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Kai's Precognition - A new D-Mail!

UPDATE: As informed on my Discord Channel, a revamped version of the Fanfic, Titled: Chaos and Order - A Multiverse Fanfic, is now officially confirmed. The novel will be published on Webnovel and Scribble Hub, most probably next Monday.

In this, I will restructure the entire 1st Volume and a part of the 2nd Volume, keeping the basic plot same. 

You don't have to re-read it or anything. However, once the republished novel catches up to the current one, I will only contiue with the former. So, please show your support with Power Stones, Comments, and Reviews from the very start so that the work can reach many readers.

Thanks a lot for being a part of this journey with me. Let's continue and see the end.

Good luck and Enjoy!


Chapter Begins:

The Verse Fusion Random World [DN: 0.283P]

"Can we at least save the blood bastard…" Red Sun spoke, approaching the ladies. "Then…"

Red Sun couldn't finish his sentence. Thoughts vanished from his mind. All things ceased to exist.

Not only him, but Item-M and Moraine's instincts screamed, their hearts giving out.

In the three Items' eyes, yellow crystals bobbed up and down as the Ad Infinitum's part implanted in their mind shared images and experiences with Kai.


… the AI paused its computations in between, for the being it was trying to contact… had already arrived.

Like a holy wraith, Kai slithered out of Item-M's shadow and stepped toward the origin of the heart-palpating Reiatsu he could still feel when he was in the Shadow Space.

"Master…" Item-M's lips quivered. "How…"

Moraine's mind was a mess, death dancing a hideous dance in her eyes. All she knew was she had died, but she had also survived. The feeling tore her thoughts apart, making her incapable of even processing what was happening around her.

Red Sun gulped. "Oi! You really came?!" he shouted, holding the bloody stump on his right shoulder. "Tch! So petty! I didn't mean to kill her…"

Kai ignored the blithering idiot and paused a few meters ahead of the three Items. Dressed in a white greatcoat, white pants, and white shoes, Kai locked his hands behind his back and waited.

Any moment now… Kai thought, narrowing his hazel, slitted eyes surrounded by a demonic purple ring.

He was fighting the Sound Hashira some 6 hours ago when an image had arrived in his mind. It was like having an entirely new surrounding replacing the world he was in.

The image was blurry to the point of becoming incomprehensible. But, after Ad Infinitum was done with it, Kai finally realized what he had been seeing.

The image had been of a bloody field, with three heads lying lifelessly here and there. Heads of Item-M, Red Sun, and Moraine. The image also showed the pieces of their minced bodies sprawled everywhere.

It hadn't taken Kai to know what kind of scene he had been looking at.

It was a scene from the future.

It was… D-Mail.

What could have possibly happened for his future self to use the upgraded Act of Rintaro's Tale and send back an image? Kai had thought about it then. What could have possibly happened to not get covered in words?

If it was the D-Mail from the past, then it couldn't have been possible. But Kai had already upgraded Rintaro's Tale. And the upgraded Act had given him and Rintaro quite the surprise.



Story: The tale of insane scientist Hououin Kyouma

Story Status: Incomplete

-Primordial Theater-

Act 1: D-mail

Grade: C+

Specification: The character uses his mobile to either send a text message or a multimedia message to the past, which will be transferred to the past Contestant's mind directly.

Requirement: The Will of a true scientist


 1. There are 20 units available to the Act, D-mail

 2. Charging each unit will send the text message to 6 hours in the past

 3. The 1st unit will consume 10 MP and 5 SP

 4. The MP and SP consumption will double with each successive charging of units

Effect: SMS

 1. The size of the SMS is limited to 36 bytes only

 2. Any additional content will be cut off

Effect: MMS

 1. The size of the MMS is limited to 1024 bytes only

 2. All images will be highly compressed and modified to meet the size requirement

Effect: Reading Steiner

 1. The Contestant will retain memories related to the change of timeline

Note: Updating the tale will update the Skill as well

WARNING: The use of D-mail will generate a Divergence Number between 0 and 1 with the suffix P, telling how much the timeline is affected by the use of Time Travel. 0P represents the minimal change. When the Divergence Number becomes 1P, the World will end.



"It's coming…" the Ad Infinitum warned with a beep.

Kai hadn't known about the exact timing of that image. But he could make educated guesses, which, in his case, were the closest to the reality.

The AI I implanted in their minds must have contacted my future self, Kai reasoned, taking two particular Items from his Inventory. And I must have arrived almost instantaneously using the Shadow Link Skill. Even then, I failed to save them.

It means the very first attack killed them. Stopping this attack is the key then.

It was then the world transformed around Kai.

True to Kai's guesses, everything that happened next happened within a fraction of an instant.

A bloodied obi sash shot toward Kai from the distance. It was fast. It was fast beyond comprehension.

One moment, the bloodied obi sash was hundreds of meters away.

At the very next moment, it had already arrived inches away from Kai's face.

One could comprehend the monstrosity of this single attack by realizing that even Red Sun, who wasn't restricted at all in Verse Fusion Random World and was a genuine 10th-floor Contestant, could do nothing but sense its arrival before getting killed.

"One move decapitated and turned their bodies into mincemeat…" the Ad Infinitum analyzed and stored the information; still faster compared to the incoming attack.

Behind Kai, Red Sun's entire existence roared, sensing the arrival of sure doom.

No matter how ridiculous a monster this white-haired guy was, Red Sun, even for a moment, didn't think he would come out alive. Not only Kai, but he and the two ladies would also die today.

It was then the bloodied obi sash struck something invisible midair.


Everything around Kai got blasted away, including Red Sun, Item-M, and Moraine. Even the bloodied obi sash got knocked back.

It was as if there was an invisible, impenetrable wall between the sash and Kai.

The thing was… there was indeed such a wall.



Contestant Kai Stormborn,

As you have already used the Beyblade World Restriction, the privilege has become unavailable to you in this Random World for your current Side Mission's time duration.



Contestants often overlook the shear absurdness of the simplest Items available to them, Kai reasoned.

He put the String Beyblade Launcher and the Beyblade, Galeon Attacker, which he had gotten from the Pokemon World as a Loot, back into his Inventory.

It was then Kai's eyes landed on the prime cause of his presence here.

"Stronger than the Inferi Knight, Sir Arthur Pendragon," the Ad Infinitum concluded instantly. "Theory of Verse Fusion Random World's Difficulty adjusting to Contestant's evolved Glitch confirmed."

Kai had to nod, a flashy grin slithering across his face.

Unlike what the Kings from the 18th floor believed, the entire reason for this Verse Fusion's existence was not Kai's Haki, but his being a Glitched Contestant.

Moreover, even though Ad Infinitum had confirmed the theory only now, Kai had already sensed the rise in Hashiras' powers while fighting with Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, in the morning.

Theoretically, Verse Fusion Random World had no Difficulty cap, to begin with.

Kai even believed that the potential of Hashiras would rise even higher if he could upgrade his Glitch one more time.

The impossibility of such a thing made him chuckle, bringing him out of his reverie.

"Well… well.." Kai mumbled, smiling. "What do we have here…."

The scenery in front of Kai had changed entirely, replacing the world. An entire mountain of bloody obi sashes had appeared, every single one of them with a mind of their own, possessing unmatched speed and edge.

And at the top of this mountain, hovering like a white, demonic angel, was Daki, the Upper Rank Six.

She had regained her original appearance and height, but she looked even more beautiful than before. There was a third eye on her forehead now, topped by two red-purple curved horns. On her chest, just above her curvaceous breasts, was a squirming blob of flesh.

When Kai looked at it closely, the blob of flesh seemed to have a face. Gyutaro… he remembered the name. This is not Resurreccion… Hmm… Interesting… Yes. With them, I can finally go all out. With them…

… I can finally test how far I have come.

With them, Kai could finally see what it truly meant to step beyond the 1st Threshold.

And not just any Threshold, but…

… a Glitched Contestant's Threshold.


AN: 1st Threshold - 20 Points in all Attributes

Break Tomorrow!

You can access up to 21 Chapters ahead of WN on Patre0n and Ko-FI.

Mass Release Goal Progress: 60%...


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