The year is 2100. The human population has expanded all over the universe and further towards the depths of outer space. All of the human population are now born with a digital chip that connects them to the Internet and can access all publically available information and services from birth. A new game has been released for everyone and anyone. It is a game where you level up your character, allocate skill/attribute points, infinite in size, endless things to do and infinite possibilities.
A lot of fictional characters turned out to actually be real in similar universes which are now linked via the internet.
The primary idea in the game is that a person can get powers from actions/training/luck/classes/people/randomly or from skill trees. The available skill trees change depending on what sins/virtues you abide by. For example, a greedy person unlocks the Greed Tree, but they can also unlock more than one skill tree but not opposing skill trees. A person could both have the sin of Greed as well as the virtue of Humility but not Greed and Charity as they are opposites.
List of Virtues and Sins
Virtue (Definition) [Opposite Sin]
Chastity (Purity, abstinence) [Lust]
Temperance (Self-Restraint, equanimity) [Gluttony]
Charity (Benevolence, generosity, sacrifice) [Greed]
Diligence (Persistence, effortfulness, ethics) [Sloth]
Patience (Forgiveness, mercy) [Wrath]
Kindness (Satisfaction, compassion) [Envy]
Humility (Bravery, modesty, reverence) [Pride]
Sin (Definition) [Opposite Virtue]
Lust (Intense Desire, not just sexual) [Chasity]
Gluttony (Overindulgence) [Temperance]
Greed (Artificial desire to material wealth) [Charity]
Sloth (Apathy, Laziness) [Diligence]
Wrath (Uncontrollable anger, rage, hatred) [Patience]
Envy (Desire for someone's abilities, possessions) [Kindness]
Pride (Extreme selfishness and Self-importance) [Humility]
The main character is a child born from Voldemort (from Harry Potter) and Katniss Everdeen (from The Hunger Games). He looks like Waluigi (from Mario).
Example status page
Lv: 1
Hp (Health points - Goes down from taking damage, increases with points in the Body category or certain skills, Starting value is 20 and will increase by 10 with each point in Body) 180/180
Sp (Skill points - Goes down while performing body related skills, increases with points in the Body category or certain skills, Starting value is 00 and will increase by 10 with each point in Body) 160/160
Mp (Mana points - Goes down from using magic or magic related skills, increases with points in the Mind category or certain skills, Starting value is 0 and will increase by 10 with each point in Mind)
Title(s): Dark Knight
Body: 16 (Each of the categories has sub-categories)
Mind: 31
Soul: 12
(The average human has a stat of 3 in Body, Mind and Soul)
Active Skills: Martial Arts
Passive Skills: Money
Sin(s): Wrath, Greed, Envy, Lust
Virtue(s): Humility, Temperance, Diligence
Body (Sub Stats) (Average human has 1 in each sub stat)
STR - 4 (STR is the shortened term for Strength, it represents muscle power, attack damage, instantaneous acceleration)
END – 3 (END is the shortened term for Endurance, it represents damage resistance, maximum stamina, resistance towards physical status effects such as poison, healing rate)
AGI - 9 (AGI is the shortened term for Agility, it represents maximum speed, movement/attack speed, stealth ability)
Mind (Sub Stats)
INT – 11 (INT is the shortened term for Intelligence, it represents Maximum damage/size/speed of spells, learning capability, memorisation capabilities, range/sensitivity of the five senses)
WIL - 15 (WIL is the shortened term for Willpower, it represents, Mp regeneration rate, resistance to mental status effects, emotional control, and ability to overcome bodily limits)
WIS - 7 (WIS is short for Wisdom, it represents spell casting speed, thought speed, energy control, ability to utilise and recall general/specialised knowledge, multitasking ability)
Soul (Sub Stats)
LUK- 1 (LCK is the shortened term for Luck, it represents the chance for rare/better/more loot to spawn from enemies, this also affects the number of fortuitous encounters or inversely negative encounters, also sufficiently high luck can cause the world itself to assist you)
CHR- 8 (CHR is short for Charisma, it is the combination of countless factors, it represents the starting opinion of people, the rate of favorability gain, shop prices and ability to attract people of all genders)
SOL - 3 (SOL is short for Soul, this includes strength, control, resistance etc. of the soul)
All players can continue to accumulate experience and choose when to level up their character. The more experience gained before levelling up, the more attribute points etc will be awarded.
System text will be displayed between tow []
Equipment and Items have several different grades which will be displayed between two {}, the grades are {White} < {Green} < {Blue} < {Purple} < {Orange}... More may be revealed in the future.
Enemy grades are {Common} < {Elite} < {Mini Boss} < {Boss} < {Elite Boss}... More may be revealed in the future