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Chapter 11: Chapter-11 : Future plans and Ravenclaw

## In the great Hall ##

All the teachers as well as students were waiting for the sorting hats decision.

Dumbledore was waiting to see that what qualities did Michael have. If he was to be sorted in to either Gryffindor or in Hufflepuff, there would be no problem, if he was sorted into Ravenclaw, it would mean that he was smart and had the cunning, which could pose problem in manipulating him to be helpful to his 'good' cause.

And if it was Slytherin, he would have to be observed and if he was problem, he would have to 'neutralize' the threat.

Students at Slytherin table were almost sure that he would be sorted into their house as he was from one of the most 'pureblooded' families.

Students at Gryffindor were also sure due to the deeds displayed by his ancestor, that he deserves nothing less than Gryffindor.

Students at Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were happy that Michael would be in their year. they were satisfied with any results, though him being in Slytherin may cause some problem.

As they were anticipating the decision the sorting hat said in loud voice


All the students at Ravenclaw burst into thunderous claps and cheers, the cubs were a little disappointed, but were happy that he was with them. but the faces of the snakes were a spectacle, controlling his laughter after seeing their faces, he moved towards Ravenclaw table where students happily received him.

The sorting continued, all the first years were seperated into different houses. this year number of new students attending Hogwarts was a little less. normally there were 60-70 new students each year, but this year there were only 56 students.

All the students stood up for the song, which was a little ridiculous, ignoring the song and the speech given dumb-old-door, the feast started. Michael ate alot of food but maintained his etiquettes.

After awakening of his core, his appetite had increased tremendously, so much that he could even eat food required for 5 people alone. but all this food soon gets converted in to energy, be it mental, physical or magical. his metabolism had improved very much including his body. He was now 4'11" tall, which was quite big for an 11 year old kid.

His muscle and bone strength had also increased greatly, he could easily muster a force of 165 kg ( note that an average adult human who is physically fit can only exert a maximum strength of 100 kg ). His martial arts were also coming good, he could finally say that he is a master in some kind of art.

He had decided that he would start learning swordsmanship in the coming winters.

While he was eating he was deciding what he would do in the following years to come :

1) He would have to become a top student and achieve O+ in every subject or his reincarnation would become a waste [ who wants to be a loser even after reincarnation ]

(O+ means Outstanding with distinction)

2) He would have to find the room of requirement and use it to master his duelling skills because theory was not everything.

3)He would have to learn chantless and wandless magic, even with a wand, he can never always be overly dependent upon it.

4) He would have to be friends with Weasleys and Hagrid, which would increase his image in front of the old coot.

5) Find Marauders map, analyse it and make a personal version of it for himself.

6) Become an Animagus.

7) Increase his reputation amoung the students.

8) Make some trustworthy friends, who could fight alongside him against V-man and his jolly group.

9) Find a girl or girls for himself.

Though for the last point he had targets in his mind, which were Tonks and Fleur. Though tonks has a frivolous nature and is eccentric in her own kind of way, she is just the type of girl he liked.

Fleur was also his target, because in the books, she was described as a heavenly beauty. and from what he had seen, girls in this world were a more beautiful than the books can ever describe.

He would have to meet her before the Triwizard Championship, because during the championship he would seem like a lovestruck boy, who was ensnared by her veela charm , which he knew she hated.

After having his fill, he looked around, all the people were almost finished with their food. After finishing the food, they left for their dormitories lead by a 6th year prefect.

Reaching the ravenclaw tower, they were now in front of the door to common room which opened after answering the riddle which the painting asked.

The ravenclaw common room was a cozy place, which had it's own personal library, which was understood. each studend had a room for him or her. Getting inside his designated room, he saw that his suitcase was already kept on the bed.

Rhe room in itself was good. changing into his pajamas, he lied down on the bed, thinking about his day. He easily got lost in his thoughts and slept like a log. it was a long day today.

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