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Chapter 13: Chapter-13 : Changes and gains

## POV - MC ##

After the potions class was 2 herbology periods, which was taught by Pomona Sprouts, Though I already knew about almost every herb, its source, application and usage, some practice in handling the herbs would would be also good.

The last class of the day was of Charms which was taught by our little, half goblin, knowledgeable housemaster, Filius Flitwick.

I don't know why, but the Flitwick in real story was undermined. He had an exceptional amount of mana as well as an amazing amount of purity in his magic. If one looked real close, he could see his battle hardened knuckles, as well as blade marks on his wrists.

And he wasn't even that small, 4'3" in height, which was pretty average with considering his goblin ancestry. He was a warrior through and through. As soon as prof. entered the classroom, Michael's instincts screamed danger, that this being can do some real damage.

Michael knew that prof. Flitwick was one of the top most powerful beings in Britain. You don't become a continuous 5 times world duelling champion for nothing. [ 5 times is the limit a person can apply for it ]. But he was a warrior past his fighting days, now instead of fighting he found happiness in training new generations of wizards and witches.

Prof. today only gave introduction about charms and theory about beginner spells. As it was last class today, rest of the time students were free to do anything.

## POV - 3rd Person ##

Michael knew what he needed to do, it was to find the room of requirements. Even after 3 hours of relentless searching he did not find it, he decided not to waste time and headed for his room to continue reading every book and copy there was. At the speed he was going he would likely finish all the books he had by the end of the week, but understanding then would take months.

For the next two weeks Michael had this schedule. Training, attending the classes, searching for room of requirements, understanding the books, completing homework, meditation, training and sleep. He also tried visiting Hagrid but the half giant was out of the school for some 'official' purposes.

And finally, two weeks of his relentless search finally paid off, he found the Room of Requirements. It was on seventg floor, during the curfew, where he was almost caught by Filch, and desperately needed a place to hide, and suddenly a door appeared in the walls.

He quickly entered it, evading Ms. Norris. Here's was amazed by its functionality, other than food, there was almost everything one could ever ask for in his life here. He also got to know alot about how the room worked.

It was an apex level magic performed by the 4 founders, on the entire castle, which could be used in the times of need. One had to desire the specific type of room he/she needed while concentrating magic and the room will appear. it did not require any magic to operate as it was connected directly to the ley line.

## Time skip - 1 week ##

Now Michael was successful in calling the room anywhere in the castle if he needed it. He usually call it in his room, and used it to practice his duelling skills. In this week, he was able to use all the first year spells perfectly without them being a drain on his magical core.

Today, the red dragon core was filled up, it was because of the atmosphere of the hogwarts. As the other modes were not usable now, he decided to go magic mode during the draining, as soon as his core become empty, he felt a sream of mana coming to his core, he was very ecstatic about it because now he could practice spells and charms without running out of magic, which could truly increase his gains exponentially.

But as soon as the it reached his core, it exploded into a thick fogg, which instantly overloaded his core as well as mana circuits. He tried cutting the connection, but it was for naught. The dragon core was constantly supplying huge amounts of mana, his body started bloating, he quickly needed to find a way to expend the mana, or he would explode in 5 minutes.

He started circulating magic in his body at an amazing speed and tried to expel all the magic through his pores. As this method worked, he instantly moved all the magic and passed it through his pores. As he was expelling the magic a sound came from his body.


But ignoring it he continued what he was doing.

After almost 3 hours, when the mana in the core finally exhausted, he took a sigh of relief. as he noted, 'not using the dragon core untill he's core and mana circuits become strong enough to hold all the magic, and I increase my control over the dragon core.'

As he opened his eyes, he felt like he could now see clearer, as he felt a layer of something on his body, he smelled a horrific stench. He saw that now a layer of grese covered him. And as he was a cleanliness freak, he stood up, exited the RoR directly to his room and rushed towards the bathroom. After and hour of rubbing and scrubbing himself, cleaning each and every spot on his body, he exited his bathroom. As he came out, he saw himself on the mirror. He was now 3 cm taller, his body had been rid of all the surface impurities, his hair had grown till it reached his shoulders and his skin became fairer and smooth that even women would be jealous of such skin.

He felt that his core become sturdier, his mana circuits become stronger and cleared as well as with all his mana points being opened. He felt that now mana moved in his body unrestricted. He could now use his mana efficiently as his control over it increased tremendously. with all the 256 mana points in his body opened, he could use magic from every part of his body. Meaning that he could now hold a wand with his foot and use magic as good as using it with hands.

Now, his muscles as well as bones had become compact as well as stronger, brimming with energy. he felt power coursing in his veins.

Suddenly an unprecedented feeling of hunger struck him, he quickly took food out of his storage, and started eating. He literally breathed all the food in, leaving a pile of bones in his wake. As his hunger satiated, he started feeling another round of changes in his body.

Suddenly everything blacked out as he fell unconscious on his bed.

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