No. There are some supernatural things in the novel but not magic.
I only did it because it felt weird having Alfred date and marry someone from the world when he was around 40-50 in his old world. Then I got to have him first of being betrothed to a 12-year-old and thats weird to write and try and think anything for. At least Isra is mentally older so it was easier for me to write.
"Wait!" Alfred stopped as Isra ran next to him. "Never tell anyone about us. If they find out, we're both dead." It was a whisper in his ear. Alfred pulled back and looked at her. The seriousness that was easily readable on her face told of first-hand experience. He gave a small nod, leaving the room.
Fantasy · Ems_Cube
Fair enough. I get where your coming from but I need her in the story simple beacuse she is the main antagonist for Alfred. At the end of the day some people will like her others not but she is not someone I can just skip over. She will appear later again as there is a arc around her but she is not the lone focus in it and I have toned down a little on her.
Helga stood outside the tent off the ancient one. It was the only one who braved the journey across the ocean, saying it was their fate to be here. "Come in." Helga's hesitation was broken by the old withered voice of the old being. Helga took a deep breath. She knew that they were eccentric beings and anyone who met one always walked on eggshells whenever they did.
Fantasy · Ems_Cube
Ravens brother.
Behind Raven who looked at the camp with an emotionless stare, Charles sat watching like a predator. He was playing with one of his axes, waiting. The moonlight shone between the trees, and he knew it was almost time to begin the raid. A man rode next to Raven, whispering something in his ear. With a slight nod, Raven turned around and made a couple of hand gestures before riding out the trees. Fifty horses followed behind him, charging towards the Commonwealth camp.
Fantasy · Ems_Cube
I did have something in mind like that but it requires a lot of work to get to that stage and have it make sense in a medieval world. The current geopolitical politics in our world are built on many modern technologies that would be impossible to recreate such as WMDs. It is possible to recreate something similar but it will be very hard without a lot of work and justification for certain things to happen. I know my comment is kinda vague about Alfred's goals and future but I don't want to spoil the story for you as what I really want to say would be too much of a giveaway. But as you have implied, Alfred's story is about control. I need to fine-tune how that will look but I do have a couple of things in mind, some along the lines of our current geopolitics. I'm sorry this is so vague but I don't want to spoil things for you and any reader that sees this.
It should be. I have done this so that it's easily discernable when he changes his role in the future. It is just one of those things where it's best not to look into it too deeply.
Not entirely. Think about the military as a powerful organisation. If William retires and a new position has to be picked and a beloved leader is overlooked for the postion in place of someone else simply because of rank you would have a major problem on hand. We’ve seen this multiple times in our history prime example being the Roman Empire during the year of 4 Emporers.
For the stragglers part, yh I agree. But at the same time, it's not something really worth writing about. Yeah they exist but do I need to dedicate words to how they go around and hunt them? I felt not. As for Halfdan, I see it in the way that no wanted posters go up because if you Alfred could you imagine him staying in a new land where he has nothing instead of going home? All he knows so far is that Halfdan is working with Helga, there is no reason to assume that would change.
Thank you very much. I won't drop the novel, but I may make it into multiple books.
The Reborn King
Fantasy · Ems_Cube