When the battles against the accursed occurred on various continents, the fairies could be called the luckiest because no more sealed areas were left on their continent.
However, that didn't mean they had no part in protecting their planet from the evil invaders who destroyed the world one hundred thousand years ago.
The fairy troops were dispatched to other continents via teleport waypoints to assist the other race as their support role would be helpful.
When the fairy reinforcements arrived, Luna and the elves watched how the accursed creatures were crushed before their eyes like ants. The battlefield had concluded, but elves weren't the ones who eliminated all the accursed creatures.
*Boom!* *Boom!*
The elf army was teleported to the safe zone. Then meteors rained down on the battlefield and annihilated the accursed creatures. The overlord monster couldn't escape the destruction and was swallowed up by the deadly impact.
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