that is definetly an option, or..... hear me out, i have a genius plan, you can really just assume that any character that came from the series has a tragic past/present/future and in one way or another.... not right in the head...... or you can really just watch the fate series, like seriously, theres no need to stress the author, it's Christmas. and while ik that not all countries celebrate that, it is also nearly new year..... and we are in a global pandemic.....
and you could have come up with a better and more constructive criticism
buddy you need to research a bit more on how her quirk actually works, esp when ur so far into the story 😂
starting off strong huh? 😂
Hello, so my name is Jack Smith and I am a billionaire, with a ho like to do party, play sports and giving donating my wealth to charities.
Marvel : Different Peter Parker