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Demon Progenitor! Project Verse Fusion Haven commence!!

Shinobu stood next to Kagaya Ubuyashiki and Rengoku, looking toward the distant mountain as it gained a dark golden color of dusk.

Suddenly, a vast pillar of bloody flames shot up from the mountain's peak as if it had become a volcano.


The booming sound followed hundreds upon hundreds of chimes of bells, rocking hearts and souls alike.

Even from this far, they could distinctly hear the clash of four swords, the shouts, and the heart-palpating will to annihilate each other and everything.

Who knew how the mountain was holding onto the earth?

"I don't understand," Shinobu said, more like mumbling to herself. "How's Ka… Arlen matching the full might of Tengen's Bankai with only his Shikai?"

The Leader of the Demon Slayer Corps remained silent, the ever-present smile on his face refusing to budge. However, his heart had also refused to calm down since the show of might by Arlen yesterday evening.

"His Shikai is strong!" Rengoku declared. "It's just that!"

Shinobu giggled. "Ara-Ara!" she twisted her neck playfully and looked at the Flame Hashira. "You lost?!"

Rengoku laughed boisterously. "As if!" he declared, putting his arms on his waist. "Arlen will lose against Tengen! His Shikai is not stable!!"

Just as the Flame Hashira foretold the result, the bloody hue surrounding the mountain dissipated and all the chiming of bells ceased.

"You… were right," Shinobu said, holding her chin. However, there was no worry on her face, for she now knew something which even her brethren weren't privy to.

If Kai didn't insist on trying out his Shikai against a Hashira's Bankai and instead used his all cards, then he might not be the loser in this battle.

Also, that's not his true Shikai, Shinobu thought, remembering what Kai had told her. He must use that… Reality Marble... to properly call it out… Bother!

"Did he tell you where's he going, Shinobu?" Kagaya asked gently.

Why Arlen wasn't staying with the Demon Slayer Corps and helping out in researching a cure for the demonic transformations? Why couldn't he share the method he used to become human once again? How did he gain Shikai?

Who was he?

Questions upon questions surfaced around this white-haired man, but Kagaya couldn't force him to answer. Not after the Calm he had sensed inside him. The Calm which shattered all foresight…

Shinobu, on the other hand, knew Kai must return. "No," she lied, feeling a touch guilty. "But his friends will assist us."

"Friends?" Kagaya asked.

"Are they strong?!" Rengoku shouted.

"I don't know…"

"Where are they?" Kagaya prodded. "Arlen didn't mention them last night during the meeting."

"They…" Shinobu held back the giggle. "They are bringing a gift to us."



In the outskirts of the bustling Entertainment District, three hooded silhouettes were blurring in and out of existence through the forest.

Their steps were light, and yet, every single touch of their soles to the earth and the wood oozed out with a promise of unmatched, raw power.

With a whoosh, they came out of the forest and crossed hundreds of meters to land just outside the Yoshiwara red-light district.

"Is she here?" Red Sun asked, his voice distinctly demonic. "I… can't hold on to this power anymore…"

Moraine's pulsating breath came out in reply, her hands under the robes twitching to take out the sword and slice everything up.

Margarethe, the Item-M, was still doing alright compared to the two. But when she spoke, the bloodlust in her voice surpassed both Red Sun and Moraine. "The Upper Rank Six is here," she said, licking her lips. "I can… taste her."

"Why are we hunting them again?" Red Sun asked.

"Who cares?" Moraine hissed.

"For this world to become our Haven…" Item-M said, taking off her hood. "All Demons… and then Muzan himself, must die. There can't be two Demon Kings in the same world, no? There shouldn't be."

Item-M's skin had gone stark white, black-blue veins throbbing on her face and her entire body. Her eyes had also gained a yellowish, demonic touch. And when she breathed, her breath misted, showing her sharp, elongated canines.

Only level 2… Item-M recalled, sensing her strength. Who would have thought Master's new Skill would be this outrageous? It's like seeing Dementor Progenitor Skill all over. And… it's not even permanent… Sigh!

As Item-M thought of the Skill, she couldn't help but also think of the Stats Kai had shown to her and Cersei.



Skill: Demon Progenitor

Grade: B- (growth)


 1. The Demon King can nurture Demons

 2. The nurtured Demons can have both permanent and temporary Stats

 3. The strength of temporary Demons will vary according to the Stats supplied

 4. The strength of permanent Demons will vary according to both the Stats supplied and their original strength before the transformation

 5. The permanent Demons will be of growth type, but their transformations will be irreversible

 6. The strength of the nurtured, permanent Demons will also vary according to their hierarchy under the Demon King


 1. Title - Demon Lord or above

 2. A Consciousness-related Ability

 3. Spiritual Class - Great or above

 4. HP > 150

 5. Worth > 50


 1. All Demons are divided into two groups - Ephemeral and Twelve Demon Moons

 2. The Ephemeral Demons will undergo a temporary transformation, irrespective of their will

 3. Failure to undergo a successful transformation will lead to either loss of Attributes or uncontrolled mutation or death

 4. The Ephemeral Demons will have three levels

 5. Once the Transformation Time of Ephemeral Demons is over, a Cooldown Time of the same time period will be imposed on them, restricting further transformations

 6. The Twelve Demon Moons are further divided into Upper Ranks and Lower Ranks

 7. The Lower Ranks Demon Moons will all have the same requirement to nurture them. Once nurtured, their status within the hierarchy will be fixed and will remain so until their death

 8. The Upper Ranks Demon Moons will all have their own requirement. Once nurtured, their status within the hierarchy can move up or down, depending on their strength

 9. The Upper Ranks Demon Moons will be able to nurture their own Lesser Ephemeral Demons of single level

Effect: Ephemeral Demons

 1. Demon lvl 1 [Stats Consumed - 10 SP, 20 HP]

 — +10% HP Regeneration Rate

 — Strength +2

 — Agility +2

 — Perception +2

 — Probability of gaining a Blood Demon Art: >5%

 — Transformation Time: 24 hours

 2. Demon lvl 2 [Stats Consumed - 20 SP, 50 HP]

 — +25% HP Regeneration Rate

 — Strength +4

 — Agility +4

 — Perception +4

 — Probability of gaining a Blood Demon Art: >20%

 — Transformation Time: 48 hours

 3. Demon lvl 3 [Stats Consumed - 50 SP, 150 HP]

 — +50% HP Regeneration Rate

 — Strength +7

 — Agility +7

 — Perception +7

 — Probability of gaining a Blood Demon Art: >50%

 — Transformation Time: 72 hours

Effect: Lower Ranks Demon Moons

 1. 1 Unit of Demon King's Consciousness

 2. HP Consumption 200

 3. SP Consumption 100

 4. Stamina -2 [Cooldown 3 hours]

 5. Stats:

 — +75% HP Regeneration Rate

 — Strength +2 [Permanent and Exclusive of Set Quota in case of Contestants]

 — Agility +2 [Permanent and Exclusive of Set Quota in case of Contestants]

 — Perception +2 [Permanent and Exclusive of Set Quota in case of Contestants]

 — Probability of gaining a Blood Demon Art: >75%

Effect: Upper Ranks Demon Moons (locked)


 1. Skills and Items, based on Sunlight, Nichirin Swords, and Wisteria Flowers can cause severe damage to all nurtured Demons

 2. Only 6 Lower Ranks and 6 Upper Ranks Demon Moons can be nurtured

WARNING: Choosing in-world main-storyline Characters as the Demon Moons can result in Timeline's retaliation



"Are we doing it or not?!" Red Sun thundered, wood shattering beneath his feet.

"No need," Item-M said, grinning ear to ear. "She's here. Our master's betrothal gift…"

As Kai planned to return to the Harry Potter World, the stupendous transformation of the Verse Fusion Random World had finally begun.


AN: Break Tomorrow

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