[Patch Notes - Warthunder Sys. 1.1]
Economy Rework
* Increased SL & RP gain by 200%.
* Subordinates will retain the previous 100%.
* Repair costs will increase exponentially when changing vehicles in between fights in rapid succession. 5 minute grace period is needed for the repair cost to not count.
* Subordinate maintenance scheduled to occur every three days at 0:00, Loyalty and Dread reduced by half if maintenance is not met. See the Enlisted game mechanic for more.
* Foreign modifications, vehicles, etc. repair costs will now scale based on importance in the universe set in.
Game Mechanics
* Added Enlisted mechanic. See the subsection for more info.
* Added new vehicles.
* Added buildings and facilities. Added new research and tech section on Tech Tree. Counts as Subordinate maintenance.
* Added Adaptive Missions. Daily Missions will now automatically adjusts to the player's needs.
* Added Vehicle Creation. Vehicles can only be added if field tests can survive the battle. Time limitations on vehicles created will apply depending on the vehicle.
* Added Revengance mode. Battle with full realism, normal rules of nature will apply to the vehicles. Breakdowns, malfunction, and any other related statuses will occur randomly based on reliability. Revengance will also apply to Squad's vehicle, a 10x SL & RP multiplier will be added when completing a battle or mission with Revengance mode turned on.
* Updated repair function. HUD will appear for Squad leads if they are the flag tank. Costs will be taken from your own account.
* Updated HUD and Tech Tree displays. Clutter is reduced and HUD can be displayed to the outside world. Interaction between outside influences can be done.
* Updated prices to the latest version of Warthunder.
* Updated Help Page. Pages are now organized and useless information is reduced. Search option included within.
* Changed item acquiring. Item no longer needs to touch player. As long as there is no limitation which includes; item ownership not confirmed, unable to physically be moved or item intangibility. In the case of none of the above applying, the moderator will judge if it is allowed or not.
* Removed Moderator Support Timer. I'll talk if I feel like it.
* Dimension Travel is removed as a milestone reward. World boss now needs to be defeated in order to unlock. Planned updates will be for Dimension Travel when unlocked
* Removed Realistic Mode.
* Removed MOD RP. Vehicles now come with full upgrades from in-game. Modification SL will be deducted and rounded up while purchasing new vehicles in-game or vehicles created.
* Removed ability-based in-game modification. Included examples are spotting bonuses, artillery support, etc.
* Bug Fixes. Like a ton of those, I didn't even realize exist. Did you know that if you sank in the ocean it didn't let you die even if you reach 40000 ft? Anyway, I fixed that, you will die if you are submerged in deep waters for 2 minutes.
Enlisted Game Mechanic
* Manage Army tab included in Squad section. No limit on the number of subordinates but dread and loyalty are harder to gain. Increases are dependent on multiple factors. Only 1 Army type can be assigned for each Squad the player unlocked.
* Can buy equipment for Army but Maintenance costs will apply more based on the amount of player-given vehicles.
* Subordinates can give out SL & RP regardless of inside or outside vehicles assigned.
* Command structure needed for System to properly assign game values.
* Loyalty and Dread Mechanic added for Army.
* Loyalty is how much they are in support of the actions the player takes. Loyalty will gradually increase the more time goes on. At 100% they will follow any command and will die for you. At 75% they will follow commands as long as it aligns with their interests, and will desert in rare circumstances. At 50% they will follow commands but will be reluctant to carry out offensives with a high chance of casualties. At 25% high chance of desertion and will deny orders once in a while. At 0% Army will mutiny unless Dread is 100%.
* Dread is a measure of how much fear and respect they perceive you. Dread will gradually decrease to 0% as time goes on but can be locked to a specific percentage through certain actions. Dread can only be increased through player action. Natural Dread applies to player appearance and past actions, this will affect any army when they join.
Vehicle Changes.
* Can now use any equipment available on vehicle. No longer limited to firing machinegun available to the game. Unused machine guns can now be controlled like normal. Lights and other equipment can be used.
* Wrong values on various aspects corrected.
* Correct calibers adjusted for vehicles.
* Visual appearance slightly altered for newer vehicles.