Fundamentals must have taken a full hour … and at least almost double before I even began getting a solid grasp on it.
Erecting a magical barrier specifically designed to thwart and keep out Death itself wasn't the one-hand-tied-behind-my-back trivial effort as it probably sounded like.
Definitely also not how I thought I'd be spending the few remaining hours left before the year draws to a close.
Thankfully, convenience was on my side here - having unraveled the intricacies of impenetrable barriers only quite recently gave me all the experience I needed to go ahead and forge my own.
If not for Mom, and the whole song and dance she had put me through, then I genuinely don't think any of this would have been possible in the timeframe I was given.
So… thanks Mom.
I think.
Short chapter today. Just a bit of buildup before we get into the what we all came here for.
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