The other was a blonde-haired woman with striking blue eyes. In addition to the gun at her hip, the top of a baton could be seen peeking out from the holsters strapped to each of her thighs.
Book&Literature · ERicart
"The kid's only doing his civic duty, Point Break," Tony cut in.
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Fury: 'Wait.... why does this feel familiar?'
Fury stared at the image on the monitor. Something about it seemed familiar, perhaps from a briefing he'd once had a long time ago. He'd check his own records, by then, Hill should have compiled a report that would go a long way to unravelling this mystery man.
Book&Literature · ERicart
Thor: 'Wait a minute..... this feels awfully familiar.... why does this feel familiar?
The Midgardian hadn't wasted the opportunity his arrival and distraction had provided. Energy blasts erupted from a tiny stick in his hand, something that jogged a memory deep in Thor's brain. But this was not the time for such thoughts; this was battle and only the battle mattered. To dwell on such things could easily lead one to being caught unprepared and being defeated.
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"I will Roger that," Tony replied.
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"Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner," Hawkeye advised.
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all three of those things were mainly Harry, though?
"Or nearly being killed by a cursed broomstick," Hermione added dryly, though she didn't sound at all serious. "We've had enough near-death experiences to last a lifetime."
Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
Oi! quit breaking the fourth wall!
I caught a glance at Jean—she was staring at the Hat like it had just announced a new season of The Mandalorian (that really caught her attention). "Is it just me, or is this starting to sound like one of those Lord of the Rings movies?" she whispered to me, her voice only loud enough for our row to hear.
Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
the dragon is next year
"I think the dragon will wait," Harry said, half-laughing. "Right now, I'm just hoping the food is as good as everyone says."
Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
Thor: 'OH! so that's why it felt so familiar!'
"A Midgardian seidhr? That explains much," Thor mused.
Harry Potter: Syndicate of Heroes
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