Before Fenrir could become too excited, Vahn distracted her by ruffling her hair, eliciting a happy 'Ehehe~' from her in the process. At the same time, he looked towards the half-asleep Asuna, who, without the support of her mother, would have fallen down. It was obvious both she and Arika had stayed up late, but, due to her age, she had difficulties staying awake.
Noticing Vahn's gaze, Vesperina carried Asuna over to him, smiling slightly as she explained, "The excitement prevented her from going to sleep. I hope you won't be too hard on her."
Accepting the 12kg girl from her mother, Vahn just laughed lightly as he said, "No worries. I usually don't make anyone train prior to the age of four. Asuna is still a child so she has the right to behave like one."
Though it looked like she had something to say about being called a child, Asuna felt a potent bout of drowsiness the moment Vahn held her. His body and aura were very warm, and, after he started to pat her back, her drowsiness seemed to compound. As a result, she performed an adorable yawn before nestling her head into the crook of his neck and immediately dozing off.
Seeing how quickly her daughter fell asleep in Vahn's arms, Vesperina soundlessly chuckled before saying, "My worries have been abated. Take care of her, Vahn. She is my most precious treasure. She deserves a life beyond simply serving as a substitute ruler. I hope she is able to learn a lot and make plenty of friends while accompanying you..."
Even if she wasn't the most expressive woman in the world, Vesperina's affection for her daughter could be heard in each heartfelt word. It wasn't easy for her to entrust her daughter to another, but, wanting more for Asuna than she had been allowed, Vesperina decided to place her trust in Vahn. It was almost like her daughter was instinctually drawn to him, and, seeing how caring he was toward her, she couldn't think of a better guardian for her daughter than the mysterious man loved by the world itself...
After combing her fingers through her daughter's hair for a few more seconds, Vesperina retracted her hand, and, after smiling one last time, moved to stand next to Ana. This prompted the latter to adopt a similar smile as she stated, "Well, I suppose it is time for you to depart. Vesperina has said everything I intended to say and I have already discussed everything else with my daughter. My last remaining hope is that you will visit often."
Understanding Ana's concerns, Vahn nodded his head without hesitation, saying, "I have left spatial coordinates within the palace. We can't return every day, but I will be sure to bring them back when they are feeling lonely. This world actually isn't that big, so, even if we're far away, I can rush over in a few minutes if it is an emergency."
Hearing Vahn's words, Ana and Vesperina both felt greatly relieved, both showing the closest thing to a sincere smile they could manage. As for Arika, she showed a fair amount of surprise, as, despite teleportation magic being relatively common, covering vast distances was no easy feat. Even Mages who specialized in teleportation could only cover a few kilometers at a time due to the interference of mana in the environment. Vahn, however, seemed absolutely confident in being able to teleport regardless of the distance, almost as if it required no effort...
Before Arika could make up her mind to ask for more details, she was slightly startled when Vahn suddenly interrupted her thoughts, saying, "We will be using the Airfish you picked me up in. It will make our travels more comfortable and I find that peculiar Airfish of yours to be rather charming."
Since she had been intending to suggest they use one of her custom Airfish, Arika was pleasantly surprised by Vahn's words. She was capable of flight magic, but, despite a desire for adventure, she didn't really want to sleep outside if it could be avoided.
Acting as if it didn't particularly matter to her, Arika just answered with a curt nod before saying, "I understand. It will make transporting our luggage and supplies much easier..."
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes and remind her of his Inventory, Vahn continued to lightly pat the sleeping Asuna's back as he said, "Well then, we should be off. It will only become more difficult to part if we stand around much longer. This is only a temporary parting so it is best to get it over and done with."
Without waiting for a response, Vahn began walking toward the Royal Family's private hangar with Fenrir and Medusa close behind. This forced Arika to hasten her pace in order to catch up, all while Ana and Vesperina remained standing with thoughtful glimmers in their matching green-blue eyes...
After boarding the rather endearing goldfish-like Airfish, Vahn set Asuna to sleep in one of the two main cabins, leaving Fenrir to watch over her. He didn't want her to be alone when she woke up, so, knowing she would be spending a lot of time with Fenrir in the future, this was a good way to close the distance between them. As for Medusa, she quickly invaded the Captain's cabin, claiming it on his behalf despite the pointed look Arika sent her way. She felt as though the room should belong to her and Asuna, as it was her ship, but, rather than say anything, she passed through the rather spacious common area, entering the bridge.
Vahn didn't particularly care where he stayed, but, considering he was supposed to be the girls' Guardian and Master, he didn't prevent Medusa's rather willful action. Instead, he spent a couple of minutes making sure Asuna was sleeping peacefully before heading to the bridge himself. There, he found Arika sitting at the helm, her body language conveying, 'I am going to fly the ship and I don't care what you have to say about it'. He found this rather amusing, but, rather than tease her, he just said, "Well, take her away. I might have a few destinations in mind, but this journey is more for your benefit than mine. If there is a place you always wanted to visit, we can head there before we start our training."
Not expecting Vahn to give her free rein to choose their destination, Arika was at a momentary loss before looking back at him and asking, "Are you certain?"
Instead of answering the unnecessary question, Vahn plopped down at the weapon's station before activating the terminal and familiarizing himself with the controls. Arika had shown him a lot of the different schematics the Academy Engineers had drawn up so he was already knowledgeable about the systems. He knew there were failsafes that prevented the weapons from firing unless the station had been activated by the Captain so there was no danger of an accidental discharge.
Seeing Vahn 'ignore' her, Arika's brows furrowed slightly, but, rather than say anything, she fell into deep thought about their destination. There were a number of places she wanted to visit, but, never expecting to leave the palace unless it was for official business, she didn't know where to start. This was something Vahn was well aware of, so, in order to allow Arika to express herself, he decided to let her choose their destinations and pilot the ship...
After several minutes of silence, Arika looked over at Vahn to find him reclining with his hands behind his head. It was apparent he was serious about letting her choose the destination, so, with her mind made up, she placed her hands on the familiar controls, and, for the first time in her life, piloted the ship away from the city. This, alone, made her heart begin to beat a little faster, and, though it was almost imperceptible, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.
Noticing the subtle change in Arika's expression and demeanor, Vahn nodded in approval before rising to his feet and saying, "If you need me, I'll be up on the deck. I like the feeling of wind in my hair so I'll leave everything here to you."
Hearing Vahn's words, Arika turned her attention toward him, asking, "Are you not curious about our destination...?"
Shaking his head, Vahn adopted a casual smile as he explained, "The most important thing is that it is a place you are interested in. I'm interested in every part of this world, so, regardless of where we end up, I'll make the most of it. The training I have in mind won't be easy, so, before we proceed, I want you to experience the world without following someone else's directions. Don't worry, even if you take us to some dangerous locale, I'll protect both you and Asuna."
With his words finished, Vahn teleported up to the deck without waiting for Arika's response. This was as much her journey as it was his, and, as an 'outsider' to this world, Vahn didn't have any real destination in mind. There were a number of places he was interested in, sure, but he didn't want Arika and Asuna to feel like they were just tagalongs on his personal journey. Besides, if he were to venture to a place like Megalomesembria right now, there was a fair chance he might just go on a rampage.
Seeing Vahn teleport away in a flash of light, Arika's expression became more relaxed, allowing a small sigh to escape her lips. She had actually wanted him to ask about their destination so it was a little annoying for him to just up and leave. This did little to temper her excitement, but, after seeing how kind and attentive he was toward Asuna, she couldn't help but feel slightly bothered whenever he left her alone...
Realizing her thoughts, Arika shook her head somewhat violently before adopting a more focused look and pressing on the accelerator. Her ship was equipped with a state-of-the-art 18 Prayer Spirit Pentagram Engine with forward and reverse thrusters. It's cruising speed was only around 750km/h, but, if she diverted all auxiliary power to the thrusters, it could accelerate upwards of 4000km/h for short periods of time. This was nearly twice as fast as most military craft, so, during an emergency, it could be used to outpace almost every other Airfish on the market...
Feeling the Airfish suddenly speed up exponentially, Vahn raised his brow curiously before looking down at the deck and muttering, "Is this tsundere princess trying to shake me off...?"
Shaking his head, Vahn was seemingly able to ignore the drag forces as he walked toward the edge of the deck and leaned on the railing. He wasn't unaware of the thoughts running through Arika's mind, but, feeling she was 'too impressionable' in her current state, he couldn't pamper her in the same way as Asuna.
Though it was a very vague feeling, Vahn could roughly deduce how a person's fate influenced both themselves and others. Arika's seemed to guide her towards a specific course, but, whenever he was around, it would gravitate towards him in an attempt to link their fates together. This wouldn't be a problem in most cases, but, whenever he felt Arika's fate gravitate toward him, Vahn's mind seemed to wander in an untoward direction as thoughts of 'protecting her for the rest of his life' roused out of nowhere.
After letting things get out of hand in both Danmachi and the Nasuverse, Vahn had decided to steel his heart in the Akamatsuverse. His primary purpose was to find and rescue Eva, so, until he finished his main objective, he wouldn't let himself be swayed by the puppy-like affections of girls younger than most of his children. He had an entire Realm of loving wives and passionate lovers who would gladly keep him company so, rather than grow his already expansive harem, Vahn would rather be a surrogate father or a patient mentor than the object of an impressionable girl's affection.
Arika, despite her external appearance, was a little 'too eager' for the affections of another, and, as a result of her fate, she seemed drawn towards those with the power to affect the world. This would usually result in her meeting the protagonist of the world, and, after overcoming numerous difficult trials together, they would eventually fall in love. Thus, by allowing Arika to periodically choose their destinations, Vahn was assuring that she would eventually meet her 'fated' partner.
If everything went as planned, it wouldn't be long before Vahn crossed paths with the legendary Ala Rubra and their infamously powerful leader. He was very curious about the leader of the party, Nagi Springfield, as, based on historical accounts, the boy had already been rumored to be 'invincible' at the young age of thirteen. He had even defeated Jack in all of their battles, constantly ecking out a victory against someone labeled as a 'living cheat character'. This made Nagi seem like an absolute monster, and, considering he was able to defeat the Mage of the Beginning, twice, he may very well be the strongest person in the world for the next decade or so.
Though Vahn didn't really care about things like fated encounters, as they lost their meaning from the moment he entered into the Record, he wasn't unwilling to make exceptions. Arika was simply too young for his current tastes, so, until she was able to grow, both physically and emotionally, he would not allow her to imprint on him. She should be with someone closer to her own age rather than arbitrarily clinging to the first relatively powerful person that treated her well as a result of her fate. If she came to develop sincere emotions for him over time, Vahn wouldn't mind reciprocating her affections, but, until he reunited with Eva, he would rather let matters take their course...
Unbeknownst to Vahn, and everyone else for that matter, the flow of fate around the entire world had shifted the moment he departed Ostia. At the same time, the flow of fate around Asuna, who was currently curled up in the embrace of Fenrir, began to change in some not-so-subtle ways. A large part of it seemed to latch onto the loveable Vanargandr, and, after clinging to her for several minutes, it began to spread through the ship itself before scattering into the more abundant flow of the world. Then, like a penny thrown into a wishing well, ripples began to slowly spread throughout the fate of the entire world, most eventually fading into obscurity, but, as was often the case when it came to such things, others turned into large, seemingly unstoppable, waves...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Asuna is precious','Vahn be schemin' a lot since Danmachi','Fate about to end this man's whole career...') <-(p.atreon link)
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As one of the closest countries near Ostia, the first destination Arika had decided upon was one of the nine Holy Lands, the Sacred City of Light, Nyandoma. It was a land predominately inhabited by members of the various Demihuman Cat Tribes, and, as its names implied, it was an area under the protection of the Great Spirit of Light, Nyon Utu.
Though there were many places Arika wanted to visit, Nyandoma seemed like the best choice since it would take less than three hours of total travel time. She had stayed up nearly the entire night, so it simply didn't seem sensible to push herself by choosing a more distant location. Her Airfish might have an auto-pilot cruising function, but, if their flight path intersected with another ship or a group of migratory monsters, it could spell disaster...
Despite arriving in the Record relatively recently, Vahn had a better grasp of the geography than most of its residents. His sense of direction and spatial awareness, combined with the fact he had a Map Function, made it almost impossible for him to get lost. Thus, even without asking about their destination, he already knew where Arika was taking them.
Vahn had always been rather fond of Cat People so he was very interested to see what an entire country full of them was like. He already knew it was a moderately 'oriental' country, borrowing a lot of inspiration from countries like Japan, so spas, saunas, and hot springs were popular tourist traps within the fantastical City of Light. These were things he had always been fond of, so, after a quick meeting with the Great Spirit of Light, he was intending to enjoy himself for a few days.
Seeing what appeared to be an Ancient Japanese City looming on the horizon, complete with large tiered pagodas, large shrines, and a bevy of slope-tiled buildings, Vahn's could feel his anticipation steadily increasing. It was like stumbling upon a treasure for the first time, as, due to their peaceful coexistence with nature, there were very few Airfish flying around Nyandoma airspace. Rather, there were quite a few laws preventing flight over residential areas, so, before Arika made the mistake of trying to fly directly over the city, Vahn teleported into the common area before entering the bridge through the main entrance...
Though she enjoyed flying quite a bit, Arika had never been at the helm for several hours in a single sitting. She had also never flown while mentally fatigued, so, with nothing to keep her focused, she had been on the verge of dozing off for a while. When she heard the hissing of air that denoted the opening of the bridge doors, however, she snapped back to awareness in an instant, her expression a perfect mask of unwavering focus as she muttered, "We will be arriving in a few minutes."
Resisting the urge to point out the small amount of drool visible near the corner of Arika's mouth, Vahn just gave a curt nod before saying, "We don't have a permit to fly over Nyandoma airspace so we'll have to either land outside the city or request access to their private Fishport. Remember, this isn't Ostia so you can't just fly around with impunity."
Hearing Vahn's words, Arika lightly snorted through her nose before saying, "I am well aware of the laws and policies of foreign nations. This ship is equipped with a concealment function, so I will find a place for us to dock within the nearby finger mountains..."
Rather than question the veracity of Arika's claim, as she was undoubtedly very familiar with foreign policy, Vahn just nodded his head. There was no need to point out that she had been flying directly toward the city, only turning towards the mountains after his reminder. Instead, he said, "Once you find a place to dock, we'll stop for a few hours to rest. Asuna probably won't wake up for five or six hours so it is a good opportunity for you to shower and take a nap. I'll wake you up when it is time for lunch."
Though Arika's first instinct was to protest, saying she didn't require rest, she ultimately decided to remain silent after hearing him mention Asuna. The idea of a hot shower, a decently long nap, and a delicious meal was also very tempting, so, after a few seconds of silence, she stated, "I agree. Asuna is still very young so she needs adequate rest and nutritious food in order to spur her growth. After I find a place to settle down, I will follow your advice for her sake..."
Realizing it was probably going to take Arika quite a while to be able to converse 'normally', Vahn adopted a wry smile before handing her a handkerchief and departing the bridge. He didn't bother to explain what the handkerchief was for, allowing her to stare at it for several seconds before she brought her fingers to the side of her lips. Then, since he had already left the room, the briefest hint of an embarrassed flush colored her cheeks as she quickly wiped away the evidence of her dozing off...
Designed during a period where she contemplated running away from home, Arika's unnamed Airfish came complete with a fully furnished kitchen, a sizeable bathroom with both a bath and a walk-in shower, a spacious common area, a decently-sized cargo bay, two crewman quarters, and, as could be expected, a rather large Captain's quarters. It was also fully equipped with anti-pirate and anti-monster armaments, so, despite its cute appearance, the goldfish-like ship was actually an A-Class Superlight Cruiser, one capable of even scuttling a Dreadnought under the right conditions.
After finding a good place to dock, Arika activated an invisible gravity anchor that would prevent the ship from crashing into the nearby rocks before turning on the powerful cloaking device. The ship was usually undetectable by most forms of radar and magical sensors, but, when the cloaking function was activated, the large barrier surrounding the ship could refract light in a way that made it completely invisible. This required a substantial amount of energy, crippling most of the weapons systems, but it was a small price to pay for complete concealment.
With the ship successfully docked, Arika released a tired sigh, reclining in the pilot's seat for several seconds before ultimately rising to go enjoy a hot shower. The moment she exited the bridge, she could hear the sound of something sizzling from the kitchen, and, though it was currently very light, a fragrant aroma had already started to pervade the ship. This brought a slight smile to her face, as, in the past, she had never particularly cared about the taste of her food. Now, however, meals were a time to look forward to rather than just another block in her schedule.
After enjoying the fragrance for a short while, Arika made her into the belly of the ship, the location of the crew cabins, cargo bay, and bathroom. She was still a little bitter about the fact her room had been occupied by Vahn, but, after thinking about it during the flight toward Nyandoma, she could understand the reason. He hadn't been assigned Guardianship over her and Asuna, but, as a result of his status as both an Ancient Dragon and an Emperor, her mother had 'requested' Vahn to take care of them. It simply wouldn't be proper for her to force him to stay in the crew cabin, as, not only was his status higher than her own, he was also the one taking care of and protecting them...
While thinking about the complexities of her current situation, Arika began to peel off the pieces of her clothing, neatly folding them before placing them into a clothes bin. There was a large mirror in the bathroom, so, after stripping down completely naked, she expressionlessly stared at her own figure, complex feelings swirling in her heart. She wasn't a vain woman, but, based on what she had heard, she should be quite beautiful. Her hair was neatly trimmed and well maintained, her body was clean and unblemished, and, though she hadn't fully matured, she had filled out in the places men should find attractive...
After staring at the reflection of her body, Arika made eye contact with herself before extending her hand to touch the surface of the mirror. The structure of her face was equally as flawless as the rest of her body, but, due to her lack of expression, it almost seemed inorganic, much like a mask. It had never been an issue in the past, but, after seeing Asuna slowly become more expressive, combined with the 'zest' that seemed to radiate around the woman named Fenrir, Arika was beginning to feel as though her 'face' was a problem...
Allowing a tired sigh to escape her lips, Arika turned away from the mirror, activating the magical formation that powered the steamy shower. She allowed the warm water to remove some of her fatigue and melt away the frustrations that had been growing in her heart, things she didn't fully understand. She somewhat wished that Vahn had arrived sooner, as, after seeing the difference in his treatment of Asuna and herself, she couldn't help feeling slightly envious. Now, even if she had the heart to ask him to spoil her, it simply wouldn't be proper due to her age...
Leaning her forehead against the shower wall, enjoying the soothing vibrations of the hot water striking her scalp, Arika fell into a deeply contemplative state. She had discussed the matter with her mother, and, though she wasn't quite sure how to go about it, her mother had basically given her consent to do whatever she pleased. She was given permission to follow her heart, and, though she wasn't quite sure where it would take her, Arika knew she wanted something more, something she didn't fully understand...
Though he was largely focused on cooking, Vahn was passively aware of everything taking place in his domain. As a result, he wasn't unaware of the subtle changes Arika was undergoing, causing him to shake his head in mild exasperation. She was very confused right now, but, after traveling around and experiencing more of the world, Vahn was hoping she would stabilize a bit. The only reason she liked him was because he was the first reasonably powerful man that treated her well. She was stuck in a peculiar equilibrium between viewing him as something akin to a surrogate father and a future love interest, something he had encountered surprisingly often after entering a new Record...
Shaking his head once again, Vahn began to dexterously flip the stir fry in his wok before letting it simmer on the stove. He had already made his decision, so there was no sense in letting it bother him too much. In fact, the more he allowed it to affect him, the worse the issue would become due to how perceptive young women like Arika could be. It would be easier to all-in on treating her like a child, as, even if she 'resented' him externally, he knew she would be internally happy.
At this point, the best thing Vahn could do to prevent the situation from getting further out of hand is making sure Fenrir didn't try to 'convert' Arika and Asuna. She had a habit of conditioning others to view him in an excessively positive light, so, if left to her own devices, the number of people that could be classified as his Believers would steadily increase. She also had a habit of cultivating those closest to him into being 'good girls', effectively instilling the idea of 'work hard and receive lots of pampering'...
The moment her Master started thinking about her, Fenrir's ears twitched slightly, her eyes opening to reveal a curious glimmer. She could sense he was thinking about something complicated, and, as the person who knew him 'best', she could guess what was troubling him. She basically had a sixth sense when it came to other people liking her Master, so, from the moment she saw the members of the Ostian Royal Family, she saw them in a very positive light. After all, anyone who liked her Master was either exceptionally intelligent or a relatively good person...
With this thought in mind, Fenrir looked toward the sleeping Asuna, finding the young girl to be an exceptionally adorable creature. Though she also had something very 'dangerous' sealed inside of her, this was actually pretty normal for anyone her Master had taken an interest in.
Using the back of her paw, which now looked almost indistinguishable from a human hand, albeit one covered in soft blue fur, Fenrir gently stroked Asuna's bangs. She had always been rather fond of children, so, knowing how protective her Master was regarding them, Fenrir would not hesitate to protect them with every fiber of her being. This elevated Asuna's status to a considerable extent, to the point she was only beneath her Master in terms of importance...
As this thought crossed her mind, a smile spread across Fenrir's face as she pawed aside Asuna's bangs and planted a kiss on her forehead. Then, like a mother embracing her child, she held the sleeping princess close, gently nuzzling her as a soft layer of fur spread across her entire body...
Sensing the changes in Fenrir, Vahn couldn't help but lightly chuckle as he threw all the food into his Inventory for later consumption. Then, deciding to get some fresh air, he teleported outside the ship to sit atop one of the relatively common 'finger mountains' that existed throughout Mundus Magicus. These were massive, pillar-like, structures that were typically composed of a type of dense white stone. Some were several hundred meters in diameter, making them exceptionally popular for hermetic Mages looking for a place to build a retreat.
Sitting on the very edge of the 1700m tall rocky pillar, Vahn wondered whether or not it would only cause more problems if he were to introduce Arikia and Theo before they were originally intended to meet. Theo didn't seem as prone to imprinting on others as the taciturn Queen, but, with a bit of 'coaching' from Fenrir, there was no way of knowing what would happen.
Remembering his last encounter with the tomboy princess, Vahn adopted a wry smile as he shook his head. Then, startling a flock of pterosaur-like creatures that had inhabited the surprisingly lush forest atop the finger mountain, Vahn began to laugh out loud without any inhibition. In the end, it was entirely up to him how things developed, so, rather than worry about future troubles, he would continue to live in the moment. He could even play matchmaker, and, if he really wanted to, there was nothing stopping him from blasting entire worlds into oblivion...
As if one some kind of divine cue, a thunderous explosion sounded just as Vahn reclined against the soft grass. This caused him to immediately revert to a seated position, his pupils expanding greatly before contracting as he looked toward another finger mountain that was collapsing around twenty kilometers away. Then, from within a reddish-pink cloud of magical energy, a large dragon emerged like a meteor as it crashed to the densely forested area near the base of the mountain range...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'An Otaku's paradise','This chapter gives a feeling of Deja Vu...','It seems Vahn is, once again, practicing the ancient art of flag-raising') <-(p.atreon link)
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