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100% RWBY: the fallen one / Chapter 1: the disappearing act

Chapter 1: the disappearing act

"hey little shit get down here and make us lunch" taiyang said

sora silently did as he was told

"hey when he is done do you mind if I have a little fun with the brat" raven sai

"go right ahead I don't mind at all" tai said smirking evilly

"oy loser when your done you will be doing 'things' with aunt raven" yang said

"awe I wanted to use him for practice" ruby said sad she just lost her training dummy that she could slash at with her toy scythe

"you can have fun with him tomorrow today he will be mine" raven said as sora served their food he then went up to his room and waited raven soon arrived sora was the same age as ruby but even she treats him like a living training dummy

"first I will practice then we will have our 'session' clear" raven said

"yes ma'am" he didn't stutter only because he didn't dare stutter she then drew her sword and began slashing at him with it doing very intricate swings fortunately she was using fire dust for her sword cauterizing his wounds that she created otherwise he would probably bleed to death she had a smirk on her face as she swung her sword he just stood there when the attack was strong enough to push him to the floor he got back on his feet

"your learning kid" she said as she watched him get back on his feet he had no emotion on his face as she then continued her 'practice' with a couple "ha"s and "hiyah"s eventually she sheathed her sword and began to get naked sora did the same and she proceeded to rape him raven isn't the only one who rapes him either yang and summer do so as well he doesn't understand why all three of them like raping specifically him but he never dared to ask as she had her fun on the bed he just laid there with her on top of him with an emotionless espession on his face once she finished their 'session' she got dressed wearing her normal outfit she smiled at sora before leaving the room once she was gone sora got dressed and went to the secret compartment in his room no one bothered searching his room for anything since he had literally nothing but a couple changes of clothes he then pulled a cloth out wrapped inside was his cane

qrow knew about the cane as he helped sora create it and even taught sora how to fight with a sword and a scythe and helped with his marksmanship for the gun of course they had to do this in secret but sora quickly mastered his weapon he was currently planning his escape qrow in fact was the only member of this 'family' that sora cared about and sora hoped the qrow lived a long and happy life unlike the rest of them tomorrow was his birthday and as a birthday present to himself he would escape or die trying he promised himself that no matter what he would not stay in this house any longer so he began to secretly pack once he was finished he put his cane on top of the bag he made dinner and in private told qrow he was escaping at midnight that is when he turns ten qrow agreed and gave sora an address to a friend who would help him

that night at midnight he left them a letter got his bag put it on his back grabbed his cane and jumped out the window he then ran through the forest blasting and dodging all of the Grimm in his path until he ran into a scythe wielder

"heya hiah kid you must be sora" the man said

"yes are you death" sora asked death nodded

"come on lets get you out of here i promise you won't be misused or abused ever again" death said i nodded and followed him

<the next day>

"hey fetch the little shit and tell him to come down here and make breakfast" taiyang said

"sure dad can I break down his door with my ember Celica" yang asked excited

"sure yang go right ahead" taiyang said chuckling she raced to sora's room and blast it open with her gauntlets

"oy loser dad wants you downstairs making breakfast" yang said but as she said it she looked around the room to see no sora only an empty suitcase on sora's bed which by the way was a falling apart hand me down almost everything sora owned was like that she began to search his room

"oy where are you hiding loser" she said then she found the letter he left behind and read it the more she read the worse she felt

"DAD" yang yelled as she sobbed taiyang ran to sora's room

"what happened did he hurt you I will kill him" taiyang said at that moment the rest of the family arrived with qrow having a huge smirk on his face

"no dad it may be worse" she said handing him the letter before breaking down crying her eyes out she knew now that she had messed up that they had messed up

"dear devils and uncle qrow

I have had enough I can no longer take the rape and abuse and pain you have given me so I have run away why did you hate me what in the world did I do to make you hate me as much as you did I hate everyone besides uncle qrow he loved me he tried his best to train me and bandage me when you went to far I hate the rest of you especially yang summer and raven who didn't just use me as a training dummy but also a sex toy why I mean did you think I enjoyed it I did not eventually I am sure you noticed I just stopped caring and now you see where it has gotten you I hate raven the most because at least the other two girls picked training dummy or sex toy raven however wanted both as such good bye good riddance and i hope I see none of you besides qrow ever again to uncle qrow I will miss you and I hope we will see each other again soon as i hopefully can move forward into a happier life

with hate to everyone but qrow who gets my love and respect

formerly sora rose

P.S. I am also ditching both my first and last name do to how disgusted of you i am" taiyang finished as he read he felt worse and worse as did everyone else there

"we need to go looking for him maybe he will accept our apology" raven said who after hearing that letter felt the worst out of all of them she did terrible things to him

they began walking for the stairs qrow however just stood there and they noticed it

"are you coming qrow" raven asked

"oh hell no I am not helping you he didn't tell me you raped him how could you rape him how could you beat him what exactly did he do to earn such terrible treatment" qrow said he never knew about the rape he just thought it was beatings albeit with weapons but still rape and the beatings oh he'll no the crossed a whole another line of worst they were not only the worst parents but perhaps the worst people he had ever seen forget salem they were worse in his eyes at least salem gives her enemies a somewhat quick death these people have been torturing an innocent child who did nothing wrong for absolutely no reason they just stood there looking at the ground

"well I'm waiting" qrow said as they just continued to stare at the ground

"I will tell you his crime the only thing he did wrong was he was born and he had no control over that did he" qrow said they said nothing just continued to stare at the ground

"so I hope you have terrible luck I hope you never find him again cause then at least he has somewhat of a chance to live a "HAPPY" life" qrow said emphasizing the word happy causing that is exactly what his life is not his life is miserable and so now he is free and it is partially thanks to qrow that he is free which made him happy he was finally able to save the kid from them as soon as he finished he walked passed them and left but his words only made them want to find him more so that they may ask for his forgiveness

jexishere jexishere

this is the longest chapter I think i have ever written so don't get used to it the future chapters aren't nearly as long probably

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