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59.55% Multiverse: War Thunder System / Chapter 53: Oopsie

Chapter 53: Oopsie

16 hours ago…

Weiss tossed and turned as she rested, her slumber being interfered with by something uncomfortable. She felt something heavy preventing her from moving the lower half of her body, eventually, she had enough of the inconvenience and tried to get up.

"Umph! Ruby!"

Right on her waist was Ruby drooling all over Weiss' nightgown which was now increasingly getting more soaked. Weiss placed both hands on their team leader to push her away.

"Ruby! Wake up you numbskull! You're ruining my clothes!"

Ruby's tightly wrapped arms slackened as she woke up with her eyes half open.

"Mmmm… five more minutes."

She yawned and snuggled even deeper, she mistakes Weiss for a pillow and starts to sleep on top of her. Ruby landed right on Weiss' torso as she rubbed her face on Weiss.

"Gah! Stop doing that!"

She reattempts to pry off Ruby who was still sleeping like a rock. Weiss' attempt didn't seem to affect Ruby that much… but something else certainly did.

"Why's this pillow… so hard…?"


Weiss snaps.

"Ow! Why'd you do that for?"

Weiss was having none of it after Ruby had unintentionally insulted her lack of a certain… quality. She stood up and glared at Ruby who was busy rubbing her head after she was ungracefully shoved off full force.

"Don't talk to me."

Having her day ruined she quickly woke up the others ahead of time. Having her rest interrupted she thought then she might as well get the day started.

They changed into their school clothes and prepared to get their day started. It was an important day for the team.

Once they got debriefed again about what they were going to do everyone got nervous, it was risky and everyone knew that one misstep could lead to exposure.

"Ruby, you don't need to bring a vomit bag. It's not like you're facing a wyvern or something."

Ruby shook her head violently.

"But what if it went all wrong! What if I get expelled? No… what if they take away my precious Crescent Rose!"

Yang kept her hands firmly on Ruby's shoulders as she kept down as she tried to calm her nerves down.

"We've been going at this for almost the entire way down the hall, Rubes. We are already halfway there."

Yang turned her little sister around and gave her a reassuring smile. "You ready?"

Ruby held her red cloak tightly around herself. "No! I can't act to save my life, Yang! The only time I ever tried to act was in front of dad when he caught me with my hand literally stuck in a cookie jar!"

Yang snorted at the memory. "Pft! Relax! Just be adorable like you always are." she ruffled Ruby's hair as she advised her sister.

"You laughing at me doesn't make me relax at all!"

Blake offered her idea. "We could always feed you Ren's monstrosity of a nutritional drink."

Weiss visibly gagged at remembering the smell, the look, and the general appearance of whatever was in that drink Ren showed to them before lunch.

"Blake, we're trying to make Ruby look sick, not die a horrible death."

Team JNPR was nearby, heading toward the nurse's office after Pyrrha grand slammed Jaune into the ground after accidentally peeking at her changing. He swears that it was truly an accident but the rest of the somehow doubted it. Though Pyrrha herself never denied it.

Nora was at the head of the group like usual and spotted team RWBY and gleefully called for their attention. "Hello~, have you seen a sloth that escaped captivity?"

Weiss looked up and had a questioning look. "Sloth? I thought pets aren't allowed in the dorms."

"They aren't." Ren as usual had shown himself with a completely neutral face courtesy of his semblance. "Nora, had a dream last night about owning a sloth. I apologize for bothering you with her usual shenanigans."

Pyrrha noticed Ruby's abnormal state of nervousness and couldn't help but be concerned. "Ruby? Are you fine? Do we need to bring you along to the nurse's office?"

"She's fin-" Weiss stopped herself and realized the opportunity. "No-, I mean she's actually sick! We are taking her to Glynda to ask for her to go to the hospital."

"The hospital? Wouldn't the nurse be fine? I know N. Joy doesn't usually treat anything like what Ruby has but she does a great job nonetheless." Pyrrha says.

Weiss thought hard for an excuse. "It's really bad, I think we are seeing the first stage of something else." Weiss felt satisfied with her answer. 'Yeah, that's a good one.'

Pyrrha looked back at Ruby still violently shaking. "Alright, be safe. Let's go Jaune we need to make let N. Joy stop the bleeding."

Team RWBY saw their friends leaving to the edge of the hallway. They stopped right in front of what Ruby had dreaded all along, Glynda's office.

Ruby looked up to see Glynda's nameplate on the wooden door. It was any normal door you'd find anywhere but for Ruby, it felt like going to the final boss of a game. She tried to voice her protest.

"Maybe, we should just try again later."

Yang looked at Ruby nervously vibrating. "Nope."

She was promptly ushered in, to her dismay. She kept shaking and chattering her teeth while hiding behind her big sister and looking around for the fabled disciplinarian Professor Goodwitch.

"Hmm? What brings you all here this early? Looking for extra credit perhaps?" Glynda looked up from the paperwork she had been given by Ozpin. She closes the folder and stood up to greet team RWBY.

Weiss took up the challenge of convincing Glynda. "Ruby's been feeling off lately and as you can see, she might have problems for the whole day. We want her to go to a hospital to check her condition."

Glynda stared into their souls, looking for any signs of deception. 'They keep looking around, I don't think what they are saying is true.'

She stepped toward Ruby and stared at the girl cowering in fear. Ruby was so nervous and scared that she somehow increased her body temperature to an unusually high number.

Glynda placed her hand on Ruby's forehead and was shocked at the heat. 'Oh my. They might actually be telling the truth. Why'd did they act so suspicious?'

"The nurse's office should be enough for your fever."

Yang quickly gave her word. "But it could be something worse soon enough! Look at my sister, does that look fine to you."

Glynda returned her look to the little sister in question. She was shivering without being cold, shaking violently in place, and looking even redder. Glynda thought it was all concerning symptoms.

In reality, Ruby was at maximum levels of panic.

Her suspicions subsided, for now, Ruby's miraculous increase in body temperature had come at the perfect time to deceive Glynda. Normally this would be the best-case scenario, though Glynda's genuine concern led her to notify the headmaster of a potential health risk to her students.

'I'll need to notify Ozpin of this. She might have a potentially high risk.'

"You may go, I'll take down your absence." She waved them off and led them to the door.

Team RWBY finally relaxed after leaving those accursed doors. The doors shut with a click and the creak of its hinges ended. They were done with it.

Soon after, they saw Ruby off leaving on a bullhead. They were adamant with Glynda to at least see her Ruby off before they all started school.

Ruby held within her arms the tools she needed to tinker with. It was the day she would spend most of the night at an unnamed warehouse abandoned in the middle of nowhere outside of Vale.

Along with the bag where the tools were, she brought a stack of chemistry books she borrowed from the library to prepare. It was also for this reason that Ruby stayed up late in the night and went to the bathroom to get ready to sleep.

She took a look at the bed hung from the top and decided that it was too much effort for someone tired. She looked at Weiss and her bed and instantly slept on it while using Weiss as a pillow.

Presently, Weiss was staring at Ruby leaving while hefting the books in tow.

"If only she could learn that fast in our actual studies."

Yang sensed an opportunity, "Feeling jelly Weiss?"

Weiss recoiled from the sudden appearance of Yang. "Hmmph, how could anyone be jealous of her?"

Yang smirked as she baited Weiss. "Oh, I don't know. Being able to study chemistry in a single day and learn almost everything she needed is an achievement."

The heiress grumbled under her breath but she knew from the inside that she was kind of proud that Ruby was acting more to her liking. "Yeah, I suppose I am a bit jealous of her. I wish I could learn that fast in any of our classes."

Yang cooed and spoke in a higher tone. "Awww, Weissy is opening up to us. Is the ice queen finally warming her heart?"

"Shush let's just go."

Weiss bumped shoulders with Yang who was letting out a teasing smile. "Alright, temporary leader. Lead the way!"

The school day went as average, they spent their time in between classes looking for Mercury and Emerald's whereabouts. It was troublesome to rush to other classes to discreetly look at the classrooms but they persevered.

Lunch came and they confirmed everything that they all needed to know. Mercury was hanging out, isolated from the rest of the school. He and Emerald were talking about something that they couldn't quite make out while they walked the halls to head over to their spot.

Weiss was the first one to see them roaming around and went for her scroll. 'Found them, okay. Let's see, it's always the left.'

She patted the sides of her attire and felt the scroll Torchwick gave them on the left. It was hidden in between the seams of the combat skirt she wore.

She opened the scroll and send the message. 'East Hall Building ###'

They all assembled at the location Weiss texted and they all followed Emerald and Mercury to a reserved location, specifically used by them as a quiet eating space.

Blake tapped on Weiss' shoulder. "Are we sure about this?" Weiss looked back at Blake and nodded reluctantly. "I have no idea, let's hope my plan is good enough as it is."

They all head to the girl's bathroom. They had staked out their plan of action during Peter Port's class. Using the unmarked scrolls to text each other.

Blake shut the door behind her and locked the door. Blake and Yang stood inside and opened the window. Weiss was outside and used her conversational skills to lead away wandering students.

Once everything was in place, Blake and Yang were ready to quickly swap bathrooms to hide in the stalls to knock out anyone and shove their unconscious body into something Weiss procured.

Weiss made sure to watch closely for Mercury or Emerald to show themselves in the nearby hallways.

The plan was simple, wait for them to use the bathroom and ambush them. If it was Mercury that did so then they would all transfer to the boy's side. Of course, they made sure it was empty. If Emerald went to the bathroom first, then they stayed to ambush her on the girl's side.

Weiss was there to prevent anyone from entering. It was a bit suspicious to stand around but she kept herself idle by looking at her scroll or doing something else.

Mercury a disturbance and left Emerald to eat alone. "I gotta go to the bathroom."

Emerald sighed in annoyance. "You don't have to tell me, just get back before class starts in 30 minutes."

As Mercury walked from the halls, Weiss was there to see his approach when she peeked her head slightly to see. She hid behind the wall quickly and went to her scroll. 'Left, left, got it. Time to let them know.'

Mercury turned the corner and saw the bathroom not being used. He smiled to himself as he got the lucky hour when students weren't there.

'I knew I made the right choice when choosing this spot. Only a few people walking around and a lineless bathroom unlike the ones in the cafeteria.'

He opened the door to see no one there. Mercury headed inside before hearing a strange noise coming from the stalls. 'Huh?'

The door rattled and shook as it knocked around. Mercury reached for the door and knocked. "You okay there bud? The tacos around here give you that kind of reaction."

A feminine voice resounded inside the stall. "Wait, people seriously tried that stuff?"


The door bursts open and flung outward, while a shocked Mercury quickly assumed a fighting stance. His instincts taking over was too late since Gambol Shroud shot and wrapped his arms while Yang went in for the legs.

'What kind of leg day is this man doing? It feels like holding down metal!'

Mercury was mildly surprised but he tried to keep calm while resisting their attempts to kidnap him. "Look's like the cat's out of the bag."

His eyes met the bow on top of Blake. "Oops, that wasn't a Faunus joke. I swear." He slipped out his right hand for a moment, trying to remove the ribbon before it tightened even more.

Weiss entered through the entrance and wrapped her arms around Mercury's neck, aiming to choke him out. The action was prevented by his aura flaring up in defense. Mercury headbutts Weiss as hard as he could while being restrained by the arms and legs.

Weiss falls and her scrolls slid to the ground, she paid it no mind before quickly tackling Mercury who was starting to escape Yang's hold on his legs.

"Weiss! Take out his aura!"


"Just punch him! It's easy!"

Weiss looked at her delicate and thin arms before she looks at Mercury's face right in front of her. She sent her first punch toward him.

Mercury felt his head jerk back from the force but felt no damage thanks to his aura. "Damn!"

Weiss took a long deep breath and started to repeatedly punch him square in the face. "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep…"

Her arms did her no good as it was significantly harder to try and break Mercury's aura. It took long but his aura flickered from being weakened.

"Ha!" Weiss huffed out and sent her final punch.

Mercury's aura broke and he fell unconscious. He slumped down while Blake worked on tying him up and wrapping his head in a black cloth.

Weiss sat down from exhaustion, she patted her scroll to confirm the time but was horrified at the lack of it. 'My scrolls!'

She looked around the bathroom to see the scrolls lying on the floor. She dreaded the worst and picked them both up. 'No damage, thank the gods.' She felt relieved and stood up from picking up her scrolls, placing them each to the left and right.

"Alright, I'll fetch the cello case. Make sure to lock this room and hide until I get here." Weiss headed outside the bathroom and prepared for the next part.

They safely and discreetly fit Mercury inside the massive cello case being carried by Weiss. It was not light but she assured them she could handle it. They roamed to the lounge where they would leave the case before returning to the bathroom.

They were sure that Emerald would be next so they needed to rush. Mercury was knocked out cold for an hour at most to Weiss' guess.

As they arrived at the student's lounge, they were surprised to see Pyrrha sitting at the center with a pack of playing cards. She was there alone but team WBY was too focused on finding a spot to leave the cello case behind.

"Oh hello! Is Ruby okay? I'm worried for her." Pyrrha left the playing cards on the table in front of her and stood to greet the team.

Blake plays it cool and responds. "She's fine and headed for the hospital. We checked on her through our scrolls and she texted us she's doing better. What are you up to? I never say you as the type to play cards."

Pyrrha smiled at Ruby's improving state before taking out the cards and levitating them. "Jaune told me I shouldn't show this publicly but I'm practicing on improving my ability to sense metal. It should help me know if anyone has hidden weapons."

"The cards have slim metal in them that Jaune made me so I could shuffle it and practice my semblance control. I'm supposed to stack the deck by making these four aces show up together. I'm having trouble focusing in the cafeteria so I went here. Would you like me to show you?"

Blake nodded. "Sure."

Pyrrha went silent, focusing on her semblance to detect the aces with metal in them. She raised her eyebrows at something odd she felt. A huge amount of metal came from the direction of Weiss and closely looked at the massive cello case. 'I didn't know Weiss played the cello. Though, I don't remember cellos having that much metal in them.'

She shuffled the deck and pulled 2 out of the four aces. She was disappointed she didn't get it this time but the team was still impressed.

"Wow, you got two of them even if they were shuffled. Anyways we're busy so we'll head out for a while."

"Oh, ok. Do you have an important occasion? I don't remember seeing Weiss play the cello."

Weiss quickly thought of another excuse. "Oh, I'm holding on to this for a friend. I'll leave it here for a while and get it back later. Anyways, see you later!"

She quickly let the cello case down and rushed with the team to return to the bathrooms.

Pyrrha noticed the rush and was suspicious. She didn't doubt her friends but somehow they were acting odd. She looked back at the cello and activated her semblance once again.

'This metal is… long, lot of parts and chambers for… dust rounds? What is in this…'

She eyed the cello case but her conscious prevented her from checking it out. She wasn't going to snoop but she was suspicious of them.

The team rushed outside, Weiss took out her scroll that she placed on the left and texted Blake. They weren't going to talk about their kidnapping out in the open.

"Emerald should be next. She should have an illusion semblance, right? We need to stop that as soon as we get her in the bathroom… somehow."

Blake typed back to her. "That's why we need to bag her face first, make sure to tie it tight before we knock her out. We can't risk falling for her semblance."

Weiss sighed. "We're turning into actual criminals by kidnapping people."

"Good, add that to the list of other crimes we have done to help Hanns with the world. We need to get used to this."

Weiss frowned. "Still, I don't like doing these things."

Blake taps the display to reply but she noticed the distinct lack of any marking or signs on Weiss' scroll.

"Weiss, Are you using your public scroll?"

Weiss shot her a look. "No, of course not! I don't need a sticker or keychain to know. I made sure to remember which one is which."

"Anyways, Emerald is next but I'm not sure if she used the bathroom already or not. She would be looking for Mercury so there's that but we already left it'll take a while to make students leave."

They all were concerned, it was the next step but that delay from Pyrrha potentially stopped them slow enough for their time frame to shorten.

"I have an idea." Yang felt confident as she knew what she could do.

"Will you tell us?"

"Just watch and learn ice queen. Maybe you'll open up to more people once you know how to make them have fun."

Weiss looked at Yang enigmatically seemingly saying random things. "I hope you know what you're doing." Yang winked "Trust me, I do."

Emerald was livid, it was class starting soon and she tried to find Mercury. She was far off from the bathroom they used and she already asked the boys if they saw someone enter that looked like Mercury.

'Argh! Where is that idiot?!'

Emerald clenches her hands. 'First, he randomly argues with me about the difference between pancakes and waffles. Now he goes missing and I need to get up and find him.'

She absentmindedly walks around before bumping straight into some girl's chest. She stumbles to the ground and tries to stand back up.

A hand reaches over and she grabs it and gets lifted back up. She dusts herself off and apologizes.

"Oof! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there-" she notices her look and panicked at the sight. 'It's one of the girls stopping Cinder!'

It was Yang, smiling at her and looking at Emerald from top to bottom. Emerald notices this and gets visibly uncomfortable while she tries to escape the encounter.

"I'm sorry I need to find my friend so if you'll excuse me…"

Yang stops Emerald by saying a few words. "Wow, you look enticing."

Emerald freezes on the spot. Those exact string of words ran, again and again, through her brain. It deep fries her brain cells, she turns around to see Yang smiling.

'...…Did I just hear that right?'

Her thoughts were stopped by Yang suddenly pulling her closer. She entraps her in a gentle hold while gazing deeply into her eyes.

"Haauh?!" Emerald blurts out. Unused to sudden affection or moderate skin contact.

Yang caresses Emerald's hair. "Where are you from? You don't look like one of the students from Beacon. You the new transfers from the other academies for the Vytal festival?"

Emerald at this point was having an internal seizure. No one had ever treated her like this. It was a wave of unfamiliar emotions running around her mind. The last time she felt the same way about Cinder was when she picked her up from the streets.

'Does she not remember me from Vale?'

She tried responding in her usual cold and snarky tone but couldn't help but leave a bit of shakiness in her voice. "I'm… uhh Emerald and I'm on team CEMM from Haven. Will you uhh… stop?"

Emerald tries pushing her away, Yang sensing her advances were working, closes in. "How's your stay here at Beacon? I hope you're comfortable right now."

"I'm… good so far. Why are you asking me for this?"

"Well, I was thinking that I bumped into someone nice looking, only to feel saddened that a cutie like you will leave so soon after the festival." Yang takes her hand. "So I was thinking that we should get to know each other more… intimately."

Emerald stared at Yang frightened, scared, curious, and for some reason excited. She stares at Yang's tall figure and beautiful golden hair, her locks reaching toward her back and some of it landing right in between paradise.

'I mean… she does look good… Wait no! Remember the mission, Emerald! Don't get caught up in any of this! What's wrong with me!'

"Uhm uhh… sorry! I really need to… leave now!"

She tries wrestling her arms away from Yang's grip. Yang creeps up her fingers along Emerald's light brown arms. "How about we go somewhere more private?" She quickly ushers her toward the bathroom.

Emerald gets brought, to her dismay but also a weird sense of glee, to the girl's bathroom with seemingly no one inside.

'No way is this happening.'

The stall opens slowly, it swings gently and in full view was Weiss holding unto a bag.


Yang reengages her tight grab and restrains Emerald who had no chance to react. The bag gets wrapped around her head and muffles her voice. She felt her hand get tied while Weiss stood silent and prepared to punch.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep."

The rhythms of punching filled the silent restroom. A few more minutes went by and her fatigue built up. Once the punching ceased, Weiss fell to the ground, exhausted from the punches. "I can't believe that worked."

"I told you to leave it to me." Yang grins at Weiss who chuckled at the statement. It was one of those times that Weiss genuinely laughed.

The ambush went quicker than they thought, may it be Emerald's guard being lowered or the surprise attack they created. They had done it, they were done with the kidnappings. The only thing they needed now was to escape the school grounds and reach Hanns.

Weiss quickly fetches the case with Pyrrha no longer around. She lifts the cello case and heads toward the bathroom in haste.

They shoved Emerald's unconscious body with Mercury still inside. The cello case started to bulge but could still be hidden if no one looked at it closely. As they tried leaving for the exit they were stopped by team JNPR heading back to class.

"Oh! Hello~ Have you seen my sloth yet?"

Weiss was impatient and tried to move the conversation quickly. "Nope, now if you excuse us we have something to do."

Pyrrha becomes even more suspicious but still gave Weiss the benefit of the doubt. "Class is starting soon. What's making you go in a rush Weiss? Glynda's class is over there. You said yourself that Ruby was fine, is something the matter?"

"No, we just really need to-"

She was interrupted by a clockwork cane hitting the floor. It tapped along the nearly empty halls, only occupied by team JNPR and team WBY.


It was the headmaster. Sipping on a cup of coffee that he had finally gotten back from Glynda hiding his stash.

"I don't see why you girls need to be so jumpy all the time. Class is going to start soon and miss Nikos has the right idea." He points his cane to the back.

Weiss turns behind her, letting the cello case be seen by team JNPR. None of them seemed to care much but Pyrrha herself who noticed the bulge appearing at the center. "Sorry, headmaster, really. But we need to do something else."

Deciding that it was too suspicious and her curiosity peaking. Pyrrha sneakily used her semblance to slowly zip open the cello case.

The zipper inched close and closer to being open, the cello case' deformity in the middle being more prominent as something inside leaned. 'I'm sorry about this.'

She reaches the quarter point while Weiss was trying desperately for them to proceed and move on and was getting more agitated, raising her voice in irritation.

"Headmaster, we all need to do something important so let us go-"


Emerald's body went to the ground first, her head planting itself on the floor while the rest of her body followed suit. It was a harsh sound that echoed through the hall. Weiss was mortified.


Mercury's body falling to the ground sealed Weiss' fate. The headmaster looked on at the situation and was still sipping on his cup as if nothing happened. Pyrrha was there surprised at her friends having the bodies of students tied up and bagged inside a cello case, assuming that they were on their way to smuggle them out the building.

Weiss stared at the two unconscious bodies and silently accepted her situation.

'Hanns is going to kill me.'

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