NEOMA was ready to beat Crimson to a pulp and knock some sense into him.
After all, it was the only way to bring back her Tteokbokki.
However, Neoma soon forgot about her violent plan when Crimson, still in his human form, suddenly let go of her throat just like that. Then he fell to his knees while clutching his chest tight. It looked like he was in pain.
"Hey, what's happening?" Neoma asked worriedly. It didn't matter if Crimson just tried to choke her to death a few moments ago. There was no way Crimson could kill her, even if he tried anyway. "Are you hurt? But I haven't beaten you to a pulp yet."
"It hurts…" Crimson said, huffing. Then he hugged himself and shut his eyes tight– his body sprawled on the ground weakly. "The crazy Crown Prince is killing us…"
There could only be one crazy Crown Prince in the empire.
"Nero?" Neoma asked, shocked. She got down on her knees to match Crimson's eye level. "What is he doing? How can he hurt you?"
PS: Please consider unlocking the chapters with coins if you can. :( Help me get by through writing. Hehe! POWER STONES, comments, and reviews are ALWAYS appreciated.
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