Hey, I'm back.
I still have a few chapters to post, so maybe I'll post them all first before thinking what to do.
I'm not thinking about dropping this at all, but recently, I've begun rewriting another Novel, and it's been really fun.
It helps me better visualize the story while also fleshing out the mistakes I made in the past. But most importantly, its necessary for me to recover the will to continue this.
Its hard to put into words. I love this work, a lot really, but after beginning the rewriting project and seeing how well its going, I just can't look at this one the same.
I reread the entire novel, this one, and I can't say I'm pleased with the way some things went, and I have many ideas on how to solve it.
Either way, I'm uncertain what to do. Its up to you all, really.
Thank you for reading.
I edited this chapter a little, but its quite old. This one and a few others are about 4-6 months old... Damn...
Enjoy and give me your opinions. Should I finish this Arc and think about this after, or should I stop here and begin rewriting?
I could try doing both at once, rewriting is far easier than writing from scratch, even if I end up doubling a chapter.
That's about it, peace.
/Later that night.../
'At the eve of the festivities, Silver stepped out of a portal, approaching Hestia as she crossed her arms, saying:'
"... You're back... It was fun. I hoped they could've stayed longer."
"You know how it is. We've already taken a lot of their time. Tomorrow will be a busy day, and they'll need the energy from a good night's sleep."
'Silver adjusted his collar as he walked past her, placing a small decorative leaf crown on her head.'
'As promised, after enjoying the commemoration for a few hours, Silver led Haruhime, Kaede, and Momiji back home, quickly returning before he was noticed by his Familia.'
'Although the party was greatly entertaining, they had to return before everyone back home got worried. After all, it would be strange if a trio of girls left home at 2 Pm only to not return even after midnight.'
'Especially after what happened last time with the Aeshma and Soma Familias.'
"We should do something like this again… Spending time with everyone is always nice." She added with a smile as she remembered the beach party they had not so long ago
"Sure, but next time, let's leave it to somewhere near Orario… My head's a bit light from moving everywhere."
'Silver touched his head as he said that, sighing as he walked past Hestia.'
"It's a promise then."
"Then... Are we leaving?" Artemis asked on the side as she cleaned her bow
'Once Silver left with the others, Artemis stopped hiding herself, joining Hestia in the Inn to discuss everything that happened.'
'Silver felt a little bad since not so long ago, they were all enjoying the festivities while Artemis had to enjoy the party mostly alone, so he said:'
"Not yet. Let's enjoy the night a little longer before leaving."
"Aww, did you finally feel pity for little me?" Artemis asked with a smug smile as Silver touched his neck awkwardly
"I… Uh…"
'Artemis chuckled, grabbing his nose before walking past him, sitting on the window as she looked at the people laughing and cheering on the streets.'
'Her smile was thin, but it was a genuine one. She was proud and happy about what they had accomplished.'
'In the end, justice had prevailed.'
'At the same time, looking at the streets as well, Hestia turned to Silver with a tired gaze:'
"Can't we stay for the night?"
"We can, but I would prefer if we moved already…"
"Are you embarrassed about what happened and now you can't face Bhera?" Artemis asked as she touched her chin
"A little…" Silver replied as he tapped his foot on the ground
"You shouldn't be… But if that's not enough, do it for little old me, kay?"
'Artemis jumped from the window, going for the door.'
"If you're feeling bad for leaving me alone, then let's stay for the night and enjoy it for once."
"A moment like this… There won't be another one in their history."
"We should see it through to the end."
'With those words, Artemis walked through the door, leaving Hestia and Silver alone.'
'Silver looked at her, but Hestia shrugged with a small smile, saying: " It's just good old Artemis"…'
"... Sigh. Fine… But if we keep stopping at every Village like this, I'm afraid we're going to stay a few extra weeks on the road."
"It's a special occasion, so stop nitpicking, and let's have some fun!" Hestia said out loud as she pulled Silver's hand
'Silver didn't hesitate to follow her, but his smile sure took its sweet time to appear.'
'Soon enough, he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind.'
'Regardless of his responsibilities, he had the right to have some fun. Simple, pure fun.'
'Following the smiling Goddess, Silver joined the fray on the streets, drinking and parting, he let the food and alcohol work on his system, not purifying them in the slightest…'
'It didn't take long for him to let go of his restraints and enjoy the night.'
'Together with the natives, Bhera, Talvi, and the others, they all danced and partied until their feet hurt.'
'Well… Bhera barely moved at all, but her presence with her snarky remarks was good enough for everyone, especially when they were all half-drunk.'
'Thanks to Talvi, Uskari and Lidari soon did something other than watch and drink in the corner…'
'Regardless of how they met and the bad blood between them, right now, they just enjoyed this holy day…'
'Until Silver got a little too drunk and pulled Bhera to a folk dance… Well, that's a story for another time. But thankfully, everything ended well, or so Silver thought once he cleaned his system a bit.'
'Soon enough, they all hit the bed, moonlight crashing through the windows…'
/Sometime late at night…/
"ZZZzzzz… S-Shilvaa… Y-oou canch… Eat… Ma food…"
'Back at the Inn, as expected, Hestia slept disorderly, mumbling something in her sleep as she shoved one of her feet over Silver's face.'
Despite his attempts to get a separate room for him to sleep in, Hestia and Artemis protested, and eventually, they all slept in the same bed.'
'Meanwhile, under the echoes of a grandfather clock, Silver looked at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened today.'
'Maybe it was the vitality of the Spring or the Adrenaline that somehow escaped his senses, but he just couldn't close his eyes and sleep.'
'By now, although he still felt off due to the alcohol, thanks to his high tolerance, he was still mostly sober. Although his thoughts were still somewhat clouded.'
What's next?
Further North… There's the end of the Beol Mountains.
Beyond that would be Rakia, the damned country ruled by Ares, the God hellbent on invading Orario...
Further north, we would eventually hit the continent's end after passing through Rakia's capital, although there's still much to explore.
Everything between those major countries is wilderness and slightly explored land, with some smaller countries and cities along the roads.
Orario is located at the Western Corner of the Continent, so going further North from that, we're just covering a tiny portion of all the land. There are many exciting places to visit…
For example, if I we were to go further West from here, we would reach the Dizara region, I heard there are some nice seafood there.
It's also one of the places where the Poseidon Familia is said to be active, at least partially, but I imagine they're everywhere where along the seashore, moving along with the current, just like the School District.
'The Dizara region was a portion of land NorthWest of Orario where maritime nations are located, but like most of the continent, it's not exactly noteworthy.'
'Yet, like Belthane, who knew what ancient secrets it may contain… Or lack. Since not everywhere can be magical.'
... There's also the sea of Medulla… And Olympia.
'The sea of Medulla was a massive river crossing straight through the Continent, very much like the Great River of the Forests that links the Elven forests to the sea.'
'It was a River so massive in size that some scholars considered it a sea instead, but its popularly known as a River.'
'It's a rather well-used route for ships to sail from the center of the Continent to the sea and eventually into other nations. However, it's mostly known for the nation, which is located at its very center.'
'Olympia, the city where the Flame of Haven resided! A superpower that withstood the chaotic era of the past before the Age of the Gods and even the Age of Heroes, a myth amidst myths in the sea of legends of the mortal world.'
'Few know its location, and even fewer are allowed into its premises as it's rumored that the nation in itself is protected by the Divine flame and only those pure of heart and intent are allowed inside.'
Since Hestia was in charge of the Holy Flame, it's not a stretch to go there and see how things are doing, right?
Above all… I want to see if what's written in Zeus' books is true.
The legend of one of the first Heroes, Ephimeteus. The chosen of Prometheus.
According to it, the flame of Haven granted Ephimeteus incredible power, enough to stand undefeated as he mastered it, even though, in the end, he lost to the Behemoth and the Leviathan.
Above the many things it granted him, immortality seemed to be one of those perks.
I would like to see if after all these years… If he's still alive, since at the end of his story, Epimetheus was only described as a saddened and depressed Hero who could not have his fallen companions recognized by their bravery as he saw their valor and sacrifices be scorned and forgotten, overshadowed by his failures.
But… Given my schedule. I'll have to leave exploring it for later, as its too much of an endeavor.
I don't plan on cruising the entire Continent, that would take forever… An entire lifetime even.
Still, I can pass by on the way back.
And then… I'll return home again and go off to Orario.
Although I'm slowly getting the urge to explore the world a bit further… The land of the Amazons has struck my interest…
Definitely not for any bad reason…
"Still awake?" Artemis asked on the side as she hugged her pillow
"... It's hard to sleep when I'm half drunk, with a feet up my nose, and little space to move around in." Silver retorted as he looked at the ceiling
'At the same time, Hestia kicked his face lightly, causing him to grunt lightly as he exhaled.'
"Oh, come on, you know she's only like that with you." Artemis chuckled as she pinched his hand
"I'm honored… And for a long time, happy to oblige… Until she kicked me a little too low once." He replied with a scoff as he pushed her feet away
"Ever since then, I either move away from her or restrain her in some capacity. But this time I wasn't given the chance to do either."
"Once I tried tickling her feet to show my disapproval… She ended up kicking my face pretty hard."
Not that it hurt, though.
'Artemis coughed as she tried to change the subject:'
"Anyhow… What's keeping you from sleeping?"
"... I don't know… I think… I overate…" Silver said as he tapped his stomach
"I'm afraid… I won't be able to keep it in."
"Oh no, please no. Have mercy…" Artemis said in 'fear' and some weak laughs as she tried to move away, only to realize she was already at the bed's end
"You chose this yourself. Now face the consequences, I've been holding this one for a while."
"Haaa… Much better." Silver said as he closed his eyes, ready to sleep
"... That's it?"
"What? You wanted it to come from the other end? Very well…"
'After a weak tug of war as the two tried not to awaken the still snoring Hestia, Artemis gave up as she laid her head on her pillow, sighing out loud.'
"Huff… Alright, you win. Just make it quick…"
"I'm not in the mood anymore. Although I'm quite tired now."
Maybe some distractions were everything I needed…
"Glad to help." She said with a thin smile as she held his hand under the blanket
"... You know… Thank you."
"For what?"
"For making this possible."
"... I just took down a monster. It was my job, nothing else."
"Aww, can't you be a bit more honest? I know you did it because…"
"Alright alright, no need to repeat what I said before. I'm not that stubborn, I give up." Silver said with an embarrassed scoff as he closed his eyes
"Thank you, really. My so, very rude and cute mortal~." She said with a smile as she approached him, giving him a light peck on the lips
'Silver looked at her eyes and hair as they fell around him.'
'The moonlight behind him, such a beautiful scene… Made him sleepy.'
"Humph… I'll do it again, but next time…"
'Silver touched her forehead.'
"I don't want to see you distressed. Whatever's on your mind, you tell me."
"And I'll have it done."
'To ruin the mood, Hestia shoved her feet onto Silver's nostrils, causing Artemis to chuckle once more.'
'With the romantic mood over, the duo went back to sleep, a new day of adventures awaiting them in the horizon.'
'Outside, rain drizzled faintly on the streets, lightning flashing in the sky as the torchlights on the streets were slowly extinguished, cladding much of the city in a dark veil.'
'Many remained partying on the streets for they were they to witness what their ancestors could not.'
'For as high as their happiness was, so was their pride.'
'But for Silver… Those lights only served to interfere with his sleep.'
'To not break the mood, he moved his hands, and the curtains moved to block the window.'
'And so, the sky cleared, the moon fell, and the sun rose…'
'A new day for Belthane.'
/Several hours later…/
"... Just leave already." Bhera said with a scoff as she looked down at Hestia
"HUH?! What did you say?! How can you keep acting like that after everything that happened?!"
"Was I supposed to act in any other way? I'm sorry for breaking your expectations, but I don't give others lip service."
"Lip service?! Can't you just be nice for once?"
"And I am."
'Night passed, and the morning came, and this time, the blue sky reigned free of clouds, letting the sun shed its golden rays down on the earth below.'
'On this beautiful day, a group of individuals had gathered atop one of the nearby mountaintops…'
"I've said this a few times already yet here you remain... Are you deaf, mayhaps?"
"Calm down, she doesn't really mean that." Silver said on the side as he pulled his Goddess back
"Are you suggesting I'm lying right now? I may be many things, but a lier I'm not." Bhera added with a teasing expression as she looked at Hestia
"AAAH! I can't take this anymore! If you want to resume what we ended back in Heaven, then just say so!" Hestia exclaimed as she moved her feet around, but unfortunately, Silver held her up so she could do nothing but swing her feet around in vein
"Put me down, Silver!"
Why does she always teases her like this?...
'Silver looked at Bhera, but she only smiled teasingly in reply.'
'After calming Hestia down, Silver resumed with his goodbyes, getting ready to leave:'
"Well… I know we started a bit off, but allow me to introduce myself again."
"I'm Mellios Silver, Captain of the Hestia Familia." He said with a small nod as he looked at Bhera and her children
'Beside her, Talvi, Lidari, and Uskari remained, each with their usual expressions.'
'Lidari had the same expression as always, but both Uskari and Talvi seemed much happier than before, especially Talvi as she seemed to have grown close to Haruhime and the others before they departed.'
'It seemed they had much in common. Nonetheless, they would have to catch up with their stories another time.'
"A displeasure to make you acquainted." Bhera said with a wide smile as she looked at Silver
"B-Bhera-Sama, I'm certain that's not right…" Talvi replied as a bead of sweat fell from her forehead
"Is it? I guess you're right… Disgusted would be more appropriate."
"Do you hate me that much?" Silver asked as he looked at Bhera, awkwardly stroking the back of his neck as he coughed
"Me? The very Goddess in charge of the land you defiled, its inhabitants you brutalized, and its holy grounds defiled?"
"Can you see the smoke in the distance? From the Ancient trees you've burned and toppled?"
"How could I? On the contrary, I'm thrilled to be in your presence."
"That was sarcasm." She added as her expression grew serious
"I-I… Sigh…"
'This time, in a battle of words, Silver was so utterly tired by her antics that he gave up, throwing in the towel instead of continuing.'
"You have the right to hate me, I'm not a good guy anyway." He said as he shook his head before turning to Lidari and the others
"So you win, just another one on the long list of 'friends' I have."
"Well, I guess it's now all over, huh? Hopefully, this time, you guys keep a close watch on that fountain… I wouldn't want anything bad falling into it again anytime soon."
"On that note, we agree." Uskari said as he nodded, just as tired as Silver, although for another reason entirely
'Two dark circles hung around his eyelids.'
'While Silver was tired of this Goddess' shamelessness, Uskari was mostly exhausted because he stood up all night handling the aftermath of the Swamp King's demise.'
"If anything do happen… You know who to call…"
"You? The one…"
"I know I know, no need to bash me again with words!" Silver said out loud as he interrupted Bhera
"How odd, I was about to praise you though…"
'The fact she said that meant she was really about to praise him, as Bhera wasn't one to lie...'
'Silver could feel his skull crack as his forehead tensed…'
"Huff… Anyhow… I imagine things will get quite… Ordinary following today." He added as he took something from his chest pocket
'It was a large envelope with a seal on it.'
"If you two ever feel bored about life here in the countryside, you know where to go."
"The Swamp King was a strong monster, but by far it wasn't the strongest one I have ever faced."
"It was tricky, for sure, but its immortality wasn't that big of a deal, all things considered."
"If you two wish to see what this world truly has to offer, then come find me at Orario."
"I thought you were bold before but I was wrong. This tops it all off!" Bhera said in an annoyed tone as she frowned at Silver
Heh, guess this ticked her off.
"Poaching my children right in front of me, do you have no shame? Is that what you teach your children, Hestia? The art of shamelessness?"
"The what now?!"
'Before Hestia threw a fit again, Silver interjected:'
"I'm not poaching anyone and you know full well that's the case, so stop throwing a fuss."
"Tche, boring."
"You don't need to leave a Familia to get your Status Updated, but even if you leave, you can return shortly after, if you desire."
"Consider it an invitation more than anything. You can still come to visit if you don't wish to join; don't treat it as a mandatory thing. Orario has much to offer aside from the Dungeon, and so does the Hestia Familia."
"Yeah!... D-Do we?" Hestia whispered as she looked at Artemis
'Artemis didn't know what to say, so she smiled faintly…'
"... Why?" Uskari asked as he grabbed the envelope
"Why you ask… Well, consider it my selfish wish. That it's not my desire to see warriors of your caliber retire just yet."
"And who said I'll be retiring?" Uskari asked as he crossed his arms
"Please, who are you trying to deceive here?"
"Without the Swamp King, even if another 500 years pass and you somehow live through it, you'll at most see one other monster on its level if any."
"Creatures like that are a rarity outside of the Dungeon, and with it, High Grade Excelia needed for a Level Up."
"Maybe with the remainder of life you two have left, you can slowly build up the necessary foundation to Level Up, growing step by step over decades by challenging the weak monsters around the city and the mountains."
"And by no means is that a bad life, and if it's the one you wish to pursue, please do so. This life is yours to live."
"After all, your lifelong enemy is dead, maybe you two should consider hanging your blades and having a kid or two to continue your legacy, I'm sure you both have no lack of persuers around here."
'Talvi coughed loudly as she held a laugh on the side.'
"Talvi, why are you laughing?" Uskari asked as his expression went dark
"She has every right to laugh."
"Please, Uskari, when was the last time you got laid? Fifty years ago?" Bhera asked as she grew pensive
"WHAT?! It hasn't been that… HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT?!"
"From the looks of it things are rough…" Silver added as he shook his head
"Don't try to reinforce her words! And if you're going to talk about that, then why aren't we talking about him?!" He asked as he pointed at Lidari
'Lidari said nothing at all… On the contrary, he was annoyed at all the noise.'
'But today… He tolerated the sounds.'
'Silver looked at Hestia and Artemis before nodding weakly.'
'Everything there was to be said had already been uttered. It was time to depart.'
'With a flick of his hand, wind gathered, and dust converged like a small typhoon.'
'As the duststorm cleared, a floating boat emerged from nowhere. And while everyone else was baffled at the scene, Artemis and Hestia were quick to board it without much complaint.'
"Anyhow… Thank you for having us, despite everything that happened."
"When did that ever happen again?" Bhera asked as she continued to annoy him
'She had a smile on her face as she did so. It was evident that despite everything, she was in a good and positive mood.'
'More then anything, the suffering of her children had ended, how couldn't she be happy?'
"I say we let bygones be bygones and look at the path ahead, hum? How about that?"
"Won't you just do whatever you like anyway?"
"... Till when you're going to hold onto my feet for that?"
"Gods can hold grudges for a very long time, you know?~"
"... Whatever…"
'Silver stepped onto the boat, moving it slightly upwards, essentially "taking off" into the sky.'
'But before leaving, he said one last thing:'
"I'll be back soon enough! I still have much to discuss with you regarding your research!" Silver said with a smile as he looked at Bhera
"And why would I entertain you?" She asked with a calm expression as she raised her head
"Is that a question for me? Very well, I shall answer it…"
"Because I'm your favorite adventurer, aren't I?"
"We can talk more later, but do consider visiting Orario, soon enough, the Winter Festival will begin, and I heard it quite the sight."
"Maybe once you visit, we can pass by the Dungeon. How about that?"
"Take care!"
'With a burst of wind, the floating boat took off to the horizon, leaving Belthane and the adventure within behind.'
'A new adventure on the horizon, the trio of Mortal and Goddesses went after yet another challenge.'
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