/ Fiksi ilmiah / Make Up, Murders, and Macchiato

Make Up, Murders, and Macchiato Original

Make Up, Murders, and Macchiato

Fiksi ilmiah 16 Chapters 29.2K Views
Author: OswaldTheGreat

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Astrid is a retired modern day Sherlock Holmes / Nancy Drew who stumbled on the gruesome murder of an unknown killer roaming around their university. She was then forced to instigate an investigation together with the one whom she hated the most- Kairo, Astrid infiltrated a sought after elite circle sorority known as the Alpha Kappa Tau after she discovered that the killer is after the members of the said elite circle. Her life took major turn from anthropology student, to sorority member to Kairo's caretaker.

She must sieve through the web of lies, deceits and detractions in the world of glits, glams and fluttering fake eyelashes.

Prepare for unexpected twist and turns, fight scenes in bodycon dress, blinding lights from sparkling diamond and jewels, and series of chase in skyhigh Christian Loubouttin pumps.

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