Looking at the several options to customize, Shane noticed that he could almost change everything.
From upgrading to downgrading, everything was possible and only one section couldn't be adjusted as per his wish.
'→ Affinities to create earth, water, wind […] with mana included' could at most be reduced to 'Basic-Affinities' to create soil, ores-[...] and magma' and Shane estimated that they were the most basic affinities required to create a barren planet with a molten core.
He was not sure how exactly it worked, but mana could do everything and Shane just accepted it as it was because thinking too much about it would have made him go crazy.
After adjusting everything according to his desire, the price skyrocketed to a huge figure s when he changed the "Required time to blossom" from 1000 years to 2 months, only to decrease at an even faster speed, when he adjusted the other sections accordingly.
Planet name=[?]
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