

LV 13
2020-12-17 加入 Global
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17 days ago
Replied to _TheWatcher_

disposed of is mean kill sir and they mention only 2 survive it definitely mean all of them dead except 2

18 days ago

bruce wayne and batman is different person no way he say something like this

"Bruce Wayne," he said simply. "Batman."

World Hopping with Gacha

World Hopping with Gacha

Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_

18 days ago

sword com with template?

Walking into the alley, I activated Kyōka Suigetsu, casting a subtle illusion over the area. Anyone nearby would think they were seeing a perfectly normal street, while I worked in the shadows.

World Hopping with Gacha

World Hopping with Gacha

Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_

18 days ago

aizen 5sense manipulation is come form his sword what he really have is SP and 100 spell of reaper

18 days ago

this is really bad you should get rid of it

[@Blade: Welcome to the group chat everyone. Before you ask me any questions, I would like to explain a few things. 1 - I didn't make this group, nor do I have any idea who did. 2 - The notifications imply this is a Multiverse Group Chat, so we are from different universes. 3 - To not make you all doubt me, I'll introduce myself first. My name is Shiro Emiya.]

World Hopping with Gacha

World Hopping with Gacha

Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_

18 days ago

name is bad you should have original name mc take other name is bad and awkward think about it yourself have you yourself even want to name after people you know? how can you still be identical person your not even have your own name people like MC will be just some pathetic person that want to live someone else life

18 days ago

this is bad name is important take other character name it will be problem in the late stage

Now? I'm a full-fledged Pro Hero called Blade. Not the most creative name, I know, but my first few options were shot down. I wanted something cool like Assassin or Archer, especially after adopting the name Shiro Emiya. Archer would've been perfect. But Midnight gave me one of her usual disapproving stares and said those names were too unoriginal. "Too edgy," she called them. What would she know about someone who once said 'People die when they are killed'.

World Hopping with Gacha

World Hopping with Gacha

Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_

18 days ago

quantum bull shit they doesn't even exist quantum physic is just state that normal physic can not explain cuz the thing is too small no such thing as quantum energy it only nuclear energy kinetic energy or potential energy that exist on physic term

I stretched my arms above my head, pretending to consider the question. "I can create blades out of quantum energy. And, uh, I can travel through quantum space, which lets me move around unnoticed. It also boosts my physical abilities a bit." I made sure to downplay the abilities a little I didn't want them getting too suspicious. After all, I couldn't just say I was the Herrscher of Reason.

World Hopping with Gacha

World Hopping with Gacha

Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_

18 days ago

author mistake the white room by a lot they doesn't kill the fail they just got discharge if they can't met target not getting killed

18 days ago

white room doesn't kill kid they just got discharge become normal citizen and parent can visit the program it not that high level confidential

"The White Room is a government funded facility, its goal is to create Perfect Humans without any flaws." I explained, leaning forward, voice low as if sharing a dark secret. "Children are kept there from birth and as soon as they can walk and talk properly, the training begins. There are many instructors for teaching everything from Academics to Hand to Hand Combat.There have been 16 generations so far and I am part of the 4th Generation. If the facility is not satisfied with the results of someone or if someone starts to fall behind his peers they are disposed. No one is allowed to make a contact with anyone and in my generation there are only 2 people left now including mysel, the others have been already disposed of."

World Hopping with Gacha

World Hopping with Gacha

Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_

  • Infinite reality-The most powerful dragon original

    Infinite reality-The most powerful dragon


    follows the gripping story of Alex Mercer, a recent graduate from an Ivy League university who secures a job in a government research department. On his very first day, a catastrophic accident occurs, unleashing a deadly virus. In the chaos that ensues, Alex succumbs to infection and is fatally shot by facility security. However, this is not the end for Alex. He awakens to a reality where he is no longer human, and the world around him is foreign and surreal. As Alex grapples with his newfound existence, he discovers that he possesses unimaginable abilities, transcending the boundaries of the known. This is not his own world, and Alex's journey becomes a survival tale in an alien landscape fraught with mysteries and dangers. As he navigates this uncharted odyssey, Alex unravels the secrets of his transformation and encounters beings beyond comprehension. His every decision shapes the unfolding narrative, and he becomes an unwitting focal point in a cosmic struggle for power and existence. Infinite reality-The most powerful dragon is a thrilling adventure that explores the essence of humanity, identity, and the unforeseen consequences of wielding unimaginable power. Join Alex Mercer as he evolves into an enigmatic being, and follow his quest for survival, understanding, and the ultimate revelation in a world that defies imagination.

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