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87.17% Lost soul / Chapter 34: new turn

Chapter 34: new turn

As one could guess, the sudden influx of new arrival triggers a particular point that to be addressed, classes.

Or more particularly, the level of education.

The two days before Christmas was turned into an intensive course of tests. Some had been less than willing to pass days of their vacation doing school work, but when they face the threat of bounded magic, they understand that thing had changed.

Those particularly concerned were a pair of Griffindor second years, who wanted to pass more time gossiping than working. Regretfully for them, they weren't an only child, and Orion had threatened them to ban them from the island, without magic and memories if they didn't shape up and growth.

The two following days made them see him as a slave driver, from all. As for some adult, they were humiliated by a 12 years-old using first years spell. The reality then slaps them harshly in their face; they were shit and weren't even worth a knut.

After they all pass yuletide in family, nursing bumps and shattered pride, they return in hell. They were all convocated at different time, only to discover that they would immediately start their class.

As it would have been too much for a parent to share class with their child, Andromeda had taken over adult re-education. At the same time, Orion, Neville and Hermione passed every child through their version of the first-year curriculum, starting with the most lacking subject DADA, Astronomy and HoM.

As he feared, the two chattering girls didn't last the first weeks, before falling back in their old habit. Be it they were thinking protected by their family or didn't know he would; they stop to pay attention.

It had lead to the first punishment executed since the establishment of the dynasty.


Four days before they return at Hogwarts, Orion convoked the two concerned families.

"Thank you for responding to my call." Start him, when the two families had settled in a private room of the Evans Wing."As I had to say when you all arrived and swore your oath, I take the security of the island very seriously and will see that not a single threat would occur on it. Since they start their education at Hogwarts, Parvati and Lavender had rapidly been know as vapid gossiper and less than stellar students. Knowing the sub-standard of the school, it says something on their prospect of the future."

Both family Head winces when they understand why they were here, while mothers and daughters whiten.

"I had warned them that I would not accept any slacker. I could understand that some are less gifted than others and would need more time to learn. It isn't a sin; we all have our strengths and our weakness, regretfully Parvati and Lavender are not among that category. I informed them, but they didn't listen, they were disturbing others by their giggling and weren't attentive in class. Had it be outside the course and out of reach of those willing to learn, it wouldn't have been necessary. They didn't leave me any other choice.

I Orion James Evans, Head of House Evans call upon magic to claim justice on the oath-breaker! By three times were warned and three times fails, I claim the magic of the offenders, no more they shall rise against their House. By wronging House Evans, they threaten the wellbeing of their brethren, be magic Jude my claim!"

In a blinding flash of light, the two young witches feel a drain their magic, feeling it exit her until they barely feel it. Its made them burst in tears when they finally understand their mistake, but there was no remedy to regrets.

"The family Magic had carried its duty. Form today forth, both of you are taken out of Hogwarts, you will stay here on the island and banned to exit it until you are deemed mature enough. Both of you will be introduced to Maria and take under her wing, starting tomorrow."


The two fathers understand that it was their cue to leave and give a small word of thank, knowing full well that their fate could have been so much worst. At least, none had been casts of the Dynasty, nor he calls from their disownment. While they lost nearly all their magic, they have enough left to perform small tasks and household charms. They had also be given an opportunity in being taken under the wing of the local wear seamstress.

When both girls had tried to complain, it didn't work as it did before. That day, they understand that they were always someone above you and that the lax system they were under till now, was finished. Orion expects obedience and loyalty when he gives them protection and opportunity. They lost the first as their first offence, would lose the other one in breaking the second, and he had made it clear that they weren't a third chance.

While sad that they lost the glamour of Hogwarts and its opportunity, it rapidly vanishes when the strict, and non-nonsense older woman starts to teach them the art of wear making.


Unlike the British community, where your neighbour would have been the first to sell you to appears what they call the newspaper, the news of the two girls weren't published, and no one searches why they were now with the old Maria.

It was perhaps the most significant impact on the newly arrived group. While the community was small, Orion asked Xenophillus Lovegood to continue his newspaper here, and add some European news, magical and mundane.

The man did so when confronted by his daughter and was happy to see that a significant portion of the people subscribed. He only had to adjust to the new format, a slate of bluish translucent crystal the size of what Orion had called A5.

He had at first fear to not be able to work with this new concept, but it had rapidly taken in.


Orion had been unwilling to rely on ink and papers, so he had created a sizeable enchanted table. All the man would have to do is to create his newspaper like previously, and then scan it on the table. He would only have to check it on a linked pad, on if everything was correctly edited, send the numerical newspaper to the subscribers. Other than the first 10G price of the pad, one would be free to buy a copy of the paper when they wish, by merely inserting the needed sum. Each section of the newspaper was available separately, or whole.

As he introduced it to the man, Orion and Xenophilius had worked a contract where the shares were divided 25-75, with Orion, has minor shareholder.

It had been a great it, as mundane had started to feel cut from the external world, being able to receive news had significantly reduced their anxiety. Orion had promised to open a channel to secure emplacement for them to return and continue to live there, it still would be some time before that, through.


While the Daily prophet editor was thrilled to learn that the Quibbler had vanished from the isles, the community at large had been heavily impacted by the depart of a least a dozen of it Houses, and the downfall of ever more of them. When it had was known that Orion, previously Boy-Who-Lived, was the one responsible for the reduction of the WIsengamot from its 101 seats to it's actual 45, the opinion turns divided.

Some were calling for his head, cursing at him for all the actual problem (he was the base of at least 75% of them actually), accusing him of bringing even more harm that You-Know-Who during the war.

The other was weeping at the loss of their hero and wanted him back or join him.

He didn't give the suit to any of those, leaving wizard Britain to sink in it own incompetence. He did make it known to the editor that he had the majority of the paper shares and should they slender him against or cross the line with even a toenail; he would make the paper shut down and leave them popper in the streets.

The following day had seen a retractation letter from the editor himself in the paper and a fired water beetle, responsible for those articles. With the state of the community at this time, she was rapidly going through her years of saving, and blackmail material to still maintain her daily life. She did swear to found the brat and made him know that it wasn't wise to scorn a witch.


The return of say child and the newly islander had sent waves through the rumour mill, but none were able to obtain a single tidbit on it.

Thanks to this and Orion was known vindictive nature; it slowly recedes in the following weeks. Having Susan in the know turn to be a great boon, as she would immediately report to him if the girl were starting to act strange.

As for his relationship with Susan, it had become better and worst at the same time, better as she was now his betrothed, and soon to be lady Rosier, but worst as the girl was becoming more and more blatant, leading to the need of punishment.

He wasn't sure if it was the best solution, seeing her flushed face and happy expression. The girl was a light masochist pure and straightforward, thriving in his verbal and mental abuse. She was doing everything to make him take it on her, using her body as he like, and taking pleasure in knowing that she was useful to him.

That didn't mean she relieve in pain, nor would he would have done it, but a slightly more powerful than necessary, hairs pulled, of simple molestation, was what she loves the most—being sent at the border of pleasure and pain always. It had asked some time for Orion to found the right equilibrium, but he was coming there.

As they were still young, any sexual intercourse was out of the question, but he had started to take pleasure on milking her, turning her in noting more than his cow.

As they were still in the territory at that time, it had lead to an 'accident', Nymphadora had walked in one of there session. That has been an awkward moment, until she strips and stands obediently on Susan side, waiting for her turn.




"Nymmy, what are you doing?!" Shout Orion when he sees her starting to strip.

"No way I pass on the occasion! I have waited for too long for this!" Say her before pushing Susan a little of the seat she was on, being milked by Alex.

Say girl was barely registering what was happening, to lost in pleasure."

"Are you sure?"

"Hubby, you've been milking me nearly every morning since the first day you sleep with me, hell that the reason I am carrying those jugs!" Say her taking hold of her ample breast."My body has become too much addicted from you sucking a had expanded those on it own to give you as much as you wanted, so now take responsibility and milk me!"


## Flashback end##


It had led to an intense moment to Orion since it was the first time he heard about this, she had stayed quiet all those years on this, not wanting to be deprived of her individual waking up.

It had led him to take a tentative sip, and while he couldn't remember it, his body does, so he had eagerly milked both.

Ever since that day, he had milked the two daily, retrieving a right amount of the precious liquid. Since he was already drinking it in his sleep, he didn't see why he couldn't while being awake.

They had to keep Hermione in the dark, not wanting for the poor girl to feel apart, and have thus decided on a rotating schedule. Each girl would have a day in the week for themselves to sleep with him, a day in pair and the last one was cuddle time with everyone.

Orion started to search for a mean to bring Nymphadora in Hogwarts as the wards were cutting the connection between the trunks when they weren't under them. Thankfully, the notion of vanishing cabinet made an apparition, and he has passed a few days to explore the shop of Knockturn Alley, in the hope of founding a pair, or even a single unit.

He didn't need the pair; only one would suffice as it was only the runic scheme that was interesting him. His hope wasn't in vain when he found one in a shop called 'Borgin and Burkes'.

He didn't pay the man, not after he threatened and tried to scam him, he finished by killing the man and call house-elves to take everything inside, before setting fire to the shop.

By the time the Aurors arrive, they only found a burned down building and a dead drunk Mundingus Fletcher not too far. As the man was already known for different crimes, he was sent to the prison not an hour later.

To be sure, they tried to get a memory out of the man, but he was som much drunk on Firewhiskey that it was completely blurred. When they found that his last few spells were incendiary one, it had been enough. The man faces murder and destruction of private property charges.

The fact that Burkes had well-minded and politically powerful friends, and some gold changing hand, had seen that he wouldn't escape the high-security jail.

The man was found, kissed three days later, and now one had wept the lost.


It didn't take long for Orion to analyse, recreate and modify the runic cluster to better accommodates their need. The trunks had only needed a small change. Rather than doors communicating from the two logs, he creates a little closet, with the two doors enchanted to act like a pair of vanishing cabinet.

One would need to enter, close the door behind, and exit by the other, being sent to Orion trunk.

Linrim Linrim

Sorry for not publishing it yesterday, but I had to oversee a few things. If I had done everything right, my account on Pat reon is no established!

For those willing, her the link.


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