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Chapter 147 Witch part 10

When Yoshino woke up, she found herself lying on a bare concrete floor.

Then she realized that she was not on a concrete floor but on the roof of a building. When she looked again, she was surrounded by Kotori, Tohka, Miku, Kaguya, Yuzuru. At this moment, everyone opened their eyes in a daze, sat up, and stood up...

" this?" Miku rubbed her eyes, looked around, and asked in a daze.

"I don't know - but I remember that we were arrested by the Natsumi before..." Qin Li's brain was the clearest.

"Well---what about the guy who is arresting us now?" Tohka's brows raised slightly.

"Doubtful, Yuzuru has no idea what happened."

"Hmm - I don't know too well." Kaguya frowned and said.

Suddenly, just as everyone was discussing, an inopportune voice rang out in the air: "Ahem! Listen carefully, all of you. You are now free! Go back and tell... tell Katsu that he saved my life, so I let you go. We are even now!"

The few people who heard this subconsciously looked into the air, but they only saw a blurry figure flying further and further away...

"Is that the Natsumi?"

"Definitely. It's her from the sound of her voice."

"Well, she just said... it was Brother Katsu who saved her..."

"Hoo? That's what you said."

"...It means, Brother Katsu is already awake?"

"Brother...are you awake?"

"Mitsu-chan? Great! Mitsu-chan is awake!"

"Hey, hey, you are worthy of being my love. He saved us as soon as he woke up!"

… …

Around three o'clock in the morning, Katsu and Shidou sat face to face on the sofas on both sides of the coffee table in the living room, their faces equally gloomy.

"What should we do now?" Shidou said with half-closed eyes.

"Find her, and save everyone," Katsu answered without any hesitation.


At the same time, in an apartment building, the words "Origami" were written on the doorplate.

Although it is early in the morning, Tobiichi Origami is not sleepy at all at this moment, and the reason is very simple.

Because she clearly felt that there was someone outside the entrance.

There is an automatic door lock at the entrance of Origami's apartment, and you cannot even enter the apartment without the resident's permission.

Origami hid behind the wall without saying a word, paying vigilant attention to the movements outside the entrance while pulling out a small automatic pistol from the holster on her leg.

A moment later, as soon as there was a small clicking sound, the door was pushed open, and several men wearing black suits and sunglasses with mafia-like looks walked in.

Origami frowned slightly. Although she didn't know who these people were, she was sure that they had bad intentions. These people all had very dangerous auras. Even for her, there was no chance of winning against them.

With this thought in mind, Origami no longer hesitated, and turned around and ran towards the window of the room, then stepped onto the windowsill and jumped down---

When he was about to hit the ground, he rolled over easily with his excellent skills to relieve the force, got up and immediately ran towards the street---

Who are these guys? Origami whispered softly as she ran away, trying to find clues in her mind.

However, he couldn't guess who the rude uninvited guest was who suddenly broke into his home.

Just as Origami was thinking about this, the phone in her pocket vibrated.

She carefully maintained her running pace, fumbled in her pocket, took out her cell phone, and found the name "Kusakabe Ryoko" displayed on the screen.

"Captain?" Origami frowned slightly. It was not normal for the captain to call him suddenly at this time---

Having said that, Origami answered the call without any hesitation.

"Hey, Origami?"

"It's me." Origami replied while running.

Kusakabe Ryoko seemed to have heard Origami's slight panting and hurried footsteps on the phone. She took a breath and asked in a deep voice, "Origami, are you... running away?"

"...Why do you know?" Origami had a slight bad feeling in her heart---

Sure enough, the next moment, this premonition came true in the mouth of Kusakabe Ryoko.

"You probably don't know yet...your punishment has been handed down, and you will be punished..." Ryouko Kusakabe said in a serious tone.

"..." Hearing Ryouko's heavy words, Origami was silent. She had been prepared for such an outcome ---

Last month, in order to help that person, she used a banned expeditionary weapon to attack the friendly DEM company's troops. Until this matter is resolved, she is banned from participating in AST missions.

However, the root cause of this incident can be attributed to DEM's overly reckless actions, so some people in the upper echelons have suggested that this incident should be considered a special case, but why is this happening now?

Kusakabe Ryoko, who was standing opposite her, seemed to have guessed Origami's doubts. She couldn't help but sigh and said, "...most people said that this should be handled as an exception. But the punishment issued was a punishment - nine out of ten times, there is some kind of force behind this."

Hearing this, Origami's eyes were startled for a moment, but then she immediately reacted, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly: "DEM..."

Liaozi didn't respond - but her silence was the best answer.

"Anyway, I plan to try to negotiate with the higher-ups later... You can hide first and wait for my news..." Kusakabe Ryoko's tone was still heavy, and it seemed that she had no confidence in the so-called "negotiation."

"Thanks… …"

"Here, come here!" Just when Origami was a little moved and wanted to thank the captain who had always been good at taking care of others, a sudden voice interrupted her.

Origami couldn't help clenching her fists, because when she looked at the source of the sound, she discovered that she didn't know if the other party had taken a shortcut, or something else. At this moment, a man actually appeared on the road in front of her, blocking her. Learn the way to make origami.

"These people can't be more familiar with this area than I am. I'm afraid there were other people here from the beginning." Origami thought silently in her heart. As for why these people were chasing her, Origami already had a guess when she received the call from Kusakabe Ryoko.

These people were most likely AST agents responsible for arresting problematic members. She had heard a long time ago that before conveying the punishment to the problematic personnel, they would be arrested and restrained first to prevent them from resisting.

Of course, if these people really only arrested her because of what she did last month, then she would have nothing to say, but Kusakabe Ryouko also said before that the punishment she is facing now is due to the promotion of DEM Club As a result, it is naturally impossible for her to just surrender.

With this in mind, Origami turned around and ran in another direction without saying a word - but before he had taken a few steps, another secret agent appeared in front of him.

"You've really put us through so much trouble, Sergeant Tobiichi. Your punishment has been decided. Please come with us." The spy said condescendingly.

But Origami didn't respond to his words - not only because she didn't bother to answer, but also because she was silently observing the situation around her at the moment.

In front, behind, above, left and right - but there was no way to completely escape these people.

Perhaps they sensed Origami's intentions, or the leader of these people was probably angry, and he snorted coldly: "Don't waste your efforts, just let's capture them without mercy."

"Hey..." Origami was running her brain crazily, trying to find a correct and reasonable escape route in the current situation of being surrounded...

However, just when Origami frowned deeply because she discovered that this route did not seem to exist now, the phone in her hand suddenly vibrated. Someone called.

"It seems that I accidentally disconnected the call when I was trying to escape from the men. I guess the captain must have called me again." Origami's brows relaxed a little. She still had some expectations for Kusakabe Ryoko.

Maybe I can get some new information from her. Origami stared at the men cautiously, not looking at the screen, but groping for the call button with her fingers, and put the phone close to her ear.

However, the next voice coming from the phone made Origami's pupils shrink slightly.

"Hello? Is this Sergeant Tobiichi Origami's phone?"

"Ellen Mira Mathers..." Origami said the name of the person on the other end of the phone with obvious hostility in her tone.

"…What can I do for you?"

"…Well, judging from your tone, it seems that you have some misunderstanding about me, Sergeant Tobiichi." Ellen's voice was very cold - she was like this most of the time.

"Misunderstanding? There is no such thing. I just simply hate you, DEM." Origami half-closed her eyes and said in a deep voice while looking at the spy in front of her who was frowning and watching her make a phone call.

After all, she is about to lose the power to defeat the elves because of DEM's interference. It would be an abnormal situation if she were not hostile to this company.

"Ah, that's a pity, but I believe you will soon fall in love with this company."

"...If nothing happens, just hang up."

"Wait a minute - Sergeant Yuan Yi, you are really impatient, but in this case I will come straight to the point - Sergeant Yuan Yi, are you willing to be my subordinate?"

"...What does this mean?" Origami frowned in confusion after hearing the unexpected words.

"It means exactly what it says. Are you willing to join the Second Executive Division of DEM Industry? I promise to give you better treatment than you have now in every aspect."

"I have no interest in helping evil people do evil things." Origami refused quite bluntly.

"Haha, evil people doing evil things? We are obviously fighting against elves too, right?"

"Ha..." Origami snorted coldly and said nothing, but the meaning was already obvious.

"Is that so? That's a pity. But is this really a good idea? You seem to be in a desperate situation now. If you are caught now, you will lose the ability to fight against elves forever."

"… …"

Hearing Elen's words, Origami's eyes sharpened. She knows the current situation. In an instant, everything connected. DEM-based intervention determines the rationale for origami processing.

"Are you the one who is driving this situation now?"

"Well... In order to maintain a good affiliation between us in the future, it's better for you not to know anything about it."

"… …" Origami's face turned cold.

Of course, Allen can't see this, although even if he sees it, it can't change anything---

Allen was still talking to himself. "DEM Industry has many high-performance ITs that are unmatched by other countries. Don't you want to avenge your parents?"

"...You have investigated very clearly." Origami sighed seemingly displeased. However, Ellen next words made Origami's displeased voice quietly stop.

"--Five years ago, a fire hit Nanjia Town in Amamiya City. At that time, multiple spiritual wave reactions and... the fluctuations of the [Death God] were detected at the scene. Of course, that is DEM's top confidential information--if you become a wizard of the Second Executive Department, it's okay to let you know."

"What...what did you say??" Origami's eyes widened and she held her breath. Starting from five years ago, the purpose of her existence was to investigate the truth of that year - and then take revenge! Now the other end of the phone said that as long as she promised to speed them up, what she wanted would be delivered to her. To be honest, Origami was moved.

As if to match this time, the team leader standing in front of Origami said impatiently: "What have you been talking about since just now! A lot of time has been wasted. Now, just leave it alone!"

The agents followed the captain's orders, gradually closing the distance and surrounding Origami.


"——Okay, what are you going to do, Tobiichi Origami?"

"..." After a few seconds of silence, Origami announced her decision.

"——I promise you, you will give me the strength to tell me the truth back then." So, at that moment——



The men who were approaching in an attempt to catch Origami screamed in pain and fell to the ground one after another.

"… …"

Just as Origami Hina frowned, a girl with light blond hair holding a mobile phone to her ear slowly walked over from behind the men lying on the ground. Then, stretch out your hand towards the origami.

"——Welcome to DEM Industry." Ellen's voice came from the phone and in front of him at the same time.

Neptune5 Neptune5

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