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95.08% Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan / Chapter 116: I AM BACK, BABY

Chapter 116: I AM BACK, BABY

As I walked through the park with my family a glorious bald eagle swooped down and delivered me a letter with a simple message: SWOLE BROS ASSEMBLE.

With a nod to Jack, I ran over to a nearby tree and pulled a hidden lever, revealing a trap door down into a dark abyss. A leap into that inky blackness landed me on a slide down into my hidden base on Rata Sum that armed me with my armor and weapons, my angel face helmet dropping over my head after I stuck the landing at the end of the slide.

"Query: Is today a day for glorious kombat?" Fisto the Annihilator questioned me.

With a nod I answered him, "Declaration: Oh goody!"

Using Asuran Teleportation we arrived at the agreed upon waypoint and met up with the Swole Bros and the forces that would soon become the Pact, an alliance between the three great orders of Tyria to fight the Elder Dragons, at the Lion's Arch Docks as they loaded up for the assault on Claw Island.

"Grax!" Asgeir waved us over, "It is good to see you, my friend. Today will be a day of heated combat that will live on in legend."

"Well, if it is a day for forging legends, then I think I should start things off with a show that will have you all struggling for even a mere mention." I chuckled at the gigantic man.

"And how will you do that?" Asgeir laughed, "I plan to cut loose on the field today, and when I show up, others tend step aside in awe."

"I prefer a lot of shock to go along with my awe." I told him, "Here, let me show you!"

I erupted in white hot holy flames and a pair of massive light magic wings emerged from my back, making me both an incredible sight and hard to look at. With a blinding blaze coving my sword and hammer I took off into the sky and charged the undead flesh-covered ships holding the waters between the Island and the harbor city.

As a light shining in the darkness of the overcast corruption caused by the marshalling of Zhaitan's forces and power, I was an obvious target for the foul catapults on the deadships flinging their concentrated blasts of necrotic dragon energy, but they never came close to besmirching my glorious brilliance.

Unlike my primordial divine father, I knew how to dodge when lesser creatures fling shit at me.

I pumped my power into the Sunset Greatsword causing it to glow like the sun descending upon the earth, and with a slash through the air a massive wave of Golden Sword light deleted an armada of deadships before I plowed into another with the similarly glowing Hammer of Might, causing a fiery explosion that destroyed or capsized all the nearby undead vessels.

It was an epic display of my two most powerful burst attacks, and while still not yet broken enough to make me feel comfortable going on a waifu collecting trip through Fate/Grand Order, I knew I'd get there some day.

Oh I see you have created an eight mile tall beam of sword energy with the power of the sun, check out mine, it's ten miles tall. That's why I have all the waifus, Gawain, and you're a scrub.

That will be the day, bois.

With Claw Island opened up and ready for our penetration, I made sure that no one would ever doubt who was the first to storm the beaches that day by flying into the waiting Risen forces and engaging in glorious melee combat.

My sword was the more potent weapon, capable of exerting far more power on a target than my hammer, but my hammer was the far more devious. One top of turning fools into a pink mist with every strike and at will explosions, the manipulation of gravity and stamina drain features are not to be slept on. The Sunset Greatsword lets me hurt fools way above my pay grade, but the Hammer of Might drags them down to my level and can't be dodged by all those fools who dump all their points into dex.

Strength and Endurance builds are for scrubs, huh? How's that super speed going for you now that I have pulled you into my hammer strike and everyone around us is now breathing you in?

The Risen kept swarming me in an adorable attempt to overwhelm me with numbers, but all they managed to accomplish was to feed me more stamina.

"Norn Air Drop!" Asgeir shouted as Scythe yeeted him off an fleshcrafted wyvern the pair had ridden across the water.

The massive giant hit the beach like a bomb and from the crater emerged a man wreathe in flames and growing to half again his Incredible Hulk physique, making his enormous warhammer do a Mjolnir impression.

"Eeeuullalalal!" He creamed like an animal and began slaying all the undead around him with hammer strikes that turned his foes to paste and shield strikes that cleaved their bodies in twain.

A good distance away, Scythe himself descended and a black shroud of necromancer energy settled over him and forged his namesake in his hands which he began twirling around with great abandon, tearing anything that came at him apart like a blender.

It's good to have friends again.

As the rest of what would become the Pact landed and went about their strategic objectives, we three went about our business with a competence and vigor none could match. We had pushed ourselves from the beaches and to the belly of the fortress while the rest of them took the ramparts. Blightghast, an enormous necrotic dragon champion circled above us, and I would rather fight him on the ground.

My Rc cells coated me, shifting my form to the one last hold out from before my struggle against Angra Mainyu, that of a kick ass blood red dragon man, only this time I coated the cells in light magic to continue repping with the angels while simultaneously activating my Susanoo like fire god avatar, growing me to twenty feet tall and igniting radiantly. I formed a spear of light using my Virtue: Justice and chucked it up at Blightghast creating a tether of light between us, a tether I took hold of and used my tactile telekinesis to pull so that instead of yanking me up to him, I used my godly strength to yank the behemoth down.

Blighghast hit the island with earth shaking force, reshaping the landscape into a giant crater which I flew above before descending with a giant radiant version of the Sunset Greatsword, impaling the dragon champion's chest before bringing a truck sized Hammer of Might down on its head causing a blast of light and heat akin to an early nuclear weapon detonation.

Then I did it again, and again, and again, rocking the island with each attack and growing the creator till it began to fill with seawater.

Tethering the champion to me again, I flew above the fortress and cast his broken body atop the stones.

I may have left a few jaws dropped to the floor with that sequence, so I did what I usually do and capitalize off the shock and awe of my impossible deeds to feed my god complex… is it still a god complex if I am actually a god? I think at this point it is no longer a complex and just my divine ego.

"The age of the gods is back, baby!" my voice carried to every ear across Tyria via divine sound magic as I canceled all my transformations and took off my helmet and shifted my address to only those who could see me, "And it looks just like me."


Alrighty. My father was released from jail and now has a good lawyer. Thank you to everyone who sent me their support, your thoughts and prayers were appretiated.

Now onto some meh news.

I have decided that GW2 will be the final arc of this story in which Grax will ascend to true godhood and become the one true god of Tyria, subverting the Eternal Alchemy to his will and breaking the capricious system the planet runs on.

Any further arcs after that would happen using the Side Story feature WebNovel has added to completed works.

I will be working on another chapter of the RWBY rewrite tomorrow, so be on the look out for that.

In other news I have decided the next story based on my own needs rather than the previous poll that would have had me do a Dragon Age Self Insert.

While I have proven that I have the chops to force my way into the Top 100 stories consistently even with a less popular IP like Mass Effect, if I want to be number 1 I will need to write a story or two from the sell out EZPZ viewers IPs.

Marvel, Naruto, Harry Potter, One Piece, Bleach, you all know what I am talking about. The IP's that get people's dicks hard just seeing it in the title.

I have chosen to do a DXD story.

To keep things spicy I messaged Dark Wolf Shiro to see if he would be cool with me using his Gamer's Guide to Freedom as the framework for the story. The rewrite rather than the original. He hasn't gotten back to me on it, but I remain hopeful as I think Kuro Dantalion would make for an excellent Grax thought parasite hijack victim.

Personally I am just excited for a DXD insert that doesn't start with some bitch wailing about how hard a world DXD is when your ticket to the top is ready for snatching in the unsuspecting soul of a completely undefended high school teenager.

Why there are any humans with Sacred Gears when the factions have the capacity to yoink that shit is beyond me, but tiddies. So I guess it is cool.

Send me your thoughts, power stones, reviews, and donate at

ko - fi . com / jmanm

to support me and my carear as a writer.

Chapter 117: Mount Maelstrom

"Okay. On to the next issue of business, the results of the Pact Commander election." Trahearne, the Pact Marshal and first born of the Sylvari moved the historic meeting along by opening an envelope, "And I am proud to announce the Caddock Ironclaw is the new Commander of the Pact.

"The fuck?" I shouted at the robbery of my boys Scythe and Asgeir who were both in the final four for the Pact Commander selection process.

Caddock Ironclaw was another of my alts. A gargantuan pale Charr with ivory horns and white anime hair in a silver suit of Charr Dreadnought armor. Even slouched in typical fashion for his species he stood taller than a Kodan and was twice as broad in the shoulders. Dude was a house and half like all my other alts.

"Now now, this process was entirely fair." Trahearne answered, "Caddock simply acquired more votes than your friends. He is very charismatic and a fine Guardian."

"Can we now discuss the literal god that beat down the dragon champion like it was a baby faced adventurer!" General Soulkeeper of the Vigil shouted.

"Hmm… his appearance was all according to plan." Trahearne stated and said no more.

"Bullshit!" The General called him out.

"Your skepticism is also according to plan." Trahearne assured her, "Anyway with Claw Island retaken we must secure supply lines for our plunge into Orr, while simultaneously upping recruitment and continuing to investigate methods to weaken Zhaitan so that he may be defeated."

"Why don't we just send the god in to kick his ass?" the General inquired and I thought about it a bit.

"I think I can do it." I told them, "Zhaitan is kinda a bitch Elder Dragon. He isn't very big, maybe four times the size of Blightghast who I totally murked. Kralkatorrik's head is bigger than Blightghast's whole body and the rest of him is fucking enormous too, so maybe you guys should consider getting some reps in dunking on the bitch dragon before you try messing with the big boys."

"I believe Grax is correct." Trahearne nodded, "If we rely on him to defeat even the weakest of the dragons, what will be left for us should he come up short against the strongest? No, we need to fight Zhaitan ourselves."

"Good man. Now I am going home before I have to console my pals about nobody liking them." I grinned then ran for the nearest teleporter to take me back to Rata Sum.


Despite the Pact wanting to tough it out on their own, I worked with Zojja and many other Asura to perfect the flying ships and heavy weaponry used for the assault on the Undead Dragon in his risen fortress. Unfortunately, it was obvious that for us to complete the MEGA-LIT cannon that destroyed Zhaitan in the game, we would need to get our hands on Kudu's research into dragon energy.

Fortunately we had a handful of months to wait before the Pact would even make landfall in Orr as the dragon had saturated the land and sea approaching his kingdom with many powerful undead.

This gave us more than enough time to welcome four new babies into the family.

Personally I don't recommend inventing a hover tech golem nanny to take care of your children, but when you have changed as many diapers as I have over the decades the magic dwindles and it is probably a good time to look into alternative care options you can trust, and I trust the AI I programmed a lot more than I trust any of the slack jawed morons around Rata Sum to do the job.

Despite inventing such a wonderful way to get out of parenting, I was very taken with the house elf looking son I had with Zojja. That enormous head that came out of her tiny body wasn't just for show, the kid was already trying to talk as a newborn. Only little baby noises, but by the end of the week I was teaching the guy his first words and sign language.

It wasn't a smashed pyjak or a sick double leg takedown, but little Graff was quickly shaping up to be my favorite child ever. Sure he would never be some behemoth battle titan, but the kid would have a mind like now one else and would soon be putting all the capital letters into SCIENCE!

Jack and I were once more subjected to joys of parenting, but our newest son was the first quasigod born in the family, and Brock did not disappoint as his infrequent wails were enough to shake the city around us. Fortunately, the kid was maturing fast and would likely experience a greatly reduced growth curve.

Medusa's kid, a little purple haired bastard, was on a similar curve considering her low personal divinity had strengthened considerably after we consumed Baelfire.

Despite her misgivings, Wanda turned out to be the best of the four mothers, likely because she cared the most. Jack, Medusa, and I had been there done that with being parents, and Zojja had that natural Asuran disinterest in her progeny. Wanda brought her first daughter, Clara, into the world and it was like watching a huge weight come off her shoulders. The fear and the doubt gave way in the moment because it always does for Wanda. The woman is stalwart under fire, and she knows that when push comes to shove the only people with more cram in the tank than her are the same people who have been standing beside her for decades.

It was beautiful to see, but it was time for all of them to get off their asses and get hustling cause we are entering the endgame. I had already pursued as much of Omadd's research as I could, and would soon need to head to Dry Top to examine his machine personally. It wasn't near time to use it, but I can't afford for it to be lost.


Leaving the kids with their robo nannies, Zojja ported us to the region around Mount Maelstrom, and outside of the Inquisition lab Crucible of Eternity.

"Alright people, let's kick ass, take names, and steal research." Zojja declared in her new tiny suit of power armor.

"Ahem." Logan Thackery fake coughed to get our attention where he appeared behind some rocks with Rytlock Brimstone, Caddock Ironclaw, and my human noble alt Ranger, Lee Otis. Tan skin and golden eyes and hair with a black leather and fur outfit and a pair of pet bears.

"Were you people waiting there for us?" Zojja asked, a little offended.

"Of course not." Logan.

"Yes." Rytlock.

"Why?" Zojja.

"We knew you were going to attack this place without us." Rytlock.

"I never imagined there would ever be an us between you and Logan again." Zojja.

"We have moved on from the past." Logan.

"It's a work in progress." Rytlock.

"Adorable." Zojja teased, "Now tell your goons that we need to make sure we don't destroy any of the lab equipment. The people are all fair game, and if any of them try to purge their research you focus on stopping them. The data collected by this lab is the difference between us beating Zhaitan and Grax beating Zhaitan."

"I like being in position to win no matter which way things go." Lee Otis smirked with his too handsome golden Aragorn looks.

"It sure beats the lose-lose situations we have been in for so long." Caddock agreed, "Excuse me." The big Charr called out as he came forward, "Centurion Caddock Ironclaw of the Blood Legion and Commander of the Pact, are you the family that slew Gaehron Baelfire and severely weakened the Flame Legion high command?"

"That was us." Jack nodded in her suit of power armor.

"You have the thanks of the Blood Legion, that's for sure." Caddock grinned showing off his mouthful of fangs, "Because of you the Flame Legion ceased most of their sabotage and skirmishes south of the Blazeridge Steppes. We managed to push them all the way back to their fortress and slew their Tribune, Burntclaw. But before we could finish the job we came across a foe too great for us to face through strength of arms or numbers. He spared us and sent us on with a message of challenge to the tiny Norn that broke the Flame Legion. He said to come face him one final time, and experience the power he has attained."

"Fucking sick, thanks man." I grinned at the Charr and knew where I was going after this raid.


With the four of us together once more we were able to do all the routes through the Crucible of Eternity at once and clean the lab out swiftly. I went with Zojja and Rytlock and we cleared the path to Kudu in a hurry and caught the guy in his office clearing out his personal effects.

"Shit!" he declared seeing us, "Could you not have taken five more minutes! I knew I shouldn't have come back for Mr. Tinky!"

The evil manlet held a shivering Chihuahua with his oversized hand.

"Mr. Tinky, you've killed daddy!" Kuku despaired.

Not one to let the man down, Zojja blew his head off with an overpowered laser rifle.

"Betrayal repaid, bitch." she spat.

A hologram of Kudu popped up on his desk.

"Damn it!" It screamed, "If you are seeing this recording I am dead, and as a final fuck you the playing of this recording coincides with the release of my ultimate creation, a monster capable of using the dragon energy of each known Elder Dragon. I'd wish you luck surviving, you pathetic swine, but the fact that you have outlived me fills me with rage. Die fools!"

A primal roar shook the Inquest Facility and a fist punched up through the stone floor of Kudu's office.

"Ah shit!" Rytlock screamed as he was flung across Kudu's oversized super villain office.

"What the fuck is that thing!" Zojja shrieked while she beat a hasty retreat blasting the hand with her rifle.

"Oh yes!" I shouted, "Here I was worried that today would be boring!"

Kudu's monster pulled itself up into the office and to its full thirty feet height, crackling with various sources of energy. To match it I went full golden god form and smashed the thing with my supersized Hammer of Might.

It flew across the office, screamed, and began melting the stones around it by attuning to Primordus's flame energy.

Not afraid of fire at all I charged in and began hacking and slashing the son of a bitch. His energy density made him very hard to injure, but my attacks were taking their toll on him. Switching to crystal, the giant tried to overwhelm me by firing a wave of pink spikes at me.

I brushed that shit aside with ease. After fighting Gilgamesh, throwing weapon spam doesn't phase me at all.

Foregoing my weapons, I threw that big boy to the ground and descended on him like the grim reaper, unleashing an endless barrage of punches that drove us back into the basement.

When I finished, there was just enough of his head left to fill a thimble.

Now to go see a kitty about a rematch.


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Damn, I am tired. I had some stuff to say, but I am out homies.

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