Hi author is the novel original or translated thanks
Anime & Comics · SpiritFest13
Hope everything is ok take your time
Bring the holy corn
Sorry that took a while. I really didn't want to just do what everyone else did but then I had to figure out what to do and then make sure I'm not just doing something that everyone else does. I eventually decided to Go Big or Go Home, so there will be stuff that has never been in this fight in other fanfics. I also had to decide how the Players would act and how the consequences of Rayleigh's actions would be realistically implemented. Would a snotty, entitled teen put a bounty on another Player? Yes. Yes he would. Especially if he doesn't know how strong said Player actually is.
Movies · GnomeBob
Is it hard to space the shit out stupid single paragraph chapter
B. The clan and the Uzumaki clan form their own village and take some of the underrated clans with them
Anime & Comics · The_Legit_Writer
Make him invest money in the dot-com bubble and invest in google, facebook so he have more money in the future to invest in the club
Eris greyrat
I plan to recruit some characters from other anime (they will follow one piece power system), some one-piece characters, and some OC. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know. I might use your suggestions if I like them, but I won't use supernova characters.
One Piece: Reincarnation in one piece world
Anime & Comics · Mohamed_Arshi