Lady Wang was seriously considering killing Feng Wu there and then.
"Oh my, isn't it Mrs Duan? Duan Chaoge is your daughter, right?"
"She's the daughter of my husband's concubine…" Mrs Duan could barely keep her smile on.
"That still makes her your daughter. Mrs Duan, you shouldn't focus on your own daughter and ignore your stepdaughter. Otherwise, you'll be criticized for favoritism."
Mrs Duan was speechless. She made a mental note that she would teach Duan Chaoge a good lesson after they got back — give her a good whipping, to start with!
As fellow sufferers of humiliation, Lady Wang and Mrs Duan couldn't shirk their responsibilities anymore and had to come forward.
Jin Li watched as the two ladies introduced themselves as Feng Wu's aunt and Duan Chaoge's stepmother respectively.
Jin Li snorted. "Take them back home now. They're only going to bring shame to themselves and your families here."
"Yes, of course —"
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