Or should I go a different route and make him a deity from some pantheon?
Anime & Comics · Kaioshin
Continue MoD.
Anime & Comics · Accel14
can u do a hajime no ippo story after u finish this
can u give that guys fruit to killer because I think him having a zoan would be perfect cause he is always up close and personal plus the smile fruit which he got screwed over by in cannon would have given him zoan abilities anyway
- Main character becomes a Jinchuriki and we get to experience him trying to gain Chomeis trust and have a friendship similar to that of Kuruma and Naruto
Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
cause Luffy has never really had that sorta rival in the Marines he either destroys them or gets destroyed there is no in between it's always pirates are his rivals I think it would be interesting to have a marine rival
can he have like a garp Roger relationship with Luffy I think that would be interesting
did this get cancelled
Angel Lord In An Isekai (WN)
Anime & Comics · LordArchduke