this ain't a real fight, my dude's just struggling to protect his cherry
Pushing away all his thoughts and running towards the huge guy, Felix tried stabbing him again but only this time he aimed the knife at the guy's heart that was right in the open as he lay on the ground huffing for breath.
Fantasy · Seraphinn_
be brave enough to step into dangerous waters, for it may turn into a river of paradise
This fanfic with mixed up animes is quiet a good find among the vast majority of fanfics. The mc is good, the pace is good, the characters are good, the settings and plot are also good. Translator, do you know where I can read the free raw version of this fanfic? Thank you for translating by the way, it was worth the read.
I think you should read the skill's description more carefully.
'So, when the number of strong guilds in a place reaches a certain threshold, that place will be called A Great City. And in this kingdom, there are altogether 9 Great Cities including Edenmont City. Other places are called just towns and villages as they have less influence and strength compared to these cities.'
Fantasy · Seraphinn_
he loses more than he gains by ranking up
isn't that both the same?...
The skill had no effect on beings that were more than two ranks higher than him, which was the third rank, so it was still useable on the goblin.
Fantasy · Seraphinn_
bruh this is just AI.
[Patty's Pic is here]
Anime & Comics · Yass_Odyssey
Flag of Twilight Chaos Guild
Felix stared at the many flags and banners that were raised among the crowd of people, deducting them to be the other guilds that had already arrived.
Fantasy · Seraphinn_
I've no idea. What do you think?
There were lots of skill ideas going around in his mind during the hunting days, but he couldn't decide on a particular skill as he was afraid it would be a waste of skill points if he created something useless.
Skill Creation in the Fantasy World
Fantasy · Seraphinn_