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0.75% WAR-Destiny of Future / Something I wrote on Halloween 2017 that triggered my inner Darkness.

Something I wrote on Halloween 2017 that triggered my inner Darkness.

Some days before Halloween… In Chris's office.

"Hey! Chris Onii-chan, I recently read a creepypasta about a circus that lured little children into the circus and modified them into something weird and make they perform in the circus, is it true? Or have you ever heard anything about that?" "Well, I never really heard anything about that, but I do know the circuses in real life are nothing like that, it's ten times scarier…Ha! Just kidding, want to hear some story again?" "Yeah storytime!" "But Your Majesty, this…" "It's okay Sou, I guess it has become a practice for me to do storytelling for you two during Halloween after all. This is a story about a little boy…"

Once upon a time, there is a village that lives a happy family with father, mother and a son. The father was a farmer who planted all sorts of fruit trees in his orchard. During free time, the little boy would go to his father's orchard to have some fresh and juicy fruits. They live a happy and normal life until that fateful night just a few days after the boys seven years old birthday…

A bandit gets into their small cabin and murders the farmer and his wife leaving the poor little boy. Later the orphaned boy has been 'adopted' by a town circus, and this is when the nightmares began.

The boy has been brought to the circus and was introduced to the other member, the ringmaster that adopted him, a scary looking clown, some random people that don't give any impression and a blind maiden that sang the most beautiful song the boy ever heard.

In the circus, the boy has been forced to do lots of labor works, which included cleaning the circus and feeding the animal & beast which were used for the performance. With all these works he did, he only given a small portion of simple meals every day. However, every night after the hard day, the blind maiden would sing him a lovely song to soothe his little heart, the boy likes the blind maiden so much that he would marry her when he grows up. Nah! Just kidding, he likes the blind maiden so much that she remind him of his mother, the short moment of the maiden's song has become a bliss in his sorrow every day, how much he hoped that things will at least remain as this way. However…

One day, the ringmaster seems to get bored with the usual normal performance, he is seeking some performance that can draw lots of attention. So he came up with an absurd idea, he wants the blind maiden to sing on stage naked…

"Ehm Oni-chan…what is naked?" "Uh…not wearing any clothes." "Eww!" "Ahaha…*think: I guess even this is a bit too heavy for this little girl huh?*…"

The blind maiden refused to do the performance that she would commit suicide if she had to. However, the ringmaster insists her to do that performance. Seeing this, and not wanting the maiden to suffer, the boy came up with a crazy idea. He grabs one of the venomous snakes of the circus and let the snake bite him. All the other people think he is crazy but actually that boy has a special ability since he was born. He is immune to almost any type of venom and poison so get bitten by a venomous snake would not cause much harm to him. Impressed by this, the ringmaster makes that boy performs on stage as a replacement for that maiden. On the stage, "Behold, the magical boy that is immune of poison!" said the ringmaster. The boy is tied up on a pole with some fancy clothes. The other circus member, or more specifically, the clown get some venomous creature and put it on the boy's body, letting them bite him. The boy however is totally unaffected by the venom, then a big applause coming from the viewer, the boy has become the star for the circus overnight, but…

"This is what people saw on the stage, behind the scene, the boy is left with all the bite marks and injuries left by those lowlifes… he might be immune to the venom, but…" "Aww… This is horrible. That must be quite painful…" "Indeed… even been a star for the circus doesn't mean better for him.."

Although this hurt him so badly, for the sake of the maiden he dear so much, he had to continue… Maybe there is a God who has seen all these and not willing to see the boy suffers anymore…This all will soon reach an end.

On another fateful day, the ringmaster somewhat found the maiden to be worthless since her performance did not get much attention, so he wants her to 'disappear'. The ringmaster handed the maiden a bottle of acid, he asked the maiden to leaves the circus, but before she leaves, she needs to drink the acid that will destroy her wonderful voice as the ringmaster claims that her voice is an asset of the circus, she must not bring it away with her. Hesitated for a while, the maiden is about to drink the acid, the boy saw it and took away the bottle of acid in time by force. During the process, the acid accidentally splashed the ring master's hand. Getting really mad, the ringmaster asked his people to tie up the boy, he whipped the boy madly with all of his strength using a lash. The boy cries and begging for mercy but instead of stopping the whipping, the ringmaster grabs that bottle of acid and about to force it down to the boy's throat. The boy is frightened and prays so hard, hoping God, or any of the God will come and save him, but…

The blind maiden, although she can't see anything but she certainly heard that heartbreaking screaming of the boy… followed by a dead silence, then she heard a chain-breaking sound which echoed with the overwhelming scream of the other circus member, the screaming is so tremendous that she fainted… When she finally regains her consciousness, she found that she was all alone…

"The next morning, the town is shocked by the news of the circus. The whole circus is wipe out and disappear overnight, their whereabouts are never been found. The end."

"Aww…this is just so sad, I guess that little boy must suffer a lot that it breaks his mind… But I'm glad that the singer maiden lives at the end." said Kou "I'm glad as well, although I'm not sure if the maiden feels glad or not." Said Chris while patting Kou's head. "True, in the end she is all alone after all." "That's quite an interesting opinion Sou. Hmm… I guess you two have to go somewhere else now, somebody seems to be eavesdropping since just now. "Ah! It's Sir Lex, the Royal Knight. We are taking our leave now, Your Majesty." "Okay, see you two later." Thus the twins left.

"Hey Lex! What brought you here?" "Just bringing some letter from Lord Maria, Your Majesty." "Hmm, what does that tranny have to tell me… Will read it later." "Anyway, I seem to overhear something quite interesting at the door just now, care to tell me the real version, instead of the 'children friendly one'." "Ah! It's quite unusual for you to pry about someone's privacy like that." "Well, it is quite a rare occasion for you, My Lord, to tell someone that piece of dark history…so, may I have that honor to hear about it? Your Majesty." "If you don't mind having some trauma after this, why not?" "My biggest gratitude, Your Majesty."

*reader's discretion alert, contain gore and disturbing scenes, not suitable for the weak heart.

This is something that happens a long long time ago, so long that even that little boy can't or rather don't want to remember when it actually happens. Anyway, the boy came from a royal family, his father is an Earl or someone of that position which the boy doesn't really care about. The boy has a little sister, a sister that he care and protected so much. The two siblings are so close and almost impossible to be separate. One day, the Earl faced some financial problems and sold his own children to a circus for a mere hundred pennies.

The siblings have been brought to the circus tent, it is a creepy, dark and dirty place, where insects and rats can be seen wandering around. They have then been introduced to some other circus members, the ringmaster that bought them, the clown, some random people that not even worth mention and of course, the diva, the blind diva.

Since the siblings are bought by the circus as slaves, they have been forced to do all sorts of hard and dirty work, which I would not want to go deep with that 'work' they did. At night, they are 'kept' in a small and dirty room where no food is provided, if lucky, they might get some 'leftover' from the garbage, if not, they might have to starve for days or feed on insects and rat… sometimes, the brother who was not willing to see his little sister starving will go steal foods from the other circus members, but whenever he got caught he will be whipped severely by the ringmaster.

Every night, the siblings will huddle together at the corner of that room, sometimes the brother would cheer his sister with some storytelling. To them, although 'the world' might have 'gone' but at least they still have each other. To make their dull and sorrowful life a bit colorful, they would occasionally hear the diva singing at the nearby room, even though it might not be anything beautiful about the song been sing, which most of them contain some dirty words, but at least it's entertaining. By the way, that diva usually sings on the stage with some lewd act and almost naked.

Anyway, their hard life continues as usual, cleaning, feeding the beast, burying corps… Ooops. Not supposed to mention that. Their hard life continues until one day…

The brother overheard the conversation of the ringmaster with the diva. "Hey! Bxxch! I suddenly thought of a good idea. Instead of just you singing and 'pleasuring yourself' on the stage, how about I get Charlie the clown to fxxk you on the stage." "Hell no! This is just too embarrassing. So embarrassing that I might commit suicide." "Oh, my dear, you wouldn't dare to." "Says… I think I have a better idea…*whisper*…"

The ringmaster and the diva enter the sibling's room. "Oh! My little sweetie, you are going to be a star tonight." Said the ringmaster to the little sister. As the brother have overhead their conversation just now, he knows exactly what's that supposed to mean, they are going to rape his sister on the stage. "Wait! No! You can't do that! She's only five years old!"…

"Oh wait! Does it mean if she is older, he might let her do it?" "Uh…ah…Don't mind about that, Lex."

The boy does not allow the ringmaster to take his sister, again the ringmaster took out his whip and whipped the boy, and with a sinister look he says: "You don't want your sister to perform? Are you forgetting that you are a slave that I bought? I can do anything I want on you two. Or perhaps you might have any better thing to shows other than this? Little bastard." "Actually… I did." Saying so, the boy grabbed a venomous snake and let it bite him, however, he is totally unaffected by the venom and the snake dies shortly after that. "Hmm…What an interesting ability huh? You child of demon! You there, get a chain and chain him up! We are changing our program tonight! I guess our viewer will be very interested in this new 'demon-taming' show…*grin*…"…

So… on the stage, the boy is chained and placed in a big glass box…naked. "Behold, the son of the demon who has the ability to control all of the venomous creatures! He is the one that makes those lowlifes attacks people and caused some death recently in our circus. Tonight we will be having our revenge! Here comes Charlie the Clown, with buckets full of Scorpion and centipedes that have not been feed for days, Charlie, he is all yours now." Then, Charlie, the clown starts pouring the critters into the glass, letting them sting and bites the boy.

"The boy just sitting in the box quietly while letting thousands of these lowlifes tormenting him as they like, his eyes are staring at the clown like burning flames…*clenched his fist*…" "Uh…My lord?" "Just creating some tense atmosphere, nothing much…*smile*…"

However, like the snake earlier, all the critters that stung or bit him die shortly after that. "Oh God! As expected from the son of a demon. I guess we will have to tame him even more…"… The boy has forgotten how long he has been chained and 'tamed'. All these torments bring him to a deep sleep.

This torture continues for months, leaving all the wound and scar all over the boy's body, the boy doesn't even know how he survived or consider it's the fate that wants him to survive and let him met that… idiot.

That day, as 'usual', the ringmaster is 'taming' the boy on the stage, this time, the boy is tied on a cross, with a pant at least. The ringmaster acts as the 'demon-tamer' whipping the boy on the stage, the boy has no longer showing any emotion, just like a living dead. As usual, there is a lot of viewer down the stage, however, there is one person who is so special that he actually caught the boy's eyes… Anyway, the ringmaster then proceeds with the next segment, he invited all the viewers to come up to the stage one by one to whip the boy, as a basic routine for the show… So, the viewers come up to the stage one by one and whipped the boy… until the turn of another young boy who is about the same age as the boy, that boy wears a very luxury clothes, it is obvious that he is from a quite rich family. That boy, instead of whipping, he softly poked the boy and say: "Ah! You're real! Nice to meet you! I'm the prince of the neighboring country… uh… did I have anything that I can give you as our meeting gift?… Oh! I have some cookies, I guess you've never seen this before huh? I'll leave it here. See ya! Oh! If we meet again, let's be friends!" Then he leaves. At this moment, there is only one thing in the boy's mind. "He is an idiot." And time does prove that he is an idiot…

The show that day ends earlier, the boy went back to his room with the cookies that surprisingly not getting noticed by others. The little sister hugged her brother when she saw him, he patted her head and smiled, that day happens to be the little sisters birthday so he gave him the cookies left by the idiot prince. Suddenly, the ringmaster and the bitc… Oops! I mean the diva came into the room. "Oh! Little sweetie, you are such a lucky little angel aren't you? Just now, there is a customer who paid me a lot of money, she wants to take you with her, so get yourself clean up a bit, we will get you to her later." This time the brother didn't stop that as he knows the lady that buys his sister is a very wealthy lady, she just wants her as a servant for her own daughter, at least it is way better than staying in this dirty place. So the sister has been taken away in tears that night.

The next day, with his sister gone, the boy doesn't have any burden left, he refused to do that awful performance anymore. The ringmaster is very mad but still insists to put the boy on the stage. Just as usual, the ringmaster makes his 'brilliant' announcement "Ladies and Gentlemen. Today with the blessing of God, we will punish this evil son of demon…" "Hmm…just who the hell is that demon, and is God really exist?" Said the boy out of the blues. "What?! You insolent demon! I shall shut that voice of you by force! Charlie! Get the Holy Maiden with the holy water!" Instead of Holy Maiden or what…The Diva came up to the stage with a bottle of concentrated acid, the ringmaster grabbed the acid. "Wait! What are you doing?" the boy is a bit shocked after knowing what the ringmaster is about to do. "You son of a demon! You might be immune to the venom, but what about this acid burning through your throat!" "Stop! Don't do it, I'm begging you!"…

At this moment, the boy had realized that, there is no such thing as God in this rotten world… only despair. Somehow some people might think that this boy will finally summon a demon like some other Earl's son did… But that place, that circus is a place even a demon will be confined in a glass box and 'tame' by the silly human. Or perhaps that boy might have actually summoned a demon but instead of a demon showing up, he himself turned into a demon…

"The next day, the news of that circus shocked the whole nation. The whole circus along with hundreds of viewers been killed by an unknown creature, the diva and the boy disappeared and never been found…"

"Ah! Not this cliff-hanger ending again?" "Or perhaps you might prefer a happier ending." "Maybe…" "Okay… Here goes."…

"The truth is that boy been saved by an old pervert who later became his teacher as well as adopted dad. After the old pervert passes away years later, the boy reunites with that idiot prince along with the prince's 'fiancée', and after some random encounter plus losing in a stupid bet, he accidentally became a king of a kingdom. The end."

"Uh…Your Majesty, don't you feel that this ending is a little bit too random? And now I think of it, aren't the storyline is a bit off?" "Oh! Perhaps you prefer a real and creepy one?" "Uhm… Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" "Talk about this, I haven't visited her for quite sometimes now, I guess I should pay her a visit huh? Want to join me?" "I guess my bad feeling is right after all…"

part 3

​*warning! Reader discretion, contain bloody, gruesome and inhuman scene, may cause… Ah Never mind, the second part is quite gruesome already…


In a small chamber, a naked lady is tied to the wall, she is blindfolded with a piece of black clothes, and her body has a lot of whipping and burning scar… Chris walked into the room with Lex, Chris approached the lady with a sarcastic smile, he softly touched the lady's face, she flinched in fear. "Oh! You must be missing me so much huh? My dear 'Holy Maiden'…" saying this Chris grab a small surgical knife from the nearby desk, he places the knife near the lady's cheek. "How is it feels to be so powerless by yourself? Now you must be regret that you did not commit suicide that day huh?" Chris's eyes slowly turn golden, like the eyes of a predator. Chris slowly slide the knife from her face to her shoulder and mercilessly stabbed her shoulder, the lady screamed in pain but no voice came out. "Are you trying to say something, can you say it louder? I can't hear you…Oh! I forgot! I cut off your voice chord years ago. Aww…You have such a wonderful voice back then …Wish to die? No problem! I can kill you as many times as you like…and revive you as many times as I like." Saying this Chris dropped the knife and reached for a bottle of acid from the desk. "You know, you were such a fine lady back then, how I wish that you were actually that slut I imagined you to be, but no… you are just like an unpolluted white lily in that living hell, to be honest, I was kinda fond of you and your voice… back then." Said Chris while gently embrace that messy hair of the lady. "But why? Why do you have to do that? She is only 5 years old at that time! I didn't mean that you should sacrifice yourself but… Accusing two innocent little children as children of the demon and putting them into such a misery, are you still a human?!" Chris is now in a clearly mentally unstable state, the acid pours out a bit when he shook the lady roughly, the acid burned his hand… "Your Majesty! You…" "Stay out of my matter, Lex!" At this point, Chris is surrounded by a heavy aura, it is certainly not a wise idea to approach him…

Then Chris look at the lady again with a disturbing smile… "So…how is it feel when you actually turned a 'son of the demon' into a real demon." Said so, Chris pour that acid directly to the lady's face, the blindfold melt immediately showing nothing but two hollow eye socket, he then throws away the empty bottle and reaches a whip, he whips the lady frantically with an obvious distorted look on his face(please take note that his hand is injured)…

Suddenly, a hand slowly approaching Chris, is clearly trembling in fear but still reached Chris and hugged him from behind which caused him to stop the whipping. "Your Majesty, you need to stop now." "Rei…" Chris's eyes turn back to the normal color. "It's not worth wasting your energy on this worthless woman, don't you think so, My Lord?" said Rei while slowly took the whip away while Chris loosens his grip. "Now, let's get out of this dirty place shall we?" "Ah…". Rei slowly guided Chris who is obviously still in a mental state out of that chamber.

Outside the chamber, Lex is kneeling with his head bowing. "My deepest apologies, My Lord. I tried to stop you just now, but it seems like you are totally out of control, so I have no choice but to get Lady Rei here." Chris looks at Lex, a bit confused since his mental state is still not yet stable. Rei gives Lex an eye signal that indicates him to leave. "Yes! My Lady."…

Later, in Chris's office… Rei is sitting on a sofa near Chris's working desk, with Chris lying on her lap… "Rei…I'm sorry…to let you seeing me in that state again." "No, I should have notice that sooner when you and Lex leave the room…" "Still…I'm sorry…"…

The end

AI380 AI380

This is what I wrote years ago, that had successfully opened the door of darkness in my heart. I like this story a lot too. This story is quite dark, so I put in a lot of reader's discretion alerts in between paragraphs.

Anyway, these stories in auxiliary volume would be things that happened before the main chapters but contain a lot of information, related to the main chapters, so it will be a spoiler for the main story.

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