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2022-02-13 加入 Global
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3 days ago
Replied to Guri_01_09

I'd like to give a exact date but I can't give another date only to not keep it... again. All I can say is that fic will be the next one I update.

It also gives the user the ability to knock their target, like Jiro from Toriko, as well as an incredible sense of smell that is akin to Guinness from Toriko. When this version is awakened, the user can even knock time.

One Piece: Primordial Wolf

One Piece: Primordial Wolf

Anime & Comics · Isekai_enjoyer

8 days ago

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It also gives the user the ability to knock their target, like Jiro from Toriko, as well as an incredible sense of smell that is akin to Guinness from Toriko. When this version is awakened, the user can even knock time.

One Piece: Primordial Wolf

One Piece: Primordial Wolf

Anime & Comics · Isekai_enjoyer

9 days ago
Replied to Isekai_enjoyer

Also I am working on another fic, DC: Atlantean Alchemist, right now.

9 days ago
Replied to Void_City_16279

For this fic, sadly there isn't any yet cuz the plot has yet to be set in stone cuz I am a One Piece fan and I have this pet peeve about making sure that the info in my One Piece fics are accurate to the Canon, for example, I can't say that the story is five years before the Canon start and out of nowhere I bring up Ace who shouldn't have gone out to sea yet.

10 days ago
Replied to Black_Reaper_5513

Not really, in most isekais which are not fan-fiction, the MC goes to a world which he practically has no knowledge of. Plus the whole most of the memories gone is mainly to avoid the whole MC is mentally an adult even though he is eigheen years old physically so he shouldn't date anyone who is not forty or + years old else he would be a pedo. Plus with the cheats he has, knowing the plot is basically an overkill.

10 days ago
Replied to Dark_PersonJJ

Nothing is still set in stone as of now other than MC and Robin knowing how to read Poneglyphs and surviving the Buster Call as the latter has already been stated in the synopsis.

11 days ago
Replied to Onsum_chillshi

Nah, classes are harder then expected and is taking more of my free time which is kinda aggraveting this writer's block I am having.

Right now, I hope to be able to finish it by Sunday but I can't make any promises since my schedule is starting to change/ be more busy and I have other stuff to prioritize over this cuz I pretty much write for fun and experience.]

DC: Atlantean Alchemist

DC: Atlantean Alchemist

Anime & Comics · Isekai_enjoyer

11 days ago

Classes are harder then expected which is kinda aggraveting this writer's block I am having. I thought I would just let you know this instead of making you guys think that I dropped this fic.

11 days ago
Replied to Javi_Craft

No, its the last chapter of this arc/invasion.

1 months ago
Replied to King_Of_SpaceTime

Was that during the time Nezha was with the Chinese Pantheon and they gave him an empowered red sash that suppressed his impulses and bound the hate within him?

Personally, I am leaning more on Nezha not being a Fourth or higher being like Klarion but I would prefer to double check.]

DC: Atlantean Alchemist

DC: Atlantean Alchemist

Anime & Comics · Isekai_enjoyer

  • DC: Atlantean Alchemist original

    DC: Atlantean Alchemist


    3.77 最近更新

    How I lived my second life: ???: You will not know the world you are going into now decide. Me: I wish to be lucky. You might think this is dumb, but I have no idea where I'm going, I could ask to have an overpowered ability only for it to be stolen by a jealous relative. Worse, an enemy of mine could get tensei'ed into the past and prevent me from awakening said ability. Being lucky at the very least increases my chance of survival in an unknown world. The being snaps his or her fingers and I found myself in the body of a baby. I did not have the time to stabilize my bearings as I saw something heading toward me. My first and last thought in this life were the same. Me: "Is that a knife?!" I woke up in front of that being again. ???: HOW? You barely lived five seconds before getting murdered! How I lived my third life: READ THE FAN-FICTION! Weekly updates: 1 Chapter per week on Friday EST. Another story I did during my two months haitus. The clasic isekai. I don't own anything (Cover pic, Dc characters, ect...) other then the MC.

    49 Chs 7.3k 收藏

  • One Piece: Primordial Wolf original

    One Piece: Primordial Wolf


    Isn't it odd that there is a century's worth of knowledge that has vanish from history? Isn't it even more odd that anyone that tries to uncover said knowledge is deemed a criminal in the eyes of the World Government? Whatever happened in that Void Century is a mystery and I like solving mysteries. My name is Tempest D. Alaric, I am one of the two survivors of Ohara but most know me as the Arctic Wolf of Ohara. English is not my first language so there will be grammar error here and there. I do not own anything, outside of the MC's existance, from One Piece or any other anime/manga or source of fiction that will be used in this fic. Cover Image I made in

    2 Chs 106 收藏

  • DC: The Evo-matrix original

    DC: The Evo-matrix


    A Guy is about to be killed by his best friend in a... unique way or more acuretly a unique circumstance to say the least. He has a choice to make, die brutally or be reincarnated, he choose the later. This is his story. I made this story out of the blue a while back. People tend to make isekai about overpowered character or genuis character so I figured not combine those two types into one. Make no mistake, the main character could still lose. It just depends on the circumstance or opponent and DC has a lot of those. This picture is not mine, I randomly found it on Google image then added some few elements to fit the story, the source of the picture before I added my personnal touch with image edit is here: I don't know how this copy right things goes, so if you are the author and want it to be removed just comment on this fan fic and I will remove it as soon as I see it.

    14 Chs 519 收藏

  • DC: Absolute Survival System original

    DC: Absolute Survival System


    Author: A guy goes to the DC verse with the A.S.S. Reader: Come again? Author: He goes to the DC verse with the A.S.S- Oh, yeah, I hear it. I think it would be better to just call it the Absolute Survival System from now on and not to abbreviate it. True Synopsis will be made at a later date. Outside of the MC, I do not own any character from DC or any other source of fiction that will be used in this fic. English is not my first language so there will be grammar error here and there. Cover Image I made in

    1 Chs 76 收藏

  • One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats original

    One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats


    Usually when you get isekai-ed with a System, it is there to help you... keyword being usually and sadly for me... I am not among those usual system users. I have a scamming System. Now normally, you would think that the system would reward me after I scam people but that is not it... it scams me! The first scam that I fell for was having my memories of this world traded for a beginner's package. Thinking about it, I could have probably known of some treasure and used it to buy myself something that would make me overpowered... heck I could have even known where and what the One Piece is but now I don't, I'm broke and I have to hunt pirates to make a living. --- Narrator: Follow the adventure of a cheapskate that joined the Straw Hat crew... Now, if one were to ask the straw hats what they thought about him here is some of their answers: Luffy- "He always has cool new stuff to show us." Zoro- "When it comes to being a money grabber, he might be Nami's soulmate." Nami- "Never leave money around him." Usopp- "Each times our bounty increase, he always think of selling us to the World Government!" Sanji- "For him paying is like having your arm ripped off. It's always funny watching him whenever he has to pay someone." Chopper- "I'm glad my bounty is low." Robin- "He is quite the enigma." Franky- "Never have I seen a man so strong cry over spending money." Brook- "He is a good guy... whenever money is not involved." Jinbe- "It is quite sureal that he is not afraid to fight admirals or Emperor or even the World Government but trembles whenever he needs to spend his own money." If one were to ask the straw hat this question; Is he reliable? This is what nine out of ten would reply. "Nope, you never know what he is going to do especially if money is dangled in front of him." If one were to ask why they still let him on the crew, this is what all of them would reply. "If he says that he got your back and put money on it then... you don't even need to turn around, no enemy's attack will ever manage to land on you, because he is the Strongest." English is not my first language so there will be grammar error here and there. I do not own anything, outside of the MC's existance, from One Piece or any other anime/manga or source of fiction that will be used in this fic. Cover Image I made in

    9 Chs 446 收藏

  • One Piece: First Class Singularity original

    One Piece: First Class Singularity


    "Some pirates say that they became pirates to be free while others did it because it would allow them to fufill their darkest impulse or that it was the only way to survive... Some Marines say that they became Marine to protect or save the weak while others did it because it would allow them to instill their own sense of Justice... still you want to know what's funny... Every last person I've seen... Had one thing in common... Whether it was Booze... Women... Money... Family... Knowledge... Dreams... Revenge... Power... Ironically even Freedom... They couldn't keep going... unless they were drunk on something. They were all... slaves to something... The same could probably be said about me... Though endlessly pondering about this complicates life, so I follow my motto to simplify things: When I want to do something, I do it, regardless of the rest of the world. When I don't, I don't, and that's that. A Celestial Dragon is acting smug and wants me to kneel? Then I beat that Celestial Dragon until common sense is gained or death, whichever comes first. An admiral is coming? Then I'll be smoking that Admiral's pack. The World Government wants me dead? Then I better borrow Kurapika's shovel because... Roses are red, No weapon against me shall prosper, WITH THIS NEN (HATSU) I BECOME BIG RAGA THE OPP STOPPA!!!" --- Follow the adventures of Urek D. Mazino as he is leave his mark on the One Piece World. One of such instances is the speech he gave at the end of the Marineford War that was broadcasted throughout the world: "Can anyone tell me what's the difference between a king and his horse? Now, I'm not just talking about obvious stuff like one's an animal and one's a person or one has two legs and one has four. FORM, ABILITY AND POWER! That's what's puzzling. If their form, ability, and power are exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and leads them into battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king? So what's the characteristic that distinguishes these two beings? There's only one answer! INSTINCT! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain power, they need to develop a killer instinct and that instinct is mostly forged in battle. They must develop an insatiable hunger to engage in said battle. They must live to mercilessly crush, shred, and slice their enemies. This thirst for power is not an unnatural desire. In fact, it forms the very essence of our being--Deep, within our body lies the honed instinct to dominate, and slaughter our enemies! And in this world, those who endlessly suffer at the hands of others or at their mercy don't have that! They use their brain to try and win a fight. They attempt to defeat their attackers with reason and logic. They don't tap into those purely based instincts that exist within their core, waiting to be released. They rely on others like the Navy or World Government to save them and the simple matter of it all is... That it doesn't fucking work! Stop being the fucking horse and become the King that you want to be!" English is not my first language so there will be grammar error here and there. I do not own anything, outside of the MC's existance, from One Piece or any other anime/manga or source of fiction that will be used in this fic. Cover Image I made in

    12 Chs 583 收藏

  • Marvel: Meta-Viltrumite original

    Marvel: Meta-Viltrumite


    Something I wrote a while back during my haitus. MC goes through what many unfortunate mutants goes through being a lab rat because his cheats did not come at birth but unlike others, he did not die even though he wished to have died some times. Understandable, he does not come out of this unscared and normal. Once his cheats arrives, what will he do? Will he walk the path of Charles Xavier has walked? No he won't cuz Charles is in a wheelchair thus there is not a path he has walked recently. Will he follow the path of Magneto? Or... will you read the fan fiction and see for yourself?

    4 Chs 501 收藏

  • DC: Blue Marvel original

    DC: Blue Marvel


    "I wish to have "Ultra Magnus hyper infinite absolute Super Luck"." "you wished for the "Ultra Magnus hyper infinite absolute Super Luck". but bad luck is still Luck." "... Well Fu-" ---- Watch as a guy wishes for overpowered wishes and goes on with his new life not knowing that his first wish will follow him. I own nothing from DC, marvel or other sources or the MC's powers

    3 Chs 337 收藏

  • Strongest creature in MHA original

    Strongest creature in MHA

    Anime & Comics ISEKAI ONEPIECE MHA


    I was reading the latest chapter of One piece. Luffy vs Kaido and who finally won over the other when I wake up in a white room in front of a woman that is pressing me to choose because she has a date soon. Spoiler for OP fans that haven't read up to Chapter 1044 This will be a mostly MC doing what he wants. they will not be a selfless hero hero. Warning They will be some R-18 stuff cuz........He does what he want.

    13 Chs 751 收藏

  • In Marvel as Lor-Zod original

    In Marvel as Lor-Zod

    Anime & Comics ISEKAI MARVEL DC


    Normally It's a ROB that Isekai or Tensei you but for me, it was none other than Pickle Rick and he gave me 3 wishes in exchange for me to do him a favor. "...Hey Kid, I need you to do me a favor.” “Ok, I’ll do it,” I said with almost no hesitation much to his surprise. “Y-You didn’t even let me finish on what I wanted you to do.” I smile and say, “You’re a rick, correct?” “Yeah, so?” he responded. “So… Less sass I give, or question, you the more chance I have to make it at the end without being screwed over.” He smiled at my reason and said, “if only Morty had this train of thought our adventures would be 28% less troublesome.” Felt a like writing this not dropping anything but I just felt it and wrote this

    20 Chs 1.8k 收藏

  • DC's renegade original

    DC's renegade


    A story I started during my two months hiatus from writing. Description: long story short, Guy dies and goes to DC. He will forge his own path. I don't own anything other than the MC and OCs

    4 Chs 127 收藏

  • How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early original

    How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early



    A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

    34 Chs 1.7k 收藏