male LV 4
2022-04-28 加入 United States
徽章 5

Moments 5
10 months ago
Replied to Hadjii

Life of Brian is peak fiction

Charm: 55 (Diplomat II - Improved haggling, able to get better prices out of every trade through persuasion.)

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven

1 years ago
Replied to Josh_Tyle122345667

Nah your right he uses similar phrases every couple paragraphs to reiterate points that don’t need to repeated and it’s kinda annoying but I guess he wants increase how long this fanfic is

But the cautious person I'm I need to have a backup plan and that's why across the past two and a half months, I focused on my speed a lot, especially my attacking speed using Netero's training routine.

My Researching Journey (HxH)

My Researching Journey (HxH)

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence

1 years ago
Replied to NappySaiyan

Bro what this isn’t a Naruto fanfic so what does this have to do with the sharingan. I’m genuinely asking cause I’m confused

He pretty much always perform many different assassinations techniques in front of me for me to imitate him, and it helped me perfect shadow steps even more.

My Researching Journey (HxH)

My Researching Journey (HxH)

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence

1 years ago
Replied to Virusban

Nah fr it’s really annoying when an author does this just let him win we know he’s gonna win in the end anyways. Not to say fights are bad but prolonging them for no reason is idiotic to me. But hey I’m just a lowly reader.

It was as if he could increase his speed and power at will, "Alright then if I cant dodge then how about this!" I suddenly allowed bones to protrude from all over my body and his fist smashed into the side of my skull, he was too committed to his attack to stop at the last second and one of my bones had stuck him in the gut landing a fatal blow. However, the force of his strike was enough to shatter even my reinforced skull and give me a serious concussion. If I had not done a decent amount of damage he would have been able to follow his attack through and most likely have ended me then and there.

Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

Anime & Comics · Lavalord115

1 years ago

I think this is the best explanation for religion in asoiaf i have ever read