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Discovery part 1

Chapter:two: Discovery

P.O.V: Leroy Johnson

It's been two days since we have arrived at this mysterious place.

"Quiet down." I say to Tanisha who is slowly walking behind me. I take an arrow and set it in between my bow after two seconds I loose it [snipe] I say as a once wobbly arrow turns straight and deadly killing its intended target instantly.

" Yeah" I sigh after two days we finally gain something let's hope it's enough. How did we get here?

Two days ago


The outside world

Living quarters

"What the hell was that?" Despite his fear-filled voice Andre still maintains his calm and cautious demeanour as expected of our class president.

"Living quarters that's right there was a closed-door near the room filled with chest we tried to open it but failed." Frank says with her usual emotionless and condescending tone I wonder why she is always like that sometimes u wish… wait for the voice to say team #102 does that mean, almost on cue Andre also looks up and stares at me with a small smirk.

"It would seem we are not alone here." I already realized that Andre but still we can't back down.

"We need to figure out how to use these scrolls as fast as possible or we might risk getting killed off by others." We are all sitting around the strange glowing table beside me is a fletcher and a short bow wrapped in animal skin. I'm wearing white leather armour like everyone else well everyone except Andre and Joshua that is they have bits of iron around their body obviously these are all equipment gain from selecting our class mine is Archer obviously.

" That's quite obvious the more important thing is to assign roles so we have a clear goal ahead of us plus a leader." I agree as well no matter how far we go get not having a clear goal ahead of us might lead to infighting and we may never reach anywhere.

"If that's the case we should pick our leader by vote, I nominate myself as the leader." Andre calming states while Frank smiles and say.

"I also nominate myself as the leader." And like that the two presidents are at it again hopefully, this one ends peacefully unlike last time.

"I nominate Jake Fallburg as the leader."The one who speaks just now was no other than Victoria the cheerful since they both are friends it makes sense that she votes for him but he seems surprised like as everyone else that he was chosen. Then nobody else was nominated.

"Alright then by a raise of hand we will vote." Andre says with his usual smile. The result was:

Andre Patterson: 8 vote

Jake Fallburg: 7 vote

Frank Zoey: 5 vote

Andre winning was no surprise since he has been the class president since elementary school but Jake Fallburg coming in second that's something unexpected although I voted for him why simply while Andre possessed all the qualities of a leader he lacks the human element to be one I guess and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

"Interesting as Our current president I would like to suggest we split into groups base on our class composition, do you agree vice president?" I guess we will move on with everything ignoring Frank horrified face although I agree with her, her distant personality makes it hard for anyone to fully put their trust in her so her loss today was her fault. 

" I agree with your suggestion but we are already aware of that already which group we are a part of." Saying so he stares at everyone causing some to turn away while other looks down blushing.

Alright then let's move on to the matter that started this discussion. Even though so of us rather rest.

"We should try calling the name on the scroll first." We are now outside in the cold snowy place trying to test our abilities so far we tried absorbing the scroll that failed miserably we even cut our hands to allow blood to flow still nothing. So we are now trying to call out the name let's see the results.

"Sword slash!" Like before it failed sigh.

"Why great god of fire and ore why please bless us with this ability." Like a crazy person Victoria the cheerful say out loud while everyone looks away embarrassed suddenly a red aura surrounds her and all the scrolls in her hand disappear.

"Wait look you did it!" Everyone immediately turns around and begins to cheer even Frank although it's more like a slight raising of the lips than anything.

"Can you use any ability?" Andre quickly asks instead of talking Victoria bends down and say [Melt] with no prior heat source the snow around her begins to evaporate with no plausible explanation except she is using magic.

"Okay, then how did you use the scroll." With that question everyone stares at her she smiles shyly and says.

"I have no idea." That's unfortunate but at least we have less this time. So for another hour we tried and failed damn if only I listened to what she said.

"Well, we should give up and try tomorrow let's hope the god of blessing bless us." Tanisha says while smiling and like before with Victoria and aura blue in colour surrounded by a hint of gold.

"I see now so we give praises to the god that granted the power and we receive it, god of war bless me ." Like others, the scrolls in Andre's hands disappear and he gets surrounded by a dark purple aura. Like that we all gain our new abilities.

"I hope you guys have gained a good night sleep because we will need it we will be forming groups with those who can fight and go searching for food because if we stay here we will starve." While everyone else was too busy sleeping all four unofficial group leaders went searching the entire mansion despite all that it has given us food and water aren't one of those.

"The others who are here will help gather snow we will testing a theory we had last night if it rains true we will have water even if it doesn't well at least you have something to keep you busy." No Matter what plans we have for the future we will be long dead with any food or water. The hunting party will consist of:

Group A: Warrior- Andre Patterson

Archer- Miley Citrus

Mage- Alicia Fae

Tamer- Nova Sinclair

Monk- Luke strong

Group B:

Warrior- Joshua Davidson

Archer- Leroy Johnson

Mage- Marcus Lucid

Tamer- Tanisha Parkinson

Monk- Natasha Pinkvella

That leaves us with where we are right now for two days we have been hunting this white horned panther we had to leave everyone else behind because Joshua armour keeps alerting it, it always senses Marcus magic before he could use it and Natasha requires her to be close only my bow and Tanisha whip could attack while keeping us safe." Alright, let's go back to the mansion."

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