By good fortune, the students were still conscious of taking their uniforms neatly, without jostling or making a crowd that would make them punished by the fierce instructor.
The boys and girls went to separate ways to different locker rooms. Unfortunately, as expected of limited space, it could not immediately accommodate all the students, whether male or female, in each room.
Those students who were unable to enter to change uniform due to consideration that the locker room was full could only wait outside the locker room.
"Ely, what do we do now? The locker rooms are full, and we only have five minutes." Evelyn inquired with urgency. She and her best friend were part of the female students outside the locker room because it looked too crowded inside.
"As expected, this room cannot accommodate more than a hundred people at once." Elysia shook her head helplessly when she knew the locker room was full.
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