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2022-11-11 加入 Global
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1 years ago
Replied to PDOFBS_Tenshi

I'm glad you enjoyed the book. The Great Leviathan is a character but originates from the oracles. Originally, the oracles were a race called the Nebo. The Nebo are unique in that they are a sort of hive mind but aren't all connected. Each individual Nebo is a hive mind in and of itself that consists of spore-like creatures, and while the individual Nebo do have a connection with one another, the connection is weak, and they are ultimately considered individual people. Because of their unique nature, a kind of informal religion developed among them that prioritized unity among them and the pursuit of knowledge and technology, and over time, their civilization developed technology far beyond the rest of the world of Koln. They used both physical and magical means to create their technology but preferred physical means because (as a kind of tradition) they consider it more difficult to work with and thus requiring more intelligence, making it a kind of pride to create something complex using only physical materials. Although they discovered many similar technologies to Earth, they are behind us in some areas and ahead of us in others. Another part of their religion is moderate pacifism. They do not strictly forbid conflict but shy away from it whenever possible. They do not like to fight personally or even do so by proxy of any weapons they create. Therefore, as soon as their technology had developed enough to pursue it, they began the 'guardian' project, in which they began to develop their first macrobiological weapons. Unlike microbiological weapons (viruses, gas, etc), macrobiological weapons did not have to be wielded by anybody because they would effectively wield themselves. They were basically independent super soldiers. However, in the first batch, one of the soldiers' neural generation was done incorrectly, and his pride/territorial nature was overtuned. The short version of the story is that, upon seeing other soldiers of equivalent status to him, he killed them all, and because the Nebo tried to control him, he decided that it would be a cruel twist of fate for him to become their masters and controlled them by threatening an organ called the Nebo core. Destroying the core wouldn't kill them, but it would compromise their ability to work together and achieve technological progress. In short, they negotiated, and as long as they were allowed to work towards what they longed for, he would be their masters. Later, conquered the Babylonian Empire, which was originally a human empire, and, in order to impose his order, he commanded the Nebo to create the leviathan races and made them create metal suits for themselves to hide their true natures. If the hierarchy in Babylon wasn't clear before, the lowest level is the Low Leviathans. They are the most common. Next come High Leviathans. If you are valuable to the empire (you are a strong general, a famous merchant, or something else the princes or serpents like), then you may be granted a High Leviathan bloodline. Next come the Noble Leviathans. The social class they typically belong to is formally called the Princeps Dominorum, but they are informally referred to as princes. There are a few Noble Leviathans outside of that (such as what Lao was going to become), but they are rare. Their specific duties vary depending on which serpent they serve, but they are almost all members of a court of some kind and may govern local lands. Finally, there are the Royal Leviathans. They are formally referred to as the Serpentis Reges and informally as Serpents. There are seven of them (the seven hearts of Babylon), but only six are publicly recognized. Mot (he is on the cover) is the only serpent not publicly recognized. Except Mot, they all rule one of the six provinces and are only under The Great Leviathan himself. As for magic, it's a system I designed personally that takes inspiration from others but I haven't seen anywhere else yet. The magic system is similar to chemistry or some

1 years ago
Replied to PDOFBS_Tenshi

For Farron, it resembles a monsoon more than it does rain.

1 years ago
Replied to PDOFBS_Tenshi

No problem. I love interacting with readers.

1 years ago
Replied to PDOFBS_Tenshi

Elise's? No. Her gift was True Humanity. Can't decide if or where I want to reveal it later, but basically, it kept her true to her humanity and made her resolve and race incorruptible. She was part of Babylon before she escaped it. However, in Babylon, everybody is required to be a leviathan, and when she was put into the body of a leviathan, her gift stripped it of its bloodline. The leviathan race is spreadable btw, so there should be no excuse not to be one, but she was chased out because her gift prevented her from being one. Life took her gift when she failed.

1 years ago

Decent thus far. It's a brand new book right now, but it doesn't seem like just another super shallow book that you see all the time. seems like it'll become something interesting in the future.

2 years ago
Replied to GenericPseudonym

I agree. The magic system is a hell of a beast. I've been trying to work out the kinks, but it always seems like I left something unexplained. I'm planning to leave it like it is for now, though and instead work on the story. I'm much better at that. Thanks for the review, though! :D

  • Lord's Apotheosis original

    Lord's Apotheosis


    There are few who can become as righteous as those who have experienced what is truly evil. Likewise, there are few who can become as great as those who have seen what weakness truly costs. Farron is a true nihilist who believes that nothing has value, not even his own life. So, when a fire erupts, he is the first to throw it away and refuses to activate the fire suppression system, condemning himself and a dozen others to death. However, he is transmigrated to the world of Koln by an entity named Life. As if to mock him, it bestows upon him the gift of immortality and expects him to participate in the Lord's Contest. But soon after arriving, he falls in love with Elise and refuses to participate. Their love is a beautiful love that is only said to appear in fiction, but in Koln, fantasy can be made real. They were each outcasts in their past lives and are one another's first loves. They are individually flawed, but to one another, they are perfect. However, Lord's Contests are not easily thrown off. As if in response, Life designs the first event such that killing the most intelligent lifeform in the area will increase the rewards of the lords participating, and because the location is the forest near the couple's home, Elise becomes the target of many other lords. In a pitiful show of weakness, Farron fails to lead the others away and is forced to watch as the scions of The Great Leviathan kill the person he built his new life around and who built her life around him. Blaming his failure, The Great Leviathan, and Life, he tacitly vowed that he would destroy Babylon, ruled by The Great Leviathan, and he would remake himself into whatever he had to in order to do it. He would destroy himself to get at Babylon and kill Life. With time, simultaneously Apollonian and Dionysian forces would come to exist within him, each being, respectively, a cold, calculating, methodical expression of vengeance and an ecstatic, burning, emotional expression. The metaphorical Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, truth, light, and logic would take hold of his mind and dictate his path. The metaphorical Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, emotion, ecstasy, and madness would take hold of his body and dictate his actions. The Apollo within him would plan his route while the Dionysus within him would execute it. - Plan to update once per day. - The cover is of Mot.

    13 Chs 10 收藏

  • Golden Hearkening original

    Golden Hearkening


    Purpose: The focus of this book is the development of August, the protagonist(s), and the development of his philosophies. Power is important, but being powerful isn't the primary focus of this book. --- Synopsis: August was born on Earth, a genius born into a wealthy family who wanted for nothing. Depression was a constant, however, which eventually led to his suicide. Feeling that nobody cared, he relinquished his luxury in a spoiled fit. During his travel into this world, August had split into two copies. Damon, named after what August had mistakenly called him at first, a demon, had been trapped in a great sword, while August inhabited a corpse. August only harbored the ordinary trivial sadness, confusion, and discomfort, but Damon was losing his mind. Minds are meant to have an affiliated physiology; without one, it destroys itself. Damon had to find a magical solution and find a new vessel before he became a slave to his insanity. He had made a bet: he would find a vessel before time left his side. If he won, he would win his life and his mind back; if he lost, August would kill him, as Damon made him swear to. --- Excerpts: Damon broke August's stupor, saying, "As soon as I arrived and figured some things out, I noticed that something was off. It took me a long while to find out what it was, but I think I now know what it is." "I can't feel anything anymore. I don't have anything in the way of emotions. I'm aware of the concept and I'm aware of the fact that I should feel them, but I don't. And now, I don't know what to do. I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want." "Take me. Do something to me. Please. Or kill me at least. Destroy me, if you'll do nothing else." - A black great sword with ruby inlays sprouted from the chest of a burning Elvish corpse. The flames licked the blood, puss, and flesh on its blade before eventually devouring them, too, and being reflected in its ruby inlays that ran from its hilt to where the sword disappeared, the elf's chest. Smoke engulfed the sword, giving Damon's namesake more meaning, mimicking a common sight in hell. August dragged the meat over and cooked the fetid harvest in the heat of a smoldering corpse. - Misery has always loved company, so he held no compassion for them. He cared that he had crossed the boogeyman line of murder, but he was still the subject of his thoughts. In his degenerate and corrupt character, an unholy and evil union thrived; his hedonism and nihilism had been wed and birthed this vile narcissism. --- Releases: I plan to release a chapter every day, barring the odd happening that prevents me from writing. Each chapter ought to be from 1.2k-2.2k words at an average of approx. 1.4k. It could be more than that or it could be slightly less than that, but I do plan to release every day at 19:00 UTC+8.

    14 Chs 24 收藏

