Есть оригинальный роман? Или как ??? ….……………………………………………
We are all waiting for you my friend
Ну это что то новенькое сначала не было интересно но после 3-4 глав я полностью погрузился в этот мир Также надеюсь на быстрый выпуск новых глав
Excellent thanks 👍👍👍 I have a lot to say that you were a little more sense now a lot to me I think it's a good day to go back and get a good one for a lot to me and get me some time and I can do the get a lot to do today is a good one to go back and get a good day for a lot to do today and I have a lot to me I have to go back and get it to me and I'll send it a good day for a good one for sure but I'll let him get his money to go out of town for a bit and I'll be easier to do today a good day today and get it ready for a bit of a bit of