And the title has ant not termite
Termites have a history over a hundred million years longer than that of ants; they are no doubt far superior to ants.
Eastern · Smoke Painted
the ducks
That's a "vulture group" of four HS-129 attack aircraft and two ME109s!
War · Poo_Koo_007
it's his wife
"Probably not, after all, the stinging snake is too close to Leon, and the only intelligence officer who has seen the thorny snake is hiding in our consulate at the moment, under close protection." Boris said, "There is a Chinese saying that the closer you get to the lamp, the darker it gets. I think this is a good fit for the current situation of the spiny snake. "
War · Poo_Koo_007
or the drug
On November 23, the two sides signed an agreement stipulating that the coal syndicate would resume deliveries of coal and coke to the Allies as compensation in kind from Germany, and France and Belgium would receive 18% of the total coal production and 35% of the total coke production.
War · Poo_Koo_007
that one was not real
He had changed into the King of Dinosaurs. He changed into this one since it was the most popular dinosaur in history.
Anime & Comics · akikan40
what is going on?
"Am I alone here? Is this my punishment for using my hand every single lonely night?" Leo couldn't help but worry about himself. Although he was already dead, being alone here without someone to talk to would slowly turn him crazy.
Fantasy · Master_OfDao
legion is gonna be undead
it's stinger not spike also f
You have obtained a new mount: Onyx Basilisk, level 550 (Bonded Combat Mount)
Games · Biako
take the axe
First up was the larger bandit that broke off from the group first. He was armed rather pathetically like his companions, wielding a crude iron axe and just simple clothing for armour, offering little to no protection. He was the human equivalent of a goblin in Frost's eyes just uglier and more stupid, but Frost was slightly biased towards his monsters finding even the frost goblins to be rather cute.
Fantasy · Sword_immortal1
salvage attempt
[Current Available Identities: Catachan Rookie, Krieger Grenadier, Kasrkin Sergeant, Elysian Drop Trooper]
Marvel: Warhammer Simulator
Movies · LORD_INDRA_