/ Others / Television show of a bored God

Television show of a bored God Original

Television show of a bored God

Others 27 Chapters 143.1K Views
Author: RedSambrood

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Blaze Sherwood Was an ordinary man living an ordinary life until a bored God chose him at random to be one of the many participants to it's insane television show.
Blaze would be sent into worlds after worlds. His ability to survive would be put to the test and his adventure broadcasted across the multiverse for the only purpose of entertaining that bored god. There is no escape and there is no victory against a god, Blaze and his companions can only be entertaining or die.
Inspired by Jumpchain and Terror infinity, the cast will explore many familiar yet different places so as the author, I had no choice but to place it in fan-fiction. Only original characters will be used, places they visit may not be as you remember them and my patrons have the power to change the course and outcome of the story.
No one, not even me, knows how it will end. So just grab your favorite snack and enjoy the show.

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Author RedSambrood