/ Realistic / Wonder and Wander

Wonder and Wander Original

Wonder and Wander

Realistic 5 Chapters 16.7K Views
Author: pattiecdg

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When Liv's life made a 180° turn, her pride quickly took over her. She lives as if something is missing and so many things were lost. She feels empty yet she continues to live hoping she'll feel alive again. Then she stumbled upon Ken, another broken soul.

It's hard to smile and laugh in front of everyone to hide the fact that you are hurting deeply inside. It's a lot harder too that we get to be left alone with our thoughts and our demons. When can we say what we truly feel? Will we ever find the courage to find the words at least?

This is a story about healing. How two wandering souls try to help each other and wonder if life will get better from where they are and more importantly, this is a story of how they help themselves, how they found out that the choice of healing and the steps towards growth has always been theirs.

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Author pattiecdg