XD sorry, I'm a slow writer, lol. hopefully soon, though a new season is about to start in D4 so that'll make it extra challenging to dedicate time to writing >.>; I fully intend on getting back into gear with updates, it's a question of willpower.
Author, while gently giving the happy Jonathan head-pats: Lucas, you better be sure to take good care of your puppy, ahem, I mean sidekick.
Sci-fi · Geminel
And the sheer difficulty of finding a cat that's cooperative enough XD
'Ai, can't say I approve of my boy's choice in friends. Seems he needs to be reprimanded again. Apparently, he's my new GDV farming method, I should just follow him around, cleaning up his messes.'
Sci-fi · Geminel
If Lucas *could* have a kitty as his sidekick, he totally would
'Ai, can't say I approve of my boy's choice in friends. Seems he needs to be reprimanded again. Apparently, he's my new GDV farming method, I should just follow him around, cleaning up his messes.'
Sci-fi · Geminel
Lucas has an infectious personality, lol. Poor Jon had been neglected so much for so long that it didn't take much for him to whole-heartedly latch on, and it's definitely not healthy. He's fortunate that Lucas is a genuinely good person :x
"Right!? I had the same thought when I first saw 'em, so I looked 'em up. Turns out they're mainly a drug cartel, specializin' in some seriously heavy stuff. Like, whatever that dude that was harassing you this morning was on type shit. So yeah, the name weirdly makes sense in context. I'm pretty sure that if their HQ burned down, they'd probably get the entire country high. ...And give everyone cancer or some shit too." As Lucas gives this explanation, Jonathan's look of confusion clears up pretty quickly. Jonathan even chuckles a bit at the end with the mentioning of the possible scenario of their HQ burning down.
Sci-fi · Geminel
Yes it is, lol. Thanks to the time looping, the "main" plotline progresses through time slowly. Eventually, there will be some timeskips so that the entire series doesn't just last, like, a week, and can cover events over the course of years.
Because I would have put way too much effort into deciding what would be the right size, lolol. That's why I haven't picked birthdays either XD
"I, er, no color preference. Whatever you have an excess of in-stock I guess, as long as it's comfy. Uh, medium across the board, shoe size-" Lucas begins giving his answers, let's spare you the details from him as well as Jonathan following after.
Sci-fi · Geminel
Robots are expensive! There are several throughout the store, but this is an incredibly weird situation for them. If Lucas was standing at the register staring at it, it'd call for help, but since it's not pressing they're doing their normal routines.
Every so often, one or more of them would ferry a few things over to the diligent service bot. Poor thing.
Sci-fi · Geminel
Didn't last long >:3
"Thankfully, it hasn't been too much of a problem… But, uh, yeah, no skinny jeans for me." Jonathan has a deadpan expression on his face, but there is a pearl of sage-like wisdom to his tone of voice. Perking up, he continues. "An-anyway, let's go!"
Sci-fi · Geminel
It's not dead... yet!
Lucas kills this chapter: 0
Sci-fi · Geminel
As someone who hates writing reviews, I feel this in my soul, lmao. TYVM <3
I'd Like to Change My Reincarnation Subscription, Please
Sci-fi · Geminel