Does the world even want to be corrected? Will the countries, the people and the coming generations appreciate all the changes? Will the peace even last long?
Such questions always scared Magnus in his sleep. He was slowly and sometimes quickly taking steps to fulfil his dream. In the future, he knew he would have so much magical strength that he could bring any nation to its heels. But he didn't want his powers and fear to be the basis behind the peace.
He wanted it to be development, health, social security, a better life, such things to be the basis. But he knew that there were places in the world with such brainwashed population that it couldn't think beyond their religion, or places with such state control that the people had no choice to do anything that the state does not like.
These were going to be Magnus' biggest challenges. He didn't even care for the Soviet Union, as he knew it won't last too long, it was losing too much money in their mad Cold War with the United States. While the United States was growing at a rapid speed and getting rich, having more money to attack the Soviets, the Soviet Union didn't have such a miraculous boost in their economy. The country was still mostly reliant on its human resources.
But, it was God's grace that Magnus was too good at making money and had friends like Bobby. Bobby might seem like a useless link in the Round Table, but perhaps he was even more important than Magnus himself.
Bobby was a god when it came to finding people to develop new technology, no matter which field, he pumped money in and made sure FutureTek stayed on top. Their research and development department drank money like a sponge.
And with Bobby's help, Magnus knew that he was going to rule the tech and mass media world like a boss. This was a big deal for him. Reason? Well, whoever controls the media controls the world. He had learnt this lesson already. After all, he used this means to demonise Voldemort to such a height that even some of the dark wizards hated him now.
Magnus was taking baby steps, and the baby was a giant.
In Bhutan, Ted soon arrived as per the plan. Magnus told him about his plan. The United Kingdom was in Europe, Zimbabwe was in Africa, and now this. If Bhutan agrees, he will have influence over the world. well, America can be subdued as long as the United Kingdom makes more money and becomes successful. The United States only followed the superiority of the dollar, nothing else.
"So you want to show off Bhutan as an economic miracle? What can they produce? They are a small mountainous region." Ted inquired.
Magnus chuckled, "A lot. You need to understand that the Bhutanese people love nature. They love their forests, the clean air, but they too want to see the world, the modern life-improving amenities.
"Currently, Bhutan exports Iron and steel which is the majority of exports. Other than this, they export salt, sulphur, stone, cement, coffee, tea, spices, wood and, vegetables, fruit and nuts. Most of them go to India, Nepal and China.
"What I see in the country is that they lack a brand value and educated population. My goal is to make big eco-friendly towns as trading and business centres in each of Bhutan's 20 districts. These towns will be connected to all known villages of the district with roads and trains. Most of the country will remain untouched, its wild beauty shall remain as it is.
"I want to promote this country as the country of nature, they shall produce world-renowned products, all made from organic farming and cultivation. The company will be called Himalayan and each product will have the logo of "Made in Bhutan" the major exports will go to rich countries. Just imagine the world eating vegetables and fruits of Bhutan with its logo.
"But, for this, people need to be educated, taught about organic farming, new and effective ways of farming. Again, not everyone can survive on farming, so they will grow flowers as well, I will also make the country a centre for nature tourism, extreme sports and hiking. I will also open a few workshops for a few of my companies here. As long as the population is controlled correctly and the increase happens gradually, we can employ everyone."
Ted silently thought about this seemingly grand plan, but honestly, this felt smaller than what they were doing in other parts of the world. "Hmm, this is certainly possible,"
"Nice, then I want you to make a beautiful showcase booklet for the King of Bhutan, I want to show him what I have envisioned." Magnus gave him work.
Ted nodded, "I will return to the UK with the portkey then. It will be ready by evening,"
Magnus was supposed to meet the wizards of the country next. Merlin was famous around the world it seemed and all were interested in him and his powers.
He headed to Paro Taktsang Monastry. It was a beautiful monastery that looked like something straight out of some fantasy book. Constructed on the side of a tall cliff-side, with a tall straight mountain on one side. It was established in the 9th century as a meditation cave.
Magnus arrived there on his broom, along with Ragnar. These were new brooms, made by Emma. They had comfortable seats.
The monastery was full of bald monks in their orange and red tunics. They wore sandals made of wood as well. Then at the front of them stood a few elders. They were most likely the leaders here.
Even among them, the one in the centre stood out. The man gave Magnus Dumbledore's vibes, not in terms of strength, but in terms of wisdom and oldness. He was bald, with a long white beard and brows. He wore some sort of armoured robes and held a long staff in his hands. There were also beads around his neck and in one hand.
At the same time, he seemed as if he had never smiled in his entire life. As soon as Magnus landed and put the brooms back in his bag. He gave a slight bow for greetings, and in return, everyone bowed back.
Then the long-bearded man walked forward, "Welcome to our little nation, King Pendragon. I am Grandmaster of Wizard Monks of Bhutan, Tshering Yangchen. This Monastery is a small academy for wizards as well. All the monks you see here are also wizards in training. The man on my right is, Karma Chime, teacher of spells, and the man on my left is Jigme Lhaden, teacher of potions."
Magnus took the greeting and introduced himself, "You may already know, I am Magnus, and this here is my brother and potions genius, Ragnar. It's a pleasure to meet fellow wizards. The Hogwarts school does not teach much about the magical communities of other countries. So pardon me if I don't know about your traditions."
Yangchen nodded, "That is because most of the magical communities are shrouded in secrets."
"And that's one of the reasons why we see wars among wizardkind," Magnus replied and followed the Grandmaster inside the monastery to the Buddhist shrine.
Yangchen spoke in his low and heavy voice, "To become a wizard in Bhutan, a wizard must master Buddhism first. We believe in spiritual balance to be the key to staying on the right path of magic. Power is known to corrupt, hence, one must first learn to have faith in the right ways."
"That's why the world has not seen Bhutanese Grindelwald and Voldemort I guess. We mostly just teach students magic and hope for the best." Ragnar said in a brash tone.
Surprisingly, Yangchan chuckled, "Oh no, you are wrong, Prince, we do have evil wizards from time to time, those who have lost the way of Buddha. We were luckily able to control these evil wizards in time. But sadly, it is becoming harder now, as a few evil ones receive support and backing from those expansionists who want to take over Bhutan. (A/N: You know whom I'm talking about.)
"For the same reason, I wished to speak with you."
Magnus silently rolled his eyes, ~*Sigh* Here I thought this country was perfect.~ "Please, say it, Grandmaster."
"We need support to make our wizards stronger to face these threats. Despite having a rich past, we are a poor nation. Our wizards rely on mountain herbs to practice potions, but those are limited. The materials we buy from the major markets in China and India often cost us many times. So we are never able to use them to teach." Yangchen requested with a head held low. It was embarrassing for a man of such high standing to ask like this. Magnus understood this was why he brought them to this shrine, to speak alone.
"Say no more, Ragnar will open a Potions shop in Bhutan. I will also donate a lot of books and brooms to you. If your King accepts my proposal, you can send a few of your exceptional students to Hogwarts to get higher-level education. I am here to make Bhutan a better place, Grandmaster, and I have no ulterior motives than to show the world that I mean good." Magnus told him.
Ragnar agreed, "Sure, I'll open a shop, as long as they pay the normal market price."
"The market price is what we want. And I understand you, King Pendragon, I see the truth in your heart. I will convey the same to his majesty. In the meantime, feel free to look at this Monastery. Maybe meet a few Monk students." Yangchan suggested them. He then took them out to the courtyard and introduced a few students. As he had to go to the royal palace now.
Magnus was happy, with Yangchan filling the king's ears, the chances of King Wangchuck agreeing increased by a big margin.
"Rag, how about we teach them quidditch?" Magnus suggested.
Ragnar chuckled and slammed his fist on Magnus' back, "You bastard, you want to make it popular here and then make money?"
Magnus made the best poker face, "I'm not that greedy, my friend. Come, let's play."
[You can see Bhutan's Wizarding School, Grandmaster Wizards and other two teachers face on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]
You can read 20 advance chapters, MARVEL fic, and more fanfics at
Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*
1 Stone = 1 Anti-Greedy Banana. [Effect: The less greedy you become, the richer you will get. TIP: Do charity.]
Their holiday was coming to an end. Ted had already shown the booklet with the plan to Develop Bhutan to King Wangchuck.
Magnus was now waiting for the news while enjoying his time with his family. The three babies were just the cutest little bundle of joy.
They had started crawling and loved Magnus and Ragnar. So they followed them if they weren't put inside their strollers. Not just that, they also liked flying around with Magnus' magic. He was totally spoiling them and nobody had any right to stop him.
"I'm your big brother... say brother... say brother..." he played with them. Ragnar did the same, not wanting to stay behind.
Grace and Adam sat at the side on recliner seats, watching them play. It brought great peace to their hearts seeing their family being so close to each other, so loving.
"I must have done some really great deeds to have such a loving family," Adam muttered.
Grace looked at him with a doubtful gaze, "I thought you were not religious, since when did you become a believer?"
He chuckled, "Of please, you also know it. Merlin has confirmed that God does exist. And recently, Magnus told me that Hell also exists, as he has seen inside Hell with a treasure left by Merlin."
"He did? Why didn't he tell me?" She muttered sadly.
"Don't worry about it, Grace. He's getting big and we both know he's mentally much older than he looks. There are bound to be things he can't share with you, besides, you were pregnant, he didn't want to give you any stress." Adam advised her.
"But... I know he can't share some things, but... I want him to at least share his problems, sorrows and fears. I don't want him to ever feel lonely." She worriedly said.
Adam sighed and replied, "Dear, we are normal parents of extraordinary children, worrying is a full-time job for us. And we don't even know if our three new gremlins will be wizards or not."
Grace's face paled, "NO! NO! I can't face so much tension..."
"Don't worry, by then Magnus and Ragnar will be out of school, they will be the bosses of Britain and possibly the world. Grace, you don't know some things but know this, Magnus and Ragnar are vastly powerful, and Magnus' influence is spread around the world. You will understand that in a few years." Adam confided in her.
She fell silent and just looked at her children playing. Then all of a sudden a man came via apparition, he wore a monk tunic. He bowed to Magnus and told him something. After that, Magnus informed them he'd be back soon and left.
Grace was taken aback, "I... how blind I could be? I didn't notice all that's happening around Magnus."
"I call that parent bias," Adam blurted.
Royal Palace,
Magnus was greeted by many ministers of the King's government. Most of them were old men with one step in their graves. But surprisingly, besides the King stood Grandmaster Yangchan, this made it clear that the Bhutanese government worked closely with the wizards.
"Welcome, King Pendragon, we have a lot to talk about. Let's sit." King Wangchuk sounded much happier today. Though a few ministers were frowning.
There was a big elliptical table in the middle of the hall. The king, Grandmaster and the 5 ministers sat on one side and on the others was one single chair for Magnus. It was as if they were doing some negotiations.
Magnus internally frowned, wondering if he was going to end up being angry after this meeting. "So, what have you decided, King Wangchuk?"
"You can call me Singye. You will find it interesting, the formal designation of the King in Bhutan is called Druk Gyalpo, which in English means Dragon King. And you as well, are supposed to be the Dragon King." King Wangchuk started.
"Are you by any chance related to dragons?" Magnus inquired. As it was his experience, that most people who claim to be related to dragons are not really that.
"That is a debate for another time. There is no way to ascertain that. Even the Bhutanese people call themselves Dragon People, so who knows." he replied.
Magnus seemed disappointed. But, he liked that there was a society where Dragons were so widely accepted. ~Hah, Duck will be seen as a god here.~
"You can call me Magnus then. I prefer that, even the Saudi King calls me that. So, have you made a decision? What did you think about the plans Ted showed you?" Magnus inquired. He didn't bring Ted along to see the King's sincerity. Ted also didn't care, since Magnus was much better than him in making money. Even deals that may seem unprofitable now are supposed to make loads of money in a few months with what Magnus plans.
"First I want to ask you, Magnus, how much are you willing to invest in Bhutan according to your proposed plan?" the King asked.
"Well, I am planning to invest 1 billion pounds in the coming 5 years." He revealed. 1 Billion pounds (about 10 Billion in 2021) was a HUGE amount of money. It was many many times more than the entire GDP of this small nation.
They erupted in their talking. The Ministers who were frowning a while ago were now gleaming with smiles. Magnus added further, "And I did not include investments that various of my companies will make. So the end amount is much more than 1 Billion."
"And who shall be overseeing all this money?" One of the ministers asked. Magnus saw greed in his eyes and immediately decided to poison this man if the King agreed.
"Certainly not you. I don't trust governments, they tend to be more sloppy. Only a company that has to worry about losses can be efficient and effective. The money, the investment, all of it will be done by me. Remember, it's not the British Government's money, it's the personal funds I am using. I am taking a huge risk." Magnus stated. This was true, he was investing from his own pocket. Not because he was a saint, but because the British Government didn't have this kind of money to spend. Also, by doing this, Magnus will be ensuring huge returns.
The King nodded, "I understand, Magnus. I accept your proposal of making a National brand, and to give you a 51% administrative and 50% money stake in the Himalayan parent company. As promised, you will help us with our educational and health infrastructure immediately. In return, we will waver taxes over your companies involved in nation-building and waver 40% taxes on companies that set their firms here for 5 years."
"Your Majesty, that's being too lenient... you should not be blinded by the dream..." the Prime Minister spoke up.
King Wangchuck glared at him, "Prime Minister, do you have a billion pounds in your pocket? Can you build a total of 100 schools, colleges and hospitals in a year? NO? Then stay silent, this is not your place to speak. I know what I am doing."
~Damn right, that's what a king is supposed to be.~ Magnus thought. But, then he noticed something concerning and tried to mentally talk with Grandmaster Yangchan who was silently sitting at the side of the king with his eyes closed.
~Grandmaster, can you hear me? Nod if you can.~ he talked.
The old man suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at him across the table. This was enough proof for Magnus, so he spoke further, ~I do not know if you have laws against reading minds, but I just read the minds of all your ministers. Your prime minister is colluding with your enemies in the North, he has taken the bribes. While 2 are in contact with them.~
The old man's eyes shined red, showing anger. He glanced at the ministers and possibly read their minds himself. He then started radiating a very dangerous aura.
~Oh boy, I guess these men are taking their last breath.~ Magnus muttered.
In the end, the deal was completed. The King of Bhutan was officially allied with Magnus.
One more thing happened, later, Grandmaster Yangchan caught many spies in the government and even in the ministry. They were all given a public trial according to the imperial constitution, the biggest ones were given capital punishment. The country had not stupidly stopped capital punishment. Treason was still a crime for which it was given. As seen in 1964, when the previous King's own brother, the head of the Bhutanese Royal Army attempted a coup and got capital punishment when it failed.
After these events, monthly secret legilimency audits became normal. Magnus was happy, magic should be used in such cases, he wholeheartedly supported this.
[Discord -]
Make Me A STONE!
You can read 20 advance chapters, Marvel Fic, and more fanfics at
Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*
1 Stone = 1 Billion Dollars. [Effect: You can only use it on one thing, all at once.]
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