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74.35% Lost soul / Chapter 29: proactive start

Chapter 29: proactive start

More than the previous years, all eyes were on Dumbledore, after is night year-long of absence. Basking in the attention, he stays silent until it would start to become awkward.

"Welcome to every one of you, a new year begins for us all, after a rather agitated past year. Some Changement had been made without my authorization during my absence, Changement that had been reverted to what they should be and have stayed.

Like every year, the list of banned items is displayed onto caretaker Filch. This year, the DADA curriculum will be taken over by the estimated Gilderoy Lockart" Say man raise, giving a bow and his famous smile at the swooning girls of all age." Yes, thank you, professor..."

Orion tone down the rest of the old man rambling, take a book and wait for the meal to start, missing the frown of Dumbles was he looked at him.


The first night a Hogwarts did bring a change to Orion and Hermione when he discovers that something was interfering with the connection of the trunk. Looking at it, he sees that it was one of the wards acting up. Knowing that he couldn't bring it down without crashing through a few tens of others, he leaves it as it, until the weekend to look for a solution. He knows that Nymmy wouldn't be too worried, as she would be able to feel it too, but he was sure that she would be pissed off.

Using the occasion, he takes a peek at the state of the wards. He didn't like what he was seeing, someone had messed with them, badly. Looking at them, the change was recent, all made in the same goal, keep an eye on him.

Growling, Orion didn't touch them, they became such a mess that some part was starting to overload, frying some of the wards. Dumbledore was not knowing what he was doing, added with the meddling of the past headmaster, they were practically useless.

The old fool had deactivated most of the dark artefacts, beasts and curses sensors, impede on the armour enchantments and many other minors point that was left behind a barely functional castle.

While he cares for the castle, as heir, he wouldn't forward any actions to see at the security of the students in his walls, as long as Neville and Hermione were safe, it could burn for all he cares. Even if it came to that, he would be able to retrieve everything of valour in, by sending it to the vaults of the island, as the actual unique manifested owner, he had complete control of the wards, able to retake them at any moments.

While they were deactivated, it doesn't mean that he can't use them. Taking control of the targeted wards, he rapidly found it, in the second year Hufflepuff girl dormitory. A black book with golden lettering appears in his trunk. Looking at it, he immediately feels the familiar soul shard.

Passing his hand above the book, two ethereal blobs of light the size of a ping-pong ball appears. The first was a vile dark-green, the colour of Voldy soul, the second was equally black but less profound and vicious. The colour was the sate of corruption done by the use of dark magic-powered with negative emotion.

In the middle of this disgusting piece of magic was the feeling of particular magic. One of his customer, more particularly, family magic. The book was recking of the Malfoy magic, after being soaked in it for what seems years.

That was all he needs, the instant that nasty shard possesses the girl and made her use the basilisk to attack students, he would be able to claim blood feud from the Malfoy family and whip them out if need. BEing both marked death eater, he didn't have any scruples to kill the two Malfoy, but Draco was another story. the boy has been a good customer and has nearly any interaction with him.

He would explain the situation tot he boy if need, and if he was still adamant to avenge his family, he would cut of the grass under his feet, and put an end to a future threat. Sending the book back, he rejoins Hermione to the bed.


When he entered into their room he was surprised to see her still awake, standing not far from the bed, and looking to his direction.

Their relation had growth during the past year, other than their teacher-student relation, Hermione had been slowly exiting her shell, starting returning to the outgoing and bold girl she was before all this. She had stayed with them at night, even after she had understood that she wasn't in danger anymore.

The few nightmares she had a completely stopped and she had become comfortable with seeing Orion naked. All of this was because Nymphadora wasn't shy to show her feeling in private.

More than once she had walked on them, taking a bath together, and due to the nutriment potion they were still taking, Orion had nothing of a 12-year-old but was more looking like a 14-15 one. This signifies that all his feature were look-alike to the one of his apparent age.

Needlessly to say, she had never seen a naked boy, before, less a teenager. The fact that Nymphadora was proudly displaying her outrageous features didn't help her regain confidence in herself.

But all this would be changing. Making her way to him, she boldly takes his wrist in her hand, before putting them on the front of her nightgown, and more precisely and the knot of the two string keeping it close and her clothed.



His eyes widen when he hear her hoarse voice she hadn't used in a year. Seeing the tiny smile drawing on her face, she must be happy to have been able to speak her first word. Feeling her lightly and pressing hands on his, he understand what she wanted.

"Are you sure?" Asked him, worried that he would take advantage of her, only to be assured by her firm and somewhat eager nod.

Breathing in, he lightly tugs on one of the strings he was holding. Sliding on the other, the knot was undone. The cloth now open, slide on her shoulder under its weight as he wasn't held anymore.

Basking on her feature, he couldn't help but stare at her body.

In their year together, both became comfortable with the fact that they would become husband and wife in the future. This had lead to quite some snog and clothed heavy patting session between the two of them, all this because of the potion.

Lake Orion, Hermione wasn't looking like a thirteen to-be girl, but more like most of the six years girls. This also signifies that she had long since graduated from her budding A cup of their encounter, to her current small C cup.

It had been made clear that his nutrient potion wasn't only enhancing the overall body, but would also give a boost of what should have been her feature. It had been explained by her mother since the two of them were sharing a similar bust, and the women in her side of the family had never grown to surpass it.

But here was Hermione, already there at thirteen, and still growing. While it wouldn't become the outrageous E cup of Nymphadora, she wouldn't be far from D, perhaps even attain it.


Warning: lime.


Hermione had never been comfortable with the nudity that her sister-to-be was showing, thus had always wear something while they were sleeping, but now that she had Orion for Herself, she was decided to take advantage of the situation.

Boldly taking back his hands, she put them on her chest, letting do as he wished with it.

This brought back Orion of his trans. Knowing her, he knows that it would be offensive of him to ask her again if she was ok with it, so, like any sane man facing a naked woman offering herself to him, he acts.

Giving a tentative light squeeze, he marvels a the soft sensation under his finger, immediately feeling the hardening numbs on the centre of his palm, and hear the soft moan from the sensible girl.

Emboldened by the reaction, he gives another try, harder, lightly deforming the malleable buns in his hands. Looking at Hermione he saw her eyes flutter slightly while biting her lower, lip, trying to contain her moans.

Smirking devilishly under her unfocused gaze, he goes for a kiss. taken by surprise, she opens eyes and mouth, inadvertently giving him access to more than she would have. Unwilling to lose the occasion, his tongue mercilessly plunder in her mouth, exploring any corner.

The moment she seems to regain her spirit and try to fight back, he goes for the kill. As his tongue start to vibrate under the effect of his Parseltoungue ability, his left hand go south while the right, left the breast to pinch the hard nipple.

Under the three-way attack, she froze, not knowing how to respond, before pleasure starts to crash in her brain.

Under the light stimulation of Orion's thumb on her clitoris, her inner thighs immediately start to moisten while her back was assaulted by shiver from the ministration of his finger on her nipple.

She soon starts to grow restless under the unequal teasing, and, as if feeling it, Orion separates his mouth from her, before give her a slight push.

Letting out a small squeak, she falls on her back on the bed, that they have moved to while she was under his hold.

Climbing above her, he didn't leave her enough time to react and return to his previous occupation, but this time he starts to suck and nibbling on the free pink cherry.

As waves after waves of pleasure start to surge, she stops to bite her lips, choosing to strike back by bitting on his shoulder, partially muffling her moans.

Feeling her moist lips under his finger, he slowly inserts one while speeding his teasing on her clit. The sudden penetration and raised stimulation achieve to bring her over. He feels the tip of his finger inside her splashed with a warm liquid, easying his way him.

Building on her still ongoing orgasm, he inserts it further, lightly scraping her walls inside, bringing her higher and prolonging her orgasm, in a deep scream.


Lime end.


Extirping his finger, he looks at her, proud to see the exhausted but content smile spreading on her face. Barely receiving a response when he lightly pecks on her lips, he passes his arms under her limps body, bringing her in the bathroom, preparing a bath for the both of them.


On the next morning, Hermione awake in Orion's arms, both of them completely naked under the covers. Feeling her stir, he looks at her, moving a strand of hairs on the way.

"How are you feeling?" Ask him tenderly, before chuckling a little and squeeze her in his arms when she buries her head in his chest, trying to hide to blossoming blush on her face.

Taking a phial he had prepared the previous night, he nudges her until she turns her gaze to him.

"Here, it will smooth your throat, and ease it if you try to speak."

She nods gratefully before downing the phial in one go, make her feel the refreshing feeling invading her throat as if it was watering a parched land long since left dry, not being too far from the actual effect of the potion.

"We should go down, I have some news to share with you and Neville." Say him a little more seriously, before an impish smile makes his way on his face. " But before that, I have to take care of a particular witch!"

Suddenly plunging on her, he drags an indignantly, but un-defending squealing Hermione, inside the bathroom, to give him a though and complete wash, taking his time on a certain place, more so that the other.


Still red, she nearly hid her face in his robes as the two made their way to the Great Hall. The moment they appear, different people made their way to them. Neville was the first to join them on their table, looking serious and a little strained, not that both could blame him after knowing what a Housemate of his was keeping.

Before they could even start to speak, Flitwick gives them their timetable, earning a nod from Orion and a gentle smile from Hermione, sign that he returns. The half-goblin was about to turn around and return to his breakfast when he sees McGonagall standing just behind them.

As the witch was standing behind him without saying a word of making her presence know, Orion dismisses her, knowing full well that she waited to be acknowledged, a thing that he would not do.

After an awkward two minutes for the older witch, she finally clears her throat, making Orion turn his head on the side.

"Yes?" Apatically asked him.

"Headmaster Dumbledore want to see you." Say her briskly at his indifferent voice.

On this, she turns heel and starts to make her way to the exit of the Great Hall before stopping when she realises that he wasn't following. Starting to turn red in anger, she made her way back, under the gaze of the hall that had fallen silent the moment they see her speaking to him.

"Why are you still seated? Come along!" Her tone barely restrained under her rising anger at being made a fool of herself under the gaze of all, only to be ignored by Orion, who turn to Flitwick.

"Professor Flitwick, have you been made aware that the Headmaster wanted to see me?"

"No, M Evans, I was not." Respond to him while looking straight at the witch.

"Here you are, I will not come." Say Orion to her face.

"You! As a student, you have to respond to your headmaster call!"

"Don't speak to me like this, McGonagall, it shows your unprofessionalism! As my Head of House hadn't been made aware, I will not follow you who knows where much less alone!" Shout him back, while standing just in front of the witch face, looking her straight in the eyes.

This harsh response draws a few gasps, especially from the first years that we're unaware of the situation between them.

"You?! I am...."

"A criminal, that all you are! As you had clearly said the previous year, you are unable to teach me anything, thus no a professor of mine. While the old goat may have fooled the morons on the board, he doesn't have the power to reinstall deregistered professor from their past position. I refuse to accept you as Deputy headmistress, this honour lay in the hand of the only capable witch that I know here, Pomona Sprout!

You had I have nothing to say to each other! As for the old goat in the high tower, he doesn't have the authority to demand to see me, only ask! As long as he didn't ask himself of via my Head of House, he can go suck his lemon drops!"

Done, he returns to the seat to his place, leaving a flabbergasted crowd and speechless woman. Say woman face rapidly turn from stupefaction to apoplectic, in a feat of anger, she draws her wand and fires a stunner at Orion back, drawing gasps from all present.

Feeling the spell fired to his direction, he made volt-face, showing the dangerous glint on his eyes. Battering away the spell in the roof of the Hall with bare hand in from of a shocked gathering, he rapidly strides to her, griping her by the throat with his right hand while his left claws at the wand, snapping it under the pressure of his grip.

The sound of snaped wood was over-shadowed by the louder, bone-breaking crack. Opening his hand, the limp corpse of McGonagall fall on the ground, before vanishing with a careless backward motion of his wrist while returning to his table.

"Let go, it seems that we can't speak unbothered here." Rings crisply his word in the frozen Hall.

receiving a nod from the two, they made their way out, loud whisper immediately broking free at the same time, the second they vanish from sight. In the central pathway, Flitwick could only bitterly shake his head at the situation. More than once the boy had warned them that any attack on him and/or his people would be deal with untold prejudice. Minerva had immediately growth cooky the moment Dumbledore had re-integrated her, thinking herself untouchable.

Linrim Linrim

Sorry, not only was it long to came to me, but my connection is not at is top today, anyway, here chap.

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