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49.46% SHINOBI: The RPG / Chapter 46: Visitations

Chapter 46: Visitations

"So, she wants to start a book club?" Nichiren asked again, a look of growing concern on his face.

Why would he be concerned? It's just a book club. "Yes, she does and I'm inviting you. Do you want to come?"

We were standing at the front door of Nichiren's house. He came to answer the door and I think his parents are working at their store right now. It was about mid-day with pleasant weather, with just enough clouds to provide decoration but not so much that the sun was even close to being in danger of being blocked.

"Uh…" His eyes darted from one side to the other, his glasses glinting in the sunlight for just a moment. "Suuuure. Yes, I'd like to come. In fact, let's invite Hisako, I think she'd love to come too."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked with a frown. "She doesn't seem the type to enjoy books all that much."

Nichiren looked at me blankly and blinked. "Do you know that for sure?"

"Well," I started with a pause. "No, but I was judging based on what I knew about her and…alright, yeah. We should ask her. You really think she'd want to come?"

"Absolutely," He nodded rapidly. "She loves trying new things."

I…okay, sure. There's something going on that I don't understand but in society that accounts for about ninty-percent of everything that's going on. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Nichiren nodded again. "When did you say this club was going to be?"

"Thursday at three," I answered.

"This Thursday?" Nichiren asked, tilting his head off to the side.

"Yup," I replied with a nod. "Are you available that day?"

"Yeah, I think we can both make it," Nichiren replied, still nodding for some reason.

"If it's not too much trouble," I added, remembering that, yes, unlike me, they have prior obligations. Nichiren has his families store and Hisako has…actually, I don't know what she has. I think she trains with Cell 9? "You guys don't have to clear your schedules, though, if there was other stuff you'd rather be doing."

"Daisuke, it's fine. I want to go," Nichiren reassured me with a frown. "I'm pretty sure Hisako will want to go too. We can head over to her place and ask her right now."

"Do you know where she lives?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nichiren blinked for several seconds. "No, I don't…I think I've got her address here somewhere."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small note book with a yellow cover. "Ah, yeah. I know where that is."

"You carry a note-book?" I asked him curiously.

"Uh…yeah," Nichiren nodded sheepishly. "I got the idea from you, actually. You've been carrying that little black book of yours around since before I've known you, so…I mean, you even took it into the quarantine zone with you, so…"

I winced. "Uh…if you could avoid mentioning that out loud? I don't want a plague scare going around."

"Don't worry, I trust you," Nichiren replied, stepping forward and shutting the door behind you. "Besides, I saw you invent a cleaning jutsu on the way to the hospital. I know you can take care of it if you needed too."

"Thanks, Nichiren." He trusts me? That's…odd. Why would he trust me? He doesn't understand me at all. He even said so himself. Can I ask him about it? Maybe that's not a good idea. "So, has it been helpful?"

"Oh yeah," He nodded and we started to walk off. "I'm a little surprised, actually."

While we walked to Hisako's place, I was thinking. I mean, I was always thinking but that's not the point.

Something was bothering me.

Now, as far as reading people goes, I'm an idiot. This fact is not new. Almost Perfect, the milestone imposed on me by both my higher ups and my own fears and paranoias could not possibly come soon enough. But in spite of that, I'm pretty sure that Nichiren wants to invite Hisako to this book club for more reason than just 'she likes books all of a sudden'.

Maybe she'd feel threatened if I started hanging out with Ino and her friends for unknown reasons? Maybe.

I think that's it. Pretty sure.

In which case, this might just be more justified than I thought. I'd be lying if I said I knew what I wanted as far as love goes. Some days I think I really, really, really like Hisako, other days it's not there at all. That could easily become the same case with Ino. But I'd also be lying if I said I was going to date either of them until they were eighteen.

Body and mind of a child or not, my soul is ancient compared to most people in this world and that's not something I can really shake off.

"So, remind me, what book are we supposed to be reading?" Nichiren asked, turning around to face me as he kept walking.

"Pole," I cautioned him and he turned around just in time to avoid face-planting into a street-light. "Into the Dark Abyss by Asahara Nami. It's about a sailor whose ship gets dragged to the bottom of the sea and he has to get out using his wits or become seafood."

"I think I've heard of that one, actually," Nichiren said, cupping his chin and looking up in thought. "Yeah, I have. Mom was trying to get Dad to read it, but he's not much for horror."

"I don't get how it could be considered scary," I told him with a flabbergasted expression. I was being serious. How in the world is being trapped by yourself with just your own wit and skill with a giant sea monster scary?

"Maybe it's not frightening," Nichiren shrugged. "That was just what Dad said when he told her why he didn't want to read it. I don't know, I haven't read it either."

Nichiren lead me up the stairs of an apartment building and we came to a crimson colored door with the designation 4C being screwed into the surface at eye level. "Here we are."

He knocked sharply on the door and less than a second later, the door opened, revealing Hisako, sans her red jacket, only wearing the white shirt she kept underneath it. Her hair was done up the way it was normally, pony-tail with twin locks falling around her face, coming down to her chin. She looked surprised to see us. "Daisuke! Nichiren, what brings you here?"

"Oh, Daisuke got invited to a book club," Nichiren said, pointing his thumb at me. "By Ino. I thought it'd be a good idea to stop by and ask if you were interested."

"A book club," Hisako repeated, a small frown creeping onto her lips. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to come. Why don't you both come in?"

"Are your parent's home?" My first impulse to ask about that, given that we were to guys, she was an attractive girl and people could start talking about that. I think.

"No, it's just me," Hisako said with a small shrug and an odd look in her eyes. "Is there a problem?"

Then again, we were teammates and friends so maybe I was overthinking this. "…no. No, there isn't. If it's not too much trouble?"

"No, not at all. Come in, I just finished lunch," Hisako said, stepping inside and waving us in. "Sit down, make yourselves at home. Are you guys hungry?"

The apartment as about as big as mine, but it actually had furniture. Twin couches with a coffee table in between them. A large recliner sat at the 'head' of the table, looking like it had been used, a lot. Bar stools stood at the bar to the right and I assume the room over there was the kitchen.

"I'm fine, thanks," I answered, stepping inside and slipping my boots off when I saw Nichiren do the same. He's the smart one here, best do as he does.

"Yeah, same," Nichiren nodded. "But thanks for the offer."

"Are you sure?" Hisako asked, poking her head out at us. "I just finished lunch, but there's some leftovers. I got Rice balls…and sushi."

She had me. "…maybe some sushi would be good."

"Coming up," She smiled wide before disappearing into the kitchen. "Seriously, though. You guys can sit down."

I slid over to the recliner and sat down. I love recliners, actually. My first piece of furniture for my apartment, I decided, would be a recliner. I sighed in appreciation.

"You getting comfortable, Daisuke?" Nichiren asked, sounding amused as he sat down on the couch.

"I love recliners," I replied matter-of-factly.

"Here you go," Hisako said, coming out of the kitchen with a platter of rice balls and sushi rolls, putting them on the coffee table. "You like my Dad's chair, Daisuke?"

Even I'm not dumb enough to sit in another man's chair while in his house. I swiftly moved to the couch opposite Nichiren. "Yes, it's a great recliner. Your Dad's got great taste."

"You didn't have to move," Hisako chuckled, shaking her head and sitting next to me. "He doesn't mind if guests sit in his chair."

"I mind," I told her with a frown.

"Huh," Hisako frowned thoughtfully. "So, book club? When is it?"

"This Thursday at three," I answered with a nod. "Just getting together and talking about books. I wasn't sure if you liked fiction so I wasn't sure you'd like to come, but Nichiren said we should invite you."

"Yeah, I'd love to come," Hisako smiled again. "Thanks, Nichiren."

"No problem," He replied with a smile of his own. "The book we're reading for it is Into the Dark Abyss by Asahara Nami. One of Daisuke's favorites, right?"

"Yeah! Yeah, it's one of my favorites," I was a little surprised about being put in the spotlight again, but whatever.

"Oh really?" Hisako asked with a curious look. "Tell me about it."

"It's about a sailor whose ships gets dragged to the bottom of the ocean by a massive sea beast and he has to find a way out of the creature's domain before he gets eaten for lunch," I explained for what felt like the third time today. "…I like stories with a lot of action."

"How does it end?" Hisako asked carefully.

"No spoilers," I replied, folding my arms.

"Aw," She moaned with a frown, giving me…puppy-dog eyes? What? "Please?"

"No," I may have snapped that out a bit harsher than I meant too.

She took a breath. "Alright, fine."

"I'm surprised you like books, to be honest," I told her with a shrug. "Didn't seem like your forte."

"I like books," Hisako nodded. "They're good for company while my parents are out on missions."

"Oh. Cool, what kind do you like?" I asked with an interested look.

"Oh. I…uh…you know, I like a little bit of everything," Hisako said bashfully.

…I don't think that's true.

"Okay but what kind is your favorite?" I pressed.

"I don't…" Hisako's eyes turned to look at Nichiren who was signaling something, but stopped when I turned to look at him. Her face had gone a light shade of pink. "I, uh…I like romance."

"That's not unusual," I replied with a shrug. "Anything you read recently?"

She didn't say anything for a minute, looking at Nichiren again, who was doing nothing when I looked at him myself. "…I really like Confessions of a Lady of the Court."

"I've read that one," I replied. "Not…my favorite, but it's something."

"Were you just tactful?" Nichiren asked with something sounding like shock.

"Was I just what?" I asked him with a frown.

"…never mind, it was rude of me to ask," Nichiren said with an embarrassed chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry."

I caught the barest glimpse of Hisako giving him the mother of all death glares before she looked at me. "So was there anything about it you liked?"

"Uh…well, I guess she can be sort of poetic when she wants to be," I replied, shrugging uncomfortably. The books purple prose was disgustingly overwrought but the occasional passage almost had something…pretty about it. Almost. "Again, I didn't really like it. Most of the book is just the main character bemoaning the fact that she's got two men chasing her skirt and being unable to decide."

"I…can see why it might not be for everyone," Hisako replied with a nod and a slight frown. "So, the book club is this Thursday?"

"Yeah, we'll be talking about Asahara's work," I replied with a nod. "…maybe another meeting we could talk about Confessions."

"We don't have to do that if you don't want too," Hisako replied quickly. "I don't want to make you talk about things you don't like."

"It's a book club, we talk about books," I blinked as I replied. "Besides, I think Ino was interested in that book too, Sakura might like it, so if most of the people like the book then it would be unfair to exclude it just because one person disliked it."

"I'll bet she was interested," Hisako muttered, looking off to the side. "That's really nice of you Daisuke."

"I don't try to be mean," I replied with a frown.

"That's not what I meant," Hisako replied quickly. "It's just that not a lot of people would willingly talk about something they don't like just because other people do. At least not openly."

"People talk about things they don't like…secretly?" I blinked. "I'm confused."

"As in, they pretend to like it so the people around them would like them," Hisako tried to clarify. "They think they need too in order to make friends."

"I don't think that makes sense," I shook my head. "If you need to pretend to like something you don't to make friends with certain people, then maybe those people aren't worth your time."

"Things would be a lot easier if everyone shared that mentality," Hisako smiled sweetly.

"That, or there'd be a lot more arguments over, well, everything," Nichiren argued with a shrug, taking off his glasses to wipe them off with his shirt. "Pretending to be accepting of something is usually how most people show tolerance."

"Ugh. I don't want that," I replied with a wave of my hand. "If I like something, I like it. If I don't, I don't. If I like a group of people, I'll be friends with them. If I don't like what they're doing, I cut ties and never contact them again. Simple."

"I don't think you can really live like that," Hisako suggested with a frown and…is that concern in her eyes? I think that's concern. "I mean, you need friends to live, right?"

"…yeah," I admitted with a nod. "Kind of. I mean, they are important but…I don't know, I was using extremes in my argument just now. I'm not going to just kill off a friendship with you if, I don't know, I don't like how you polish your glasses every ten minutes."

Nichiren looked to the side, frowning and looking sort of…hurt? "My glasses get dirty and it's kind of annoying."

I frowned. "I was just using an example. I don't actually think it's annoying."

Nichiren stopped short. "Right, sorry. I thought you were being serious for a second. Sorry."

"It's okay," I shrugged, looking around before looking at the platter.

I took another bit of sushi. Delicious.

Wait, did Hisako make this? I think she might've.

"This sushi's good," I told her with an attempt at a smile.

"Yeah, it's great," Nichiren added quickly.

"Thanks," Hisako smiled uneasily. "Mom taught me how to make them like this."

"It's good," I repeated.

"So, your parents are away on missions?" Nichiren asked eagerly.

"Yeah, they're always away on missions," Hisako nodded, leaning back against the couch. "Always. I'm usually here by myself a lot of the time. It's…quiet."

"Wait, do you get lonely?" I asked with a frown.

"…sometimes," Hisako half-nodded. "Usually I'm out training or something. Passes the time pretty quickly."

"Oh. Okay."

She gets lonely. Misses her parents. You know, I can actually respect that. That kind of mood hits me. Sometimes. Whenever that happens, I usually try to go for a run or something to get my mind off of thoughts of the old world.

Miss my parents too, you know.

"So this is a pretty nice place," Nichiren said, looking around the apartment.

"Yeah, it is nice," I repeated. "I like the set up you've got here. Nice couches."

"You like it?" Hisako asked with a smile. "Would you guys like a tour?"

"Sure," I replied, standing up with a shrug.

"That'd be great," Nichiren answered with a smile of his own.

You know what I realized?

Friends go see friends when they're in the hospital. Because unlike me, most people are stuck in the hospital with nothing to do or no-one to see for days if not weeks on end. And I'm not really sure if we could count each other as friends, but I think I should try to see Anko since she's still recovering.

Which is why I'm going to perhaps the one building of Konoha I only see if I've been reduced to ten hitpoints or less and someone gets scared. Since I can make my own blood-pills now, it won't ever happen again but you know.

So, first things first, go talk to the Hokage. His receptionist, a pretty girl who I was pretty sure was a shinobi body-guard in addition to time manager, looked positively bored. I hadn't seen her before, she must be new. "Excuse me?"

She looked up from the book she had been reading. "Hmmm…you Shimoda Daisuke?"

"That's me," I replied.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"I'd like to see the Hokage."

"What about?" She asked.

"Hospital visitation rights to someone in quarantine," I explained with a frown.

She hummed, looking over the schedule for the day. I wonder how long it'll take for the Shinobi world to invent computers. Will it ever invent computers with all the fighting and information hoarding, actually? That's an interesting thought.

"Yeah, go on in," She said. "He's not doing anything important right now."

"Thank you," I gave her a bow and continued on my way up the stairs.

A sharp knock.

"Enter," The Hokage's voice was always muffled due how far away he sat from his desk. I opened the door. I could've FTG'd in, but I didn't see the point. I was already at the door. As I slid up to the appropriate distance, the Hokage looked up at me. "Ah, Daisuke. How good to see you."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," I gave him the customary bow.

"What brings you to me?" Hiruzen asked, putting his pipe in his mouth.

"I came here to ask for permission to visit Mitarashi," I answered. "She's still recovering from the procedure, correct?"

"Yes, she is," Hiruzen nodded. "You already have permission, but it's good of you to come see me first."

"Oh," Well, that's surprising. "Well, thank you."

"I wasn't sure you'd think to come ask me, to be perfectly honest," Hiruzen replied with a smile. "So, I gave you permission preemptively to save time and frustration. But here you are. If you wouldn't mind if I accompany you, actually, I'd like to stretch my legs."

"That'd be fine," I replied with a shrug. "Flying Thunder God or walking?"

"Simply teleporting there would defeat the purpose of getting out to stretch my legs, wouldn't you agree?" The Hokage asked, looking at me oddly. "And…you have a Flying Thunder God Seal in Quarantine?"

"No," I shook my head. "Just at the Hospital Entrance. Though I should put a seal in Quarantine, now that you mention it. For convenience sake."

"Don't do that," The Hokage shook his head. "Quarantine is meant to be secure, not something anyone can just walk in and out of at any time."

"Alright, I won't." Darn. Well, maybe a seal just outside of quarantine wouldn't be amiss.

So, the two of us walked out of the building, casually. The hospital wasn't far. The Hokage attracted bows and murmurs of respect. Some merchant stopped to speak with him, causing the trip to be delayed. I'm pretty sure I made him uncomfortable as I didn't think to stop tapping my foot in impatience until after he left but it doesn't matter, just like him.

Into the hospital we went. The reception area had a few people. Some Genin and Chunin sitting in the chairs. The Hokage just walked past the receptionist and beckoned me to follow him. We walked down the stairs.

She was probably awake. I imagine she slept for at least sixteen hours since the operation but she was probably awake now. I remember from my old life, after recovering from a surgery I'd wake up later and have only one of my parents and an SNES for company, unlike now, where there is no SNES.

Actually, I wonder who amongst my peers would enjoy video games? Nichiren, Shikamaru and Chouji are a shoe-in for a good RPG and stuff like that. Sakura and maybe Ino might enjoy point and click adventure games more or an MMO just for the social aspect. Naruto and Sasuke would probably find a new way to compete through trying to get higher KDA's in Call of Duty or something like it.

Quarantine had a pair of Chunin guarding the door, and beyond going into a bow at the approach of the Hokage, they didn't say anything as he ushered me in through the door. Standing out in the hall was Doctor Oshima, going over a clipboard. He looked up at us. "Hokage-sama. Shimoda-kun. What brings you both here?"

"We're here to check up on Mitarashi," The Hokage replied smoothly. "Is she awake."

"She is," Oshima nodded. "Beyond a hoarse voice, she's recovering well. I believe she's reading a book."

Everyone's reading books now. Odd. Maybe I just need to pay attention more.

"Excellent," The Hokage smiled. "This is her room?"

"Indeed," Oshima replied, grabbing the door-knob. "I'll let you in."

Then he opened the door and let us in. "Mitarashi-san, you have visitors."

Anko still looked very sick. She was pale, her skin an unhealthy shade of green. Her eyes had dark circles under them and were bloodshot. A series of IV's were linked into her arm and she had an oxygen tube running over her nose. She looked up at us. "Hokage-sama. Shimoda-kun! Thank you for coming to see me."

"Oh, it's nothing," The Hokage waved it off. "I'm glad to see you awake, Mitarashi-san."

"I wouldn't blame you if you fell asleep right now," I told her. "Recovery is hard."

"Nah, I've been sleeping enough," Anko said, closing the book she had been reading, the title I didn't quite see. "Can't do anymore for a while."

"That sucks," I replied with a frown. I've been there, actually. In the hospital, wanting to sleep your trials and troubles away and are unable to do so because you've slept too much. Old life, memories barely remembered, but there. "So, what are you reading?"

"Ah, some crappy adventure novel they had lying around here," She lifted the book to reveal 'The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Ninja'. "It was written by Jiraiya-sama, one of the Sannin. You heard of him, kid? Legendary ninja, mediocre author."

Her obvious condition made snapping at her for calling me kid an easy urge to ignore. "Well, why else do you think he's stuck to the Icha-Icha series?"

She shrugged. "Makes sense, I guess."

Then she yawned.

"I'm glad to see that you've started recovery," The Hokage nodded sagely. "This has been a hard thing, but you've overcome it and I couldn't be prouder of you."

"Thanks, Hokage-sama," Anko gave him a grateful smile. "Honestly, I feel horrible right now but I can't tell you how happy I am that the seal is finally gone."

"I'm sure the Akimichi are planning a celebration for when you get out of the hospital," The Hokage nodded with a smile of his own.

"Uh?" I started questioningly.

Anko brought an arm up to cover her mouth as she yawned. "I'm a regular customer of their restaurant here in town, so I know everyone that works there. Their dango is the best thing in the world. I'd kill for some right now, actually."

Alright, I'll just grab her some next time I come to visit. No trouble.

"Alright that makes sense," I shrugged.

The Hokage and Anko continued to make idle chatter that I wound up tuning out in favor of examining the medical equipment that surrounded Anko. The oxygen was regular, heartbeat stable though low but her chakra-network right now looked very similar to a child's network – almost non-existent.

"Well, I need to get back to the tower," The Hokage started to back away after the end of the conversation. "A lot of business needs my attention. Daisuke can stay as long as he likes."

"Good-bye Hokage-sama," Anko waved weakly as he departed out of the door.

"See you later," I waved back as the door shut. "…you know, your network is about the same strength as a child's right now."

"Oh, I had no idea," She replied with a wheeze, laying back onto the back of her hospital bed. "I guess that's what happens when a part of your network gets amputated, right?"

"Yeah," I replied automatically.

A minute passed in silence.

"I was being sarcastic, kid," Anko elaborated.

"Uh…" I found myself glaring.

"Sorry, Shimoda. Shimoda-kun," Anko cleared her throat. "I forgot you hate being called kid."

"You can just call me Daisuke," I said with a frown. "I don't mind being addressed by my first name."

"If you're sure," Anko frowned. "I don't think we're friends enough for that yet."

"Alright whatever," I shrugged. "Just don't call me kid."

"Got it," She nodded.

We simply stood there for a few minutes…her heart rates normal…

"So…tell me something, Daisuke," Anko began quietly.


"Did I really have a piece of Orochimaru's soul in me?" She asked with a deep frown.


"So, he was just going to take me over in a twisted immortality scheme," Anko continued, her face getting angry. I didn't know someone who was in such a poor condition could even get angry but there we go.


Anko sighed with a glare aimed at her hands. "He's probably taken over other people to extend his life, huh?"


"Do you have any other answers?" Anko snapped with a glare at me.


Her angry expression immediately started to crack as she erupted into a fit of hoarse giggles that became a cough.

"You okay?" I asked even though I knew she'd be fine. That's something people do, right? Pointlessly asking after each other's welfare to show concern? I distinctly remember doing something like that during my old life.

"Y-yes," She cleared her throat with a smile. "You just made me laugh."


"Don't be sorry," She said, still smiling. "I think you did it on accident."

"It was," I answered, still concerned.

She sighed. "Oh, I needed that. Shame you're underage…"

"I'm not sure I'm your type," I replied with a shrug. "Unless you like machines, which I doubt."

Anko looked a little nonplussed but then shrugged. "…yeah, maybe you're right."

Again, we fell into an awkward silence.

"So, I read that book," I finally offered. "Gutsy Ninja, I mean."

"Oh, you did," She said, bringing the book up again. "So, you know what I mean when I say it's not very good?"

"It's not the worst I've ever seen," I replied with a look at the cover. "I thought it was…okay."

"I don't really read much to be honest," Anko replied with a cough. "I'd rather be out training or clubbing."

"Eh, training doesn't really do much for me," I shrugged. "I'd rather be out doing missions period."

"Yeah, I guess since you actually get paid after one, right?" Anko replied with a smirk.

"That too," I nodded. "It's mostly about the fights and blowing people up."

"That's always fun," Anko nodded. "I like watching snakes eat people. It's…oddly satisfying."

"Snakes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You have the snake contract."

"...yeah," She said, grunting to clear her throat. "I do. They're fun. Completely-"

She got into a coughing fit, cutting off her sentence. "Completely insane, but fun."

"Is that normal for summons?" I asked her, thinking of the cuddly carnivores I had stashed away in the south pole.

"Eh, it depends on the clan," Anko said. "I think turtles are the sanest, but the only guy man with that contract that I know of is Gai so…I think it balances out."

"That makes sense," I nodded.

…this is awkward.

"Anyway, I just wanted to see how you were doing," I told her. "I gotta go."

"Can you come visit again?" Anko asked with a frown. "I don't get much in the way of company down here."

"I can."

"Please?" Anko asked. "You can come by anytime."

"Sure. I can come visit any time," I replied. Then I had a thought. "…maybe I could bring a board game? I think you look bored."

She snickered. "A board game because I'm bored. That's funny."

"Uh…?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I think that's the drugs kicking in," She shook her head still grinning. "They gave me a dose before you guys got here. Uh…yeah. I wouldn't mind a board game."

A DnD home-brew I cooked up or that chutes and ladders copy I saw in the window of that store? Probably chutes and ladders, I doubt she'd have anything coming close to patience for pen and paper and her being on drugs would make it frustrating for a socially-crippled thespian such as myself.

"Cool. I'll try to swing by on Friday," I waved. "See you later."

"See ya!"

Leylin_Farlier Leylin_Farlier

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

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