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79.06% Legend of the Seven / Chapter 68: Chapter 60 - Roundtable Check-in?

Chapter 68: Chapter 60 - Roundtable Check-in?

September 6th, 2017

3.35 pm, Key West, Florida

"So who else had a weird dream?" Quake asks the table of people who are eating.

Director Nick Jones had booked 3 houses, with 2 of them being decoys. They were apart from each other on the same street. Coordinating the movement to the 3rd secretive house had been a ballet that required Spectrum to make multiple trips utilizing his invisibility powers on everyone individually. The effort paid off, allowing everyone to chat with Dr. Anna B. Worth. After the chat, food was procured by Spectrum as no plans should ever be made on an empty stomach.

"I wasn't in a dream but it was weird." Kaori says as she eats a bowl of ramen with chopsticks.

"It was too vivid to be a dream." Aviator says as he eats a bowl of Peking duck with chopsticks.

"I saw my childhood pet." Spectrum says as he enjoys a plate of rice and steamy curry.

"Me too." Wave says as she eats noodles using a fork, "And they were speaking to me."

"Perhaps you were all hallucinating." Dr. Wong says as he drinks a bottle of water, his plate is empty because the others were having their thirds.

"But a shared hallucination, doc?" Director Jones asks from his empty plate of pizza grains.

"My pet called the place a Dao-Heart." Quake says excitedly as he eats from his bowl of ramen, "Which, get this, contains, not 1 but 3 dantians."

"Is that another anime reference?" Wave asks.

"The Dantian exists." Kaori says, "It's where I go to converse with my other personalities."

"Oh right." Quake says, "Anyways, my Dao-Heart was awesome. I was surrounded by an endless garden with every season possible. And I was hovering in the air."

"My Dao-Heart was an endless ocean." Wave says.

"Mine was filled with clouds and an endless blue sky." Aviator says.

"Mine was an infinite path surrounded by darkness." Spectrum says.

"Mine was a swirling dark void." Kaori says.

"Fascinating." Dr. Wong says, "Your Dao-Hearts all corresponded with your elemental affinity."

"What about you, Old Fire?" Director Jones asks, the briefcase at his feet, "What was yours?"

Everyone focuses on Fire, who is chowing down his fourth steak while silently listening.

"I didn't have any encounters with my childhood pet." Fire says, "I woke up in a dark space."

"So you weren't spoken to?" Dr. Wong asks.

"I was." Fire says, "By a voice from all around the darkness. Called itself an old friend."

"Oh yeah, my pet did that too." Wave says, "Then it materialized in its octopus form."

"Well, the voice also said the seven of us will have to be ready." Fire says, "Then it said we were Guides. That it was time to shine. Then it disappeared and I woke up."

"I got a similar message about shining together." Aviator says.

"Actually, mine said it was delivering a message on behalf of Prime Guide Nur." Spectrum says, "I have to save someone. Araoluwa."

"Sounds like a pretty name." Dr. Wong says.

"That's a Nigerian name." Quake says, "From Yoruba."

"Well, you are the only Nigerian I actually know." Spectrum says, looking at Quake who shrugs.

"You and Fire both mentioned Guides." Director Jones says, "What is that?"

"Beats me." Spectrum says with a shrug.

"Sounds like…" Kaori says, "Someone who shows the way for others."

"That would be the literal definition." Aviator says while nodding.

"Even more questions." Fire says with exasperation, "What a sudden mess we are in."

"At least we can eat and think without suffering your earlier stench, Old Man." Wave says.

"Yeah, Chief." Quake says while laughing, "Thanks for being the clean one."

The room laughs, easing the mood.

"Let's change gears." Director Jones says, then asks, "Has everyone read Dr. Worth's notes?"

"I want her file." Fire says.

"How about I just give you the highlights." Director Jones says, "She is in her 40s. She was a child prodigy with an IQ over 200. She has at least 6 PhDs then an additional joint MD-PhD in Neuroscience. She's been Chief Scientist at Area 51 since 2002, after her mentor, the prior Chief Scientist, died. She is also a leading pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence."

"Dang." Quake says, "ET and AI, she is smart smart."

"As the other doctor here, wow that is a lot of doctorates." Wave says.

"Quite." Spectrum says with a nod, "Her little rant at the end was adorable."

"Apparently she did the notes via voice." Aviator says.

"Still, it raised a lot of questions but seems like she has answers." Wave says.

"What has the government been using her research for?" Dr. Wong asks.

"Mostly stealth." Director Jones says, "But, she has created some types of Artificial Intelligence and a Quantum computer. Only problem is that they rely on Cosmic Qi and Cosmic Materia."

"And it's a problem because they are rare?" Kaori asks.

"Exactly." Director Jones says, "Cosmic Qi can only be harnessed and used by devices that are made of Cosmic Materia. Unfortunately, our only source of Cosmic Materia is BGM."

"The alien?" Fire asks.

"Yeah." Director Jones says, "Get this. That thing cannot be scanned by anything we have. So for the longest time, all the scientists studying it thought the casing was the alien. Until Dr. Harry Schmidt, the lead scientist before Dr. Worth and her mentor, pursued a different theory."

"He likened the casing to the molting of a snake." Director Jones continues, "It was crazy but his theory held up when he discovered that the dust that had been forming in BGM's storage was actually Cosmic Materia."

"That would mean you threw away years of Cosmic Materia." Aviator says.

"Yeah. But since it is indestructible stuff, we were able to recover most of them." Director Jones says, "As her notes show, it drops in small amounts. So decades of it could have been lost."

"That is phenomenal." Dr. Wong says with zoned out eyes.

"Jones, when you said types of Artificial Intelligence, what did you mean?" Spectrum asks.

"Dr. Worth has created at least two level 4 AIs." Director Jones says, "I believe she referred to them as narrow AIs."

"Wow." Spectrum says, "That means that the AI requires almost no human intervention."

"Something like that." Director Jones says, "She actually assigns some of her work to them."

"AIs and Quantum computers." Spectrum says with a big grin, "I cannot wait to meet her now."

"Nerd." Quake says, shaking his head with a grin, then asks, "So when can we see the alien?"

"The President has to approve." Director Jones says, "She should be calling at 4.30 pm."

"We just saved her granddaughters." Quake says, "She will say yes."

"By the way, what are you seeing? Are we being watched?" Aviator asks Spectrum.

"Not according to what I can see." Spectrum says, "And no listening devices either."

"Wow." Director Jones remarks as he lifts up the silver metal briefcase at his feet, "Too bad I can't just use you to deliver this to Langley."

"Hold on." Spectrum says, looking at the case, "I think I know how Skull Reich was about to determine the exact location of the hard drives. They have a unique infrared signature."

"It's not going to give me cancer, right?" Director Jones says, "Old Snake is just a moniker."

"No, it seems it is only visible in close proximity." Spectrum says, "Harmless."

"Good." Director Jones says, as he opens the briefcase, "I'll keep these elsewhere, just in case."

Director Jones takes the papers from inside the briefcase and stores them in his suit pocket.

"Are the hard drives being tracked now?" Fire asks.

"Not that I can see." Spectrum says.

"I was joking about the speedy delivery." Director Jones says, "There needs to be a logical trail."

"So that if Skull Reich is tracking it, they'll be baited." Quake says with a knowing nod.

"And I will be thousands of feet in the air soon." Director Jones says, closing the briefcase.

"With that captured Skull Reich operative." Aviator says, then asks, "Has he said anything?"

"Nothing." Director Jones says, "But he and I will enjoy the flight with an F-22 escort."

"I am sneaking everyone back later." Spectrum says, "So I am busy either way."

"Yes, our game of hide and seek continues." Dr. Wong says.

"Anyways, I am excited to go see the alien." Wave says.

"Before we leave…" Kaori asks, "Could we stay for the funerals?"

"That's a good idea." Fire says with a nod, then asks, "How many confirmed dead?"

"Apart from your fake deaths, just the one." Director Jones says, "Alena Smith."

"What about all of the other wounded?" Aviator asks.

"Everyone is stable." Director Jones says, "Last I heard from General Beggingson."

"Even the civilians?" Wave asks.

They had all seen it on the drive from the base. Even though the roads were clear, the damage craters surrounded by police tape were still visible.

"I haven't gotten any details but sounds like everyone pulled through." Director Jones says, "General Beggingson said that the girl's parents agreed to a funeral date of September 8th."

"Just one death." Kaori says, "What a tragedy."

"Skull Reich wasn't aiming for civilian deaths but still…" Aviator says, "It is a miracle."

"We will pay our respects then move out on the 9th." Fire says.

"That will technically be your death dates too." Director Jones says.

"Bonkers." Spectrum says as he hit his forehead with his left palm.

"What a day it has been." Aviator says with a sigh.

"Indeed." Dr. Wong says, "I will have to tell the kids and everyone back in town."

"I won��t attend your funerals." Director Jones says, then asks, "How do you want it handled?"

"As we've planned. 6 flags." Fire says, "The doc will deliver them to the kids when he returns."

"We've got letters." Quake says, "If you can deliver them too, doc."

"Of course." Dr. Wong says, "I will also set up the six headstones behind the Dojo."

"Can't believe we will be missing the party they worked so hard to put together." Wave says.

"I will call them after this." Dr. Wong says, "And tell them the mission is taking a little longer."

Team Six nods. It hits them. They have no family outside themselves but the orphanage is their extended family of sorts and the town it is located in serves as their safe haven community. Now, they might never get to go home again.

"We will clean up Skull Reich." Fire says, "And then, we will go home."

"Together." Wave, Kaori, Quake, Aviator, Spectrum, and Fire say in unison.

Chapter 69: Chapter 61 - The Dojo of Glass?

September 6th, 2017

The Donald Campus

It is an hour past midday. The children have finished their lunch and are back inside their classes. Janet Winnemucca Williams makes her way through the empty halls. Her destination lies across the campus. As she walks, she hears the teaching of over 100 students, from K to 12, being guided by over a dozen teachers. How could she not love the sound of education? She might be the Principal of this unorthodox institution but she was a teacher at heart first.

Janet is now outdoors in the dry and sunny McDermitt climate. This is the Donald Campus, the McDermitt township's K-12 combined school. While being of Paiute descent does offer her some protection, Janet performs a brisk walk to get out of the sun sooner. Janet's target is the adjoined Mary Donald Orphanage, which is also owned by the school's founder.

As Janet walks, she remembers one of her favorite stories. Apparently, many decades back, before this campus was built, a woman by the name of Mary Donald had served as both the township's school Principal and Doctor. After Mary's tragic passing, her son, the township's major landowner, built the school and orphanage in her honor. A living legacy. The orphanage had saved Janet. Specifically, something else run by the man who owns the orphanage did.

Janet arrives at the Mary Donald Orphanage building. Past the spacious 5 floored orphanage building is a small house surrounded by a picket fence. The Dojo. But, the people she came looking for won't be in that house without supervision so Janet enters the building after she uses her key on the door. Even though she is a married woman with her own home now, this place is still home and she always feels welcome. Inside the lobby, she finds balloons with a huge sign.

"Happy Retirement, Chief." Janet says softly, reading the sign.

"Who's there?" A voice shouts from upstairs.

"Principal Williams." Janet says, "Come here, Alfred."

The building is devoid of adult supervision because the orphanage staff are also school teachers, 2 minutes away. This works out fine usually as all of the orphans are at school in the day. If a child got sick, a staff member would stay while Janet would substitute teach. This intended unorthodox approach has been successful in fostering a strong and fluid community.

"I swear we have a free period." Alfred shouts.

"That's why I came here." Janet says, "I have a message."

Footsteps pitter-patter. Janet stands in waiting, her mind going over the phone call that interrupted her lunch. It had been to the special cell phone left behind by Doctor Kabeer Wong, her mentor and the former Principal. Using the special phone line could only mean that the team was away on a mission. He had told her that the mission was taking a little longer and asked that she tell the kids. Missions used to be her life, until just over a decade ago.

"Is it from the Chief and the team?" Alfred asks as he appears.

A boy about 16. A white tall, all American teen. He was trained while he was 11 after he pre qualified then passed the rigorous tests set by Fire himself. After a year of training, Alfred was called upon for various missions. This is his final year in the TeeNS program. He is ending it as team leader of squad ABC. Alfred was his code name until his service was done.

"Where are the others?" Janet asks.

"Ben is sleeping off lunch." Alfred says, "And Charlotte is practicing her music."

Also not their real names. Six code names, two squads - ABC and 123. None younger than 12 nor older than 17. At the end of training, they were called Tees. Their code names were blank identities designed to accomplish TeeNS only goal, infiltration. Blending in, extracting information, then getting out for the real professionals to handle the rest. Team Six.

"I see." Janet says, "Dr. Wong called. They are still busy and things are taking a little longer."

"Oh man!" Alfred says, "We spent all night setting up the surprise."

'They are spies, they don't get surprised. I tried.' Janet thinks to herself and wants to say.

24 children between 7 and 18 call this orphanage their home. Janet had been one too once upon a time. She was more actually. She was a Tee. The first Tee. She always tried to prank Team Six but alas, they are the world's best spies. While she never got adopted, she at least got her life together on a positive track especially with Dr. Wong's help, after he became her mentor.

"I am sure the delay will be short." Janet says in comfort.

"Yeah yeah." Alfred says.

"In the meantime, study something." Janet says, "Your grades are slipping."

"You know, missions, etc." Alfred tries to excuse himself.

"Or... you still think exciting careers do not require you to be book smart." Janet says.

"It's not like that." Alfred says, "School is just too boring."

"You are worried about the future." Janet says, "And that is okay. What is not acceptable is wasting good opportunities, Alfred."

"But what I do matters now, can't I just keep doing it?" Alfred asks.

"You were told the rules when you signed up." Janet says, "The reason you are made to do school is because the program is temporary. You grow out of it but its lessons will stay with you."

"Please." Alfred says, putting his hands together in a pleading gesture, "No more lectures."

"If your grades go any lower, I will intervene." Janet says, staring down Alfred, "Understood?"

Alfred gulps in panic. He had briefly forgotten how scary the Principal could be especially when she smelled reckless behavior. The first rule of a Tee, survive. Alfred's survival training kicks in.

"Yes, Ma'am." Alfred says, quickly saluting.

"The point of a free period is to catch up on your academic work." Janet says, "Get moving."

"Yes, Ma'am." Alfred says, still saluting.

"At ease." Janet says as she turns to leave, "And do tell the others about the delay."

"Will do, Principal Williams." Alfred says after her.

Janet is back in the afternoon sun. She understands Alfred. Heck, she felt that very same way many years back. But, she was ultimately grateful for having been figuratively pushed out of the nest and onto a stable future. She still has her skills from TeeNS and has maintained correspondences with others who came after her through the program she pioneered. Few went into the military while others chose her version of life. A simple life in the tiny township they grew up in. The best part, she lives fulfilled with a sense of belonging as a teacher. A guide for others.

Chapter 70: Chapter 62 - Answers We Seek?

September 6th, 2017

4.33 pm, Key West, Florida

"You want to relocate your entire team to Area 51?" President Gertrude Pond asks.

2 minutes ago, CIA Director, Nick Jones, had received the President's call. The table, that was covered in food, is now tidy. Some quick updates were exchanged regarding how the call with Dr. Anna B. Worth went. Now everyone sits, looking at the President on the big screen.

"Yes, ma'am." Fire says, "Dr. Worth has the answers we seek to bring this under control."

"Jones?" President Pond says, looking at Director Jones.

"It seems she does, ma'am." Director Jones says, "This is a first step while we sort things out."

"Better than just sitting around." President Pond says, "I'll allow it. I want regular updates."

"Yes, ma'am." Director Jones says.

"I heard the death count is only one." President Pond says, "The Alena girl."

"Yes, ma'am." Director Jones says, "Miraculously, she is the only victim."

"An American was shot dead in the back in cold blood." President Pond says, "It is still an utmost tragedy. I will try to speak with her parents later."

"Yes, ma'am." Director Jones says.

"The press has been hounding me." President Pond says with a sigh, "Anything reportable?"

"You can tell them that the perpetrators have been dealt with but remain unidentified, ma'am." Director Jones says.

"And this is why you stay out of politics, Jones." President Pond says, shaking her head, "The usual suspects are not claiming credit so the press turns to me for answers."

"Our plan is already underway, ma'am." Director Jones says as he points to the silver metal briefcase on the table in front of him, "By tonight, this will be at Langley for analysis. Team Six's fake death operation has commenced so it's only a matter of time until Skull Reich responds."

"We are all seeking answers." President Pond says with a sigh, "I will be addressing the Nation tonight. Send me something concrete I can use for that."

"Will do, ma'am." Director Jones says.

"What are the movement plans?" President Pond asks.

"My team will leave the day after Alena's funeral." Fire says.

"That is a good gesture." President Pond says with a nod.

"As for me, Madam President." Dr. Kabeer Wong says, "I shall fly back to the orphanage soon."

"Overall we have the most important details down, the rest we will figure out." Director Jones says, "I intend to fly back here the day after to take the team to Area 51, ma'am."

"Alright." President Pond says, then asks, "Anything else to report?"

"I can brief you in person in the morning with any new updates, ma'am." Director Jones says.

"Good." President Pond says, as she stands up, "Have a safe flight, Jones."

"Thank you, ma'am." Director Jones says, standing up with everyone. The video call ends.

6.33 pm - Smith's residence

The house is quiet. The lights are on yet the mood is dim. It's dinner time. Food lay on 3 plates. But the couple is not in the mood for eating because the third chair is empty. Permanently. Max Smith looks at his wife of 21 years, Yuki Smith. The mother of his child stares vacantly at her food through puffy red eyes. All because their daughter, their little dove of peace, is no more.

Death is something Max used to be intimate with once upon a time over two decades ago. That was before he met the love of his life who brought him peace. Today, that peace was shattered in unexplainable violence by men with guns. Beasts that, unfortunately, died too soon for Max to lay his hands on them with his chest of tools encased beneath the basement floor.

*Ring Ring* The house phone on the kitchen counter snaps Max's attention away from his dark thoughts. He stands up to go and get it because he knows his wife is in no state to answer any calls. No one had called so far because of Max. After identifying his little Irina's bullet-ridden corpse at the morgue, Max had requested that the military not release the name of his daughter to the media. This was so that he and his wife could have some time to themselves to mourn.

Max stares at the family portrait resting on the counter with the phone. Their family, whole on the joyful day of Alena's graduation. *Ring Ring* Max glances at the number; while not one he recognizes, it is akin to a typical government number so he picks up the phone.

"Hello?" Max says.

"Hello, is this Max Smith?" The male voice asks.

"Yes but I am busy." Max says in a deadpan tone.

"I understand, sir. Can you spare a minute to speak with The President?" The voice says.

"The President?" Max asks with confusion.

"President Gertrude Pond. I am calling from the White House." The voice says.

'I should have unplugged this damned phone.' Max says in his head with a sigh.

"Put her through." Max says.

"Hello, Mr. Smith." President Pond says a moment later, "I am truly sorry for your loss."

"Did they get all of the people who killed my daughter?" Max asks.

"All of the attackers were taken out." President Pond says.

"How did they even sneak into the base?" Max asks.

"Our best people are looking into it." President Pond says, "When we know more, you will too."

"How many others died?" Max asks.

"Because of Alena's bravery," President Pond says, "No one else was lost."

Max tastes salt on his lips, unknowingly tears have been dripping down his face. Max deflates.

"She always loved the navy. She wanted to serve so badly." Max says, "I warned her against war but she wouldn't listen. A stubborn little girl who always did the right thing. Always."

"I finally convinced her to only serve in a non-combat role." Max continues with a dry voice, holding back sobs, "Yet, she couldn't wait to join the navy. So, she picked up night shift work as a cleaner. She didn't need the money, she just wanted to be part of the navy sooner."

At some point, Yuki had risen up and joined her husband, squeezing him in a hug as he rants to the President of the United States. President Pond, the person occupying the world's most powerful office, could do nothing but simply listen to a grieving parent.

"I want the animals who planned this, funded this, found and named." Max says.

"You have my word, we will bring the perpetrators to justice swiftly." President Pond says.

Max inhales deeply. Yet, it doesn't feel enough. Max clenches his fist.

"Captain Keyes said you hadn't clarified if you wanted a military burial." President Pond says.

Max sighs then says, "It's... what she would have wanted."

Yuki sobs out a little, Max holds her tighter yet the warm hug fails to pierce the frigidity of loss.

"It will be arranged." President Pond says, then asks, "I will be addressing the nation tonight. I am sorry to ask but would you like your daughter's name to still be kept out of the news?"

Max stiffens then answers, "Tell the world her name. Alena."

"Thank you." President Pond says, "Again, I am truly sorry for Alena's passing. Your family has the full support of the United States government."

"Thank you for the call, Madam President." Max says as he hangs up the phone.

Mother and Father embrace each other, sobbing. Their daughter is never again coming home.

8.30 pm - President Gertrude Pond addresses the Nation from the Oval Office

"My fellow Americans. Today, at 9.11 am, our military base, Naval Air Station Key West in Florida, was attacked by a dozen unknown persons. While our military valiantly killed all of the attackers, many people got hurt due to 7 Improvised Explosive Devices. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the dead. There was a hero who risked her very life to alert our military personnel of the sudden sneak attack. Her name was Alena Smith, an all American whose bravery saved lives. I make this solemn promise to her family and the American people, that her sacrifice will not be in vain. We will hunt down the perpetrators of this cowardly attack and bring them to justice swiftly. God bless you. God bless these United States of America."

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