. Even you… I sprung it up on you today itself… Even if it was a coincidence that they found us… They were already prepared to act… I need to get a security detail… Not just me but everyone… I can't accept anything happening to the people that I love…"

"…Like Chizuru?"

"You come in that too, Mami… I know that I've been an asshole to you but trust me… My affection for you is as real as it is for Chizuru. You matter to me. Understand?"

"Mhm…" Mami had a bright smile on her face when Kazuya confessed to her that she was important to her.

"By the way… what happened to those guys?" Mami asked him.

"They're taken care of. They won't be disturbing anyone anymore. It'll serve as a lesson to your dad to not mess with me."

"…Did you…?" She was feeling guilty about what Kazuya had to do for her.

"It isn't me. After knocking those guys out, I called in a favor to do the rest of the work for me. You don't have to worry about me." Kazuya put up a strong front that Mami wasn't able to see through.

Although he didn't show it. He was pretty unnerved about what he'd done. Although he'd been doing quite a bit of martial arts, he had never killed someone before.

He was sure that the guy he'd ambushed was dead, the moment his head hit the pavement. It was a terrifying notion for him.

'I've killed someone…' He was affected by it on a very deep level but made sure to not show it since he didn't want Mami to worry.

"I see…" She hugged Kazuya even more tightly.

"All right… Let's go home. I don't really want to eat at a restaurant anymore. Let's go home. I'll make you something good." Kazuya said to Mami.

"Yay! Let's go." She was all for a meal cooked by Kazuya. Especially since she wasn't that good at it.


Gimme those power stones!

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.


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