By using the shield charge I could reset my double jumps and jump from the air again thus performing a butchered form of flught.
Video Games · TreeBriarWood
In mid-air, he assumed a T-pose, he activated the Zea satellite brain function, as if time was momentary pause in his descent. His keen kiroshi mechanical eyes scanned the battlefield below, calculating trajectories and assessing threats with lightning speed. As if time got resumed once he cut off the brain function with Zea and with impeccable timing, he unleashed a volley of shots, each one finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy.
Movies · Ashinydecapod
Happy Easter from the US
Reaching Gongmen City
Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
Good chapter
I think we should keep these highly refined chapters. To be read as a treat every once in a while.
If you guys want early chapters, I can post the unedited ones faster, though they would have a bit of sense of AI writing. What do you guys think?
Anime & Comics · TheBoredWriter69
[Soul Society Arc] Part 73: Steer For the Star
Fantasy · Moongetsu
[Soul Society Arc] Part 72: Masterly! And Farewell!
Fantasy · Moongetsu
[Soul Society Arc] Part 71: SO UNLUCKY WE ARE
Fantasy · Moongetsu
V-rising is indeed a very fun game and I can’t argue with that.
Madara in the Avatar World
Anime & Comics · KojiSan