/ Urban / Chose to Forget

Chose to Forget Original

Chose to Forget

Urban 59 Chapters 77.5K Views
Author: Xinglan

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She was chasing him since high school. She devoted her years working in his company. Still, she was nothing to him. After being ignored for years, she decided it was time to stop. Then something made her forget him.
He had eyes on a lot of people, but never on her. He despised how she always appears in front of him. When she stopped, he missed every moment of it. Then he decided to open his heart to her. When he did, he was nothing to her.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Xinglan
    Xinglan Contributed 29
  2. DaoistuLHflA
    DaoistuLHflA Contributed 6
  3. Renata_Rezende
    Renata_Rezende Contributed 5

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Author Xinglan