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96.38% The anti-hero / Chapter 80: tragedy

Chapter 80: tragedy



Richard and Erika screamed in fear as their father fell fully inserted into the ground.

Running to his side desperately, only to realize that his father was already dead, his eyes wide and a look of disbelief.

"Youuuuuu !!!! How dare you do this? !!!!!! Haaaaaa ... Haaaaaa .. What did my husband do to you? !!!!! What did he do to you? !!!!!!!!!! What gives you the right to do this to people? !!!! Tell me !!!!!!!!!!!!! " Richard and Erika's mother screamed hysterically, she couldn't bear to see how the love of her life died as well as in front of her eyes. He had always been his moral support, when things seemed completely lost he always got up calmly and thought of a solution.

Even when the world seemed to go completely crazy around him. Incredible powers, horrible beasts, terrifying specters. None of that seemed so bad if she had him by her side.

She felt that if she had her husband by her side .... she could face anything.

But here she was ...... I didn't know what to do.

He felt the world collapse around him.

He knelt on the ground and cried pitifully.

"Why? Why-"

"Bam" "Bam" "Bam"

"Shut up, bitch, you're hurting my ears with your miserable screams." Jack said as he pressed the trigger.

"Noooooooo !!!! Mom !!" Richard screamed like crazy.

Her heartbeat increased rapidly, her breathing quickened, and the world around her seemed slower.

but as much as he wanted to save his mother, it was impossible for him to be faster than bullets.

Richard only came in time to see his mother collapse in a pool of his own blood.

Richard took the still good hands of his mother and cried: "no mom. Please don't leave me. Not you too, please !!"

Maria looked at her son with a very sad but at the same time relieved look.

"I'm sorry my love, I wish I could be with you, see you grow and become the great people I always knew you would be." Maria coughed a little, but continued: "Don't worry about me, I'm leaving happy. I will be able to accompany your father to the other world." Maria smiled trying to ease Richard's feelings a little, but it didn't seem to work.

He was still crying and crying like a little boy, his head buried in his hands covered in blood.

"Richard !!" Maria screamed softly but strictly, making him raise his head in fear. "You're a man !! Act like one, wipe away those tears and pull yourself together."

Richard looked at his mother for a brief moment and nodded resolutely.

"Listen Richard." Maria looked seriously at her son while feeling how he was getting less and less strength. "I need you to promise me something."

Richard looked seriously at his mother, but could not hide the deep sadness he felt. Still, she resolutely replied, "Tell me, Mom. What do you want me to do? I promise to do everything possible to achieve it."

"Richard !! Please promise me you will take care of your sister and don't let anything in this world hurt her." Maria said tearfully. "This world can be very cruel at times and I don't want to have to leave you to face all that alone. I don't want to leave you ........ I wish I could continue with you and guide you through this cruel path called life .... I don't want to, I just don't want to leave you sun- "

But Mary could not finish her prayer before every sign of life will leave her body.

"Mom !! Mom !!" Richard lifted his mother's body and hugged him tightly. "Don't worry mom, I will do everything possible to protect Erika. No !! I will do even the impossible, so .... So ...." Richard sobbed and sobbed until he could drop it. "You can rest in peace."

"Oh but how cute. This is more entertaining than watching Titanic hahahahahahaha." Jack commented as he saw Richard with his mother in his arms.

"Hi boy. Do you remember me?" Jack spoke to Richard, but Richard did not react. "Well it doesn't matter if you play dumb. I'm not like those comic book villains who say they are going to kill and do it slowly waiting for the hero to come oh no!"

"I am wilder than that." Jack grabbed a mini-machine gun from the hands of one of the men next to him and fired like crazy. But purposely avoiding Richard and Erika.

"How are you? What do you think of the view now? Isn't it magnificent? Hahahahahahaha"

"Oh please. Do not be confused, do not kill you or your sister because being the center of me will go, you will have to suffer more, much more. And from what I just saw, if I do something to your sister surely you will suffer hehe. Besides. I must say that your sister is not bad at all hahahahaha. " Jack was giggling like crazy while constantly licking his lips.

Job beside him didn't even frown a bit when he saw all this. In fact, he had a small smile when he saw Erika crying over her father's body.

Richard on the other hand was completely devastated. Not only his parents were dead, Mr. Jhon his two children and especially Aunt Sofia too.

What will you tell Tyler when I get back?

For the first time in a long time, Richard's heart burned with immense killing intent.

"Dieeeee !!!!!!"

Richard screamed as he ran straight for Jack.

"Haha yes that's just what I wanted." Jack tossed the gun aside and surprisingly greeted Richard with clean fists. Even knowing that Richard was awakened from the lightning element.


Richard screamed as currents of thick electricity began to wind through his hands and hit.

But Jack looked like he was ready for this. He dodged the attack by moving to the side and without missing an opportunity, he also returned a direct hit to Richard's stomach.

Richard never expected this type of development.

With no time to react, Richard could only take the hit.


Richard knelt on the ground holding his stomach very sore. He didn't think it would hurt that much.

He felt that he had run out of strength and could only stay there kneeling, unable to get up.

"Hahahahaha that's how I wanted to see you. Kneeling in front of me like the simple slave that you are. What if you are awakened? What if you can launch Sparks through the air? You are still inferior to my hehe." Jack spoke with a marked envy.

The one who is part of a big family with a lot of money and assets, could not awaken any incredible abilities. But ... But this simple poor little shit, okay ?!

Richard looked at Jack wryly and raised his hand pointing directly at him.

Jack caught a glimpse of something and jumped to the side, albeit unstably.

But Jack didn't mind, because I could see how a thick bolt of lightning passed right where he was. Since he did not find Jack the discharge continued with his walking hitting a man who was just behind Jack.

Jack only caught a glimpse of the flash before the man knelt on the ground.

Her hair was completely spiky and her body seemed a little paralyzed. But what caught everyone's attention was that the man was holding his chest with a very painful look.

And later. With no sign the man fell dead.

Job approached the man and checked him out, "The electric shock made his heart stop. Haha very interesting, as expected from an awakened man."

Richard did not miss the opportunity and when everyone was entertained with the fallen man condition. I release two new streams of electricity directed at the other two men on Jack's side.

Taking advantage of the fact that Jack could not move to either of his two sides, Richard ran directly to him and hugged him.

"Let's see if you can dodge this. Impac-thunder (lol)" Richard screamed with laughter and made his body explode into a bunch of electric currents, electrocuting everything around him and more than everything to Jack.

"Damn. How dare you boy? !!" Job suddenly appeared as a ghost next to Richard with a fist surrounded by a kind of light blue energy.

Just when job was going to blow Richard's head into a thousand pieces ... Suddenly.


A thunderous roar echoed everywhere, chasing away all the birds in the vicinity. The ground seemed to tremble softly, the clouds around Glory seemed to have found their worst enemy as they all seemed to have run away from something leaving behind a clear blue sky with not a single cloud in sight.

Most of all the great one will be contained in that roar made everyone stop for a brief moment.

"What the hell was that?!!" Job immediately stopped and looked into the distance. The amount of pressure that simple roar exerted on him was simply incredible.

It had been a long time since she had felt this way, she had the feeling that she was a simple ant trying to challenge an invincible dragon.

Her heart stopped for a brief moment, she began to sweat everywhere and her breathing quickened.

"This feeling ...... This feeling .... It's like ..... It's like ... u-un ... a sage." Job stuttered with a very visible fear in his voice.

Richard took advantage of Job's sudden paralysis and escaped his grasp.

He reached Erika's side, looked at her briefly, and spoke. "Did you hear it?"

Erika looked at Richard and nodded, "It's him."

"We have to make time for him to come. Maybe he can help us." Richard said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Don't worry, I've already sent you our location." Erika said as she took out a small flashing device with a yellow Light from her pocket.

"I see. I just have to buy time." Richard nodded.

"Yes but ....." Erika looked at job with a serious look.

"Yes. This guy ...... Not normal. I felt like he was going to die just now." Richard said as he looked closely at job.

"So how? ..." Erika spoke uncertainly.

"I'll have to use 'that'."

"It's not very dangerous?" Erika asked.

"Yes." Richard nodded. "For them."

Not long ago the world had suffered from a great event.

A great event where all the awakened ones evolved their ability. And Richard was no exception.


"Sir. We have to get out of here quickly." Carl anxiously grabbed General Thompson's arm and said very urgently.

"Why what happened?" General Thompson looked away at Carl and asked.

"I don't know. I really don't know. But with every second we spend here I feel ... I feel like we're all going to die." Carl said with a face full of fear.

"But that's not all, sir. I ..... I'm already starting to feel butterflies in my stomach." Carl stated.

"Are you serious? But how is that possible?" General Thompson was incredulous.

Butterflies in the stomach were part of Carl's ability. But this condition only appeared when Carl's instinct foreshadowed almost apocalyptic events.

For example: the day of the great awakening and the day of the great change, only those two days Carl felt butterflies in his stomach.

But today ...... what the hell was going to happen today?


Elizabeth and Cloe looked at the scene in front of them with great disbelief.

In less than 5 minutes almost all the people on one side were completely dead.

That was not how it should be.

Is it perhaps the butterfly effect? Elizabeth was deeply concerned.

Only Richard and Erika's father was supposed to die, before Tyler arrived and saved the day.

Albert's death would greatly motivate Richard and Erika to seek to become stronger and stronger.

But that was not what had happened. Not only did Albert die, so did five other people.

Three of them which he did not know and most likely were not important to the future of humanity, so elizabeth did not worry.

The problem ........ The big problem was the other two people.


Maria was always an example to Elizabeth.

After the death of her husband. Maria was very devastated, but that did not make her give up on life. She knew that she still had a duty to guide her children on the right path, and when they said they wanted to become stronger, Maria not only agreed. If not, I also support them at all times and was with them, giving them advice, helping them in every little thing I could.

I lead a life full of sacrifices all for giving the best to your children. She was a very important pillar of support in strengthening Richard and Erika.

But now ....... Now she was dead. And yes, it is a big problem, but not so much. Perhaps the death of their two parents motivates them even more to become stronger.

The problem.

The big problem was the woman who lay dead not many meters from Albert and Maria and who seemed to have gone unnoticed.

Sofia ... Sofia bayers.

The mother of the heavenly demon.

Without even wanting to, Elizabeth recalled a date that old man always used. An appointment that was well marked in his memory.

[If you ever see Tyler mad with anger. Run!!! Run as much as you can, no place is safe.]

Elizabeth trembled everywhere as she remembered this phrase. She knew the old man was not lying, she could see it in his eyes. I could clearly see his fear !!

"We have to get out of here quickly." Elizabeth said as she backed away in fear.

"What? No. I'm not leaving, it's been a long time since I've wanted to meet the boy you always talk about so much and I'm not leaving now." Chloe did not move a bit as she continued to look ahead with a pale face. It was not easy for her to see how several innocent people were murdered, but I bear it. I really wanted to meet the man that Elizabeth talked about so much.

"What, are you crazy? !! Look closely. They just killed their mother, you are not going to meet Tyler. You are going to know his anger and believe me you will not like it." Elizabeth tried to convince Cloe to leave with her, she didn't want to be here when everything got out of control. She had a very important mission and could not die before she could fulfill it.

"I'm not leaving." Chloe spoke resolutely, "We are also a long way away, nothing will happen to us."

"There is no safe distance when it comes to understand it !!" Elizabeth screamed but Cloe ignored him. And although Elizabeth wanted to leave with all her might, she couldn't go and leave Cloe here.

Chloe was an important part of her plan. His power was very important to humanity, although no one knew it yet.


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