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60% Hadrian Potter x Library Of Heavens Path / Chapter 12: Raid II

Chapter 12: Raid II

"ARRGH! This is so annoying!" For the past few days Hadrian has been flipping through books gotten from the non-magical side, the monotonous actions were grating on his nerves. "Why can't there be a spell to scan all this!" This caused Hadrian to freeze, as soon as he realised what he just said, he felt like breaking down crying.

"If there's no spell, why didn't I just make one?" Laying down in depression thinking about the days he spent flipping through books, "So-Many-Paper cuts", Hadrian drowning in his depressing thoughts, laid down as he suppressed the urge to scream profanities at his lack of forethought. "Alright! From now on we are working SMART not hard!"

Sitting up he immediately went to the LHP, "compile all books on charms" similar process to the ones he had witnessed previously, after a few seconds a book materialised in front of him. "With the current number of magical branches, some surprisingly being supplemented by science theories, I can confidently say I'm able to sit all my NEWTS easily. However, with the library in Hogwarts and the ROR, who knows what else I might find."

Concentrating on the knowledge he gained it took him a few minutes to craft the spell. The requirements are not only to scanning the books, bypassing any protections and wards over them, scanning the content of the books then feeding back to him in a form of reverse Legilimency. Testing out the spell in the Potters library.

*magnam quaerere*.

A colourless wave swept through the library, most books in there had already been added into the LHP however those that he still hadn't touched because they had some really nasty and complicated curses appeared in the LHP. "Success! Well this definitely speeds things up a bit"

While calling Twinky he prepared for his first official outing, remembering some of the outfits he saw in Diagon Alley he transfigured his clothes into robes. "God I hope I don't have to be exposed to that community longer than necessary", apparating to an empty alleyway he cast a quick illusion charm over himself and a notice-me-not charm just for good measure. "Note to self, learn how to appareate or a different means of teleporting that's more convenient and doesn't feel like I'm getting squeezed through a straw".

Approaching the Leaky Cauldron, he was still disappointed by what he saw, ["why would you have this to be the first thing non magical born see when they're coming to the magical world?"]. Managing to make it through to the alley without any hassle he made his way to the one and only Flourish and Blotts Bookseller, as he passed through the threshold however, his invisibility charm immediately unfolded. "Luckily I still have the notice-me-not-charm if not who knows what might have happened, maybe I should cast an illusion on my appearance as well. I need to be more careful in the future".

Walking in while dodging customers he arrived at a rather secluded section of the store, "magnam quaerere" he whispered, closing his eyes while concentrating on the LHP he watched as book after book appeared in his mind. Letting out a low whistle he couldn't help but be impressed "there's gotta be at least 10,000 books here, the least I can do is explore the parts I can't see", a mischievous grin appeared on his face as he approached the section of the store that doesn't allow customer access.

Casting a few detection charms he picked up on a few wards and charms on the entryway, ["flaws"] soon enough a list of over 20 flaws appeared in his mind ["this is too easy"]. Bypassing every means of security used, he saw what could only be called a secret library, books piled with no separation by group or genre. "Migrads Curses, Algraves Enchantment…" Listing titles after titles, he saw books on subjects not taught in Hogwarts including some alchemist books.

*magnam quaerere*

Soon enough the entire content of that library was scanned, however what he failed to consider was that, there might be hidden mechanisms that activate when those not keyed into them use magic. A loud alarm suddenly blared and the entry way into the little library shut, panic set as he looked at the closed entrance, forcefully calming himself he remembered he had a way to disable the alarms, however he has to find it first.

So began the frantic search as he used charms to detect where it was hidden, after a few attempts he found it disguised as one of the books, "flaws" looking at the list he started dismantling it and after a few seconds the alarms stopped. However, he knew someone would have been notified and would most likely be on the other side of the door. Approaching the door, he cast a few spells on it, these included those that would make sure the door doesn't open for anyone for at least another 10 minutes, afterwards he began dismantling the anti-apparition and elf wards "whoever owns this really went through the extra mile to make sure nothing slips in".

Not waiting for another minute he calls Twinky "get me out of here" and with a pop they were gone. 15 minutes later a group of people managed to get into the room, wands raised they scanned the room casting *Homeo Revelio* in case the intruder was under invisibility, yet the results showed that there was no one there. "Look around and make sure nothing's missing, we don't know what tripped the alarms!" One of the men, a short balding man barked as the rest of the group went to check if anything was stolen.

"Nothing seems to be missing Mr Blotts" another man in the group reported, Mr Blott snorted while growling "check again, I want to know what set off the alarms and how anyone got passed the protections, and I want to know now!" His rage was palatable as the value of things in this room was more than the majority of books in the store, so if anything was missing, it was a huge loss to him and also meant he'd get in trouble with some unsavoury groups.

Meanwhile, Hadrian was back in the Potters Estate as he crashed into the couch "thank you Twinky, I'd like a drink please", a few seconds later a glass of water was in his hands. "Man that was close, I need to be careful next time. Still the harvest from this is more than worth it". He couldn't help but smile thinking of all the books he just gathered, including those secret ones, "time to move on to the next step".

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