Coulson allowed himself a small smile. "I thought that too. But this… doesn't fit the usual profile. There's no portal, no magic cube, and so far, no one's dead. Just an armored being, and a lot of confused Britain's."
Anime & Comics · GoddessArtoria
Oceanid Familiar Aishi—Fallen in battle.
Video Games · Dao_Of_Heaven
"Also, I have a different perspective on our 'sisterly' relationship…"
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
"It's time. I got a message from Hecate. And before I tell you more, I'll just warn you now. She said if you kept talking shit, she'll use testicular torsion spell on you." Yin warned, seeing Hajime's complexion pale significantly at the ominous threat.
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
Rin creates a sealing ice technique: Rin seals herself using a unique ice technique and makes a binding vow for the seal to release after 1000 years.
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"It's time. I got a message from Hecate. And before I tell you more, I'll just warn you now. She said if you kept talking shit, she'll use testicular torsion spell on you." Yin warned, seeing Hajime's complexion pale significantly at the ominous threat.
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
This grants the MC the ability to place "vents" on the floor, wherever he wants, and later on travel through these as if teleporting. Much like traveling through wormholes, maybe?
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"Affirmative. However, you as a Speedster must know by now that the future is ever in flux. There is no set future and my future is just one of many possible ones. Mine is a very dark future Ba-"
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"I'd be more than happy to give you more, my apprentice.." Akeno replied, sharing his smile.
The Sovereign (DxD)
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