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75% Hiatus Marvel: Light of the Crystal / Chapter 12: 11. A Normal back to school day

Chapter 12: 11. A Normal back to school day

8.00 am, Light stood in front of Gwen's house he honked twice, he saw her run outside like the wind, he opened the passenger door for her.. She jumped inside and gave him a big kiss, they waved to Gwen's mother Light shouted out.

"We're off mother-in-law have a nice day!"

She laughed and waved back. Light drove off while Gwen put on her seat belt, "Good Morning M'lady, you look lovely today."

She laughed and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Morning Knight, you look handsome yourself today! Looking forward to school again?" Light shook his head. "I only forsee a lot of awkward situations, if you weren't there, I don't think I would go.." Gwen looked at him, she understood what he meant. "We're together now, it's ok Knight! I'm here for you!"

Light nodded with a smile. "I just can't wait to have you for myself again soon, I won't have anyone distracting me, I'll.. definitely take a bite." Gwen blushed and bit her lip while looking at him. "I can't wait either.." she held his hand and after driving a few minutes,

"Eh? Light look!" Light looked and saw the school bus leaving, just as Peter and MJ got there. "Knight, Please? let them join us?

or they will be late for school!" Light was about to say something, But Gwen looked at him with her sad Kitten gaze. *sigh* "Fine.."

She cheered and kissed him, then rolled down the window and called out. "Pete! Red! Over here? Hop in!"

MJ and Peter looked surprised, but ran over and happily jumped in the back seat, MJ said "Thanks Kitten, you're a lifesaver, Eh? L-Light!?" "Light!!" They looked stunned, Light nodded and Gwen continued and said.

"Morning Peter, MJ, fasten your seat belts"

Light started the car and drives off, it was a bit awkward but Gwen started talking.

"It's good to see you both, it's been so long!"

"Yeah Kitten, you look great, did you grow your hair? How come you are with Light today, that's a rare sight!" Light interrupted "That's because this Kitten and I are together now."

Gwen pouted and pinched him. "Knight! Only my female friends, may call me Kitten!" *Ouch!* "Yes M'lady, I'll behave now!"

"You and Light?" "Wow!" Gwen nodded while blushing. "Didn't Lizzy, tell you? She pretty much saw it all happen."

Light began laughing. "Yeah, that was funny! Afterwards she didn't dare talk to you!" *ouch* Gwen pinched him again.

"Ahh, I haven't had much time lately.."

MJ was sad, and Peter hadn't said much at all the whole ride, but luckily they finally arrived at school they even beat the bus.


Everyone at the entrance was looking at the sweet new ride entering the school grounds.


Light got out first, he could hear females calling out, but he ignored them, MJ and Peter also came out the back seat, Light went to Gwen's side and helped her out and held her close, she held into his arm with a smile they all walked towards the entrance while Light pressed his Car lock button, everyone looked stunned at Light and Gwen..


They all went towards their class but Peter and MJ first needed to go to their locker, Gwen and Light didn't have a need for it.


They got to their classroom it was still empty so Light took Gwen to the far back, next to the window. "Why here Knight? i usually like to sit in the front." Light smiled. "I wanna have you to myself, and you're far smarter than the teacher, you don't need to go to the front M'lady." He then held her hand.

Gwen smiled and sat on his lap and hugged him and gave him a deep kiss, suddenly the door opened and they heard a gasp, They saw MJ with another Blonde and behind them was Harry Osborn and Pete, they looked at them with an stunned expression.. Gwen blushed and sat back on her seat next to him.


Apparently the blonde was Lizzy or Elizabeth Allan, She apparently was Harry's Girlfriend.

Light just laid-back and relaxed, Gwen was excitingly talking to Liz and MJ showing pictures, while Peter and Harry were talking as well. They all sat down in a row all men on the Left and girls on the Right.. Slowly the class filled up.


Liz and MJ shouted. ""Wow!"" "You two went to Stark Expo!? Kya! You both looked AMAZING!"

Liz said exited..

Suddenly the door opened loudly. "There you are Liz! I need to talk to you come with me!"

A blond buff jock came over with two lackeys, and tried to grab her arm. "No! Buzz off! Flash! I'm with Harry now, I don't want anything to do with you!" Harry stood in between them.

"I don't care about him, just come with me now!" he grabbed her arm roughly and Harry pushed him back quickly. "Stop botherin-"

*bang* *crash*

Suddenly the Flash punched Harry to the ground and the lackeys laughed loudly.

"HARRY!? Harry, you okay?" Liz was in a panic and everyone was stunned with what just happened, Flash tried to grab her again, Peter was about to intervene.. but Flash was suddenly grabbed by his collar and lifted off the ground, "Wha-What!? Lemme go! Grandpa!" It was Light, who held him up, he said. "What's your malfunction Eugene Thompson? Your buddies didn't slap your ass enough at the Gym?"


The class started laughing, Light continued. "The girl said NO, now fuck off to your corner i don't wanna see this again or I'll teach you how to truly understand the word NO.."

Light pushed him to his buddies, who held Flash up and they all glared at Light, but quickly left the room. He turned around and picked Harry up, "You are both bruised, let me take a look!" [Cura] A light flashed and both Harry and Liz's bruise was gone, like it never existed. Everyone in room looked stunned.

Harry looked grateful and Liz teared up a little. "Thanks Light, I appreciate it."

"Thank you Light."

Light shrugged and patted Harry's shoulder in support and sat back down on his seat.

MJ and Gwen hugged Liz to console her. Harry looked at Light excited.

"So you really do have powers Light? that's so cool! Show us what you can do!"

Light grinned and gave him the finger.

"Keep you're excitement for your Girl,

I'll only show my abilities too mine~"

Liz, Harry and Gwen blushed, MJ and Peter started laughing before the teacher came inside the room and started class.


After the first two classes, it was finally time for a long lunch..


Light took Gwen outside to have their lunch, the others followed them as well, and with Gwen's pleading, he took them all in his car to a close by café while they were eating, they saw a creep trying steal a purse.

*crack* Light shot a crystal and knocked out the snatcher, quickly everyone breathed a sigh of relief..

Peter said out of the blue. "Light your powers are really amazing and versatile, it's kind of making me jealous.." Light looked at him confused, but didn't say anything and just shrugged and nodded.

Afterwards they quickly went back to school, when they jumped out of the car.

They saw Flash glaring at them with a bigger group this time.

They all surrounded Light, "Let's see you act tough now, Grandpa!" Gwen tried to intervene but Light gave her a look and smiled, "Let's see Trash?" they attempted to attack him, Light just dodged, and back handed them in the face once and they got knocked down.

Most of them weren't students here anyways.

Eventually only Flash stood there in shock, Light walked towards him. "Tough enough for you, Trash?"

Flash fell backwards in fear, Light turned to Gwen "You got that M'lady?" Gwen nodded happily, showing her phone, she filmed the whole thing. "Got it filmed now, Trash, you better start behaving in school from now on and stop bothering my friends, got it?"

Flash was sweating and hurriedly nodded, he left quickly and quietly with his buddies.

Light turned around and smiled. "Let's go to class, we wasted enough time!" everyone nodded while quickly following Light, when they got inside, Light suddenly got bear hugged by Harry and Peter, "Wha-" "You called us your friends!" "Does that mean that you finally forgive us?" they looked at him like lost puppies, Light smiled wryly and looked at the Girls, and they looked at him like they were on the verge of crying..

*Sigh* "Yeah, fine, fine, I got over it already, so it's fine.."


The girls Awed, and also joined in the hug.

Gwen pointed out. "Lizzy? why are you hugging Light? You didn't know each other beforehand?" Liz smiled sheepishly. "I didn't wanna feel left out! And I always wanted to hug him." Gwen playfully pinched her side.

"LIZ! You vixen! go hug Harry!" everyone laughed.

Liz said with a grin. "How about I show everyone how Light, DO-MI-NA-TED, you a few days ago?" Gwen turned crimson and Light laughed and said. *Hahahaha!* "I want that video!" though he moved and got closer to Liz and whispered.

'That was only the intro though.'

This time Liz also was embarrassed and looked at Gwen with the surprised P*kachu face and quickly took Gwen and MJ to the side for some Girl chat..

And as the guys got ready for class, Harry asked. "What did you say to Liz, Light?" Light smiled, and gave a thoughtful expression.

"I told her about.. Gwen's taste." Light said as he walked off happily, Peter and Harry looked clueless for a minute, till it eventually clicked.. They both blushed.


They ran after Light who already walked away towards class humming..


Classes resumed like normal, only that everyone was a bit silent for a while and kept peeking between Light who is grinning and Gwen who in turn was pouting ignoring him..

He started whispering sweet nothings in her ear and she started slowly smiling again..

After another lesson, school was finally out, Harry took his car and Left with Liz after saying goodbye.


Light took everyone home, and stayed with Gwen's family for dinner afterwards,

he kissed her goodnight, saying he would see her again tomorrow.


To Be Continued..

Astral_Ethics Astral_Ethics

Thought carefully, about how to go ahead with Light, Peter, MJ and Harry friendship.

and this is how it felt better imo, don't want Light to seem like petty person and he took the high road he's also with Gwen now so would be bad to still be hung about an other girl..

Sorry to the people that didn't like this route,

I also understand your point of view, this route just felt better to me.

Hope everyone enjoyed it regardless.

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